*TRUE* said:
I would never respect a belief i think is wrong.....but i would respect a person's right to have their belief

Good on you for saying what you think

Even tho it is Politically Incorrect
I agree with you - I wouldn't respect the belief alone, but I'd be okay with their right to choose. I't an awkward place lol.
I didn't mean a personal "outlash" when I'd said "respect people and don't judge", I hadn't read any other posts, really, but thought I'd add my 2 cents worth without any influences from previous posts. I wanted my first post here to be my opinion only. I knew there'd be people who're totally against abortion and those who are for it, thus...I wish no conflict and personal attacks based on that alone.
Well, politics can only go so far. It's a war zone and believe it or not, politics involves human emotion and is therefore a mortal arena with errors. Although there are several war religions, but as a Buddhist, I leave everyone to it. Basically I choose what I believe is right and everyone else should have this choice too, based on their own destinies.
Although we believe that there's a soul (or more) inside once conception takes place, we don't force people to follow this. We show you what you can't see, but in no way do the Buddhists say: We're the only one to believe.
You take your time to learn, lifetimes maybe, but in the end you'll reach enlightenment.