katie tully said:
It’s not rare. 90% is rare when you have a group of 10 people. Say we estimate condom usage at 2 million Australians. A 90% success rate still leaves 200,000 with condom failure. And that’s assuming these 2 million people only have sex once a year.
Fucking lol. It’s not fucking alive because it requires the well being and the health of the mother to ensure development continues. Did you miss the part about viability. The foetus can’t survive outside the uterus before atleast 22 weeks, and even then the foetus is likely to be developmentally delayed and have serious respiratory problems. It does not have equal rights because IT IS NOT A LIVING ENTITY. IT IS A PARASITE THAT REQUIRES THE WELL BEING OF THE MOTHER TO ENSURE CONTINUED DEVELOPMENT, THUS MOTHERS RIGHTS = PARAMOUNT. After a certain amount of weeks, which I’ve specified, yes I think abortion should be illegal. As soon as that foetus is a viable life without a high risk of developmental problems and respiratory problems, I cannot condone abortion.
And I won’t even address the retarded bit about it being younger.
It doesn’t nullify her reproductive value. It’s her uterus. Her ovaries. She’ll be the one carrying a parasitic vessel for 9 months.
Are you saying that women who miscarriage nullify their reproductive value?
Actually I cbf addressing any of the other points. If you wanks wish to keep referring to it as murder, (and let’s face it, it’s the crux of your argument which is why it’s so shit), then prepare to be ignored.
Just because something relies upon something else for its continued existence doesn't mean it is not living, it merely means it needs assistance to stay alive, but hence is still living. From its start it is alive - the fact that it is made up of cells denotes it as a living being. You seem to mix up the terms "independently reliant/sustainable" and "living". It is alive, making the killing of it murder. Some old people or disabled people, for instance, need machines to stay alive (because of some condition etc). If disconnected they die - very much like a similar yet age polarity to the foetus. But you don't say these people aren't living - suffice to say, the foetus is a living thing. The only reasons for the difference between the "ball of cells" and the mother are merely due to different phases through the lifecycle.
I'll give another example of early life's importance. Children, in many ways, can be like a parasite to their parents, draining their money, resources and time, being nothing (practically rather than emotionally) but a hindrance. The parents are valuable to biology/society etc, for instance. Why then, would a parent g oto such lengths to save their child and sacrifice themselves for one, if, by your definition of what is "living", they really aren't alive (independently self sustaining). If the child died, the parents could just have another one. Yet killing of children is such a heinous crime. The foetus situation is really quite similar, but you seem to regard it differently.
Prepare to be ignored? Its not shit. I am not alone in regarding it as murder. Your strict use of what is "living" is what is crap.