"Evaluate the effectiveness of the adversarial system in achieving justice in criminal trials"
The adversary system is the system used in Australia, which aims to achieve justice. Here opposing parties give their side of the case before an independent third party who, based on the evidence put forward during the trial, decides on the outcome of the case. The burden of proof id placed on the prosecution and must be proved beyond reasonable doubt.
Features of the adversary system are:
- A contest between two parties
- Independent judge and jury
- Finality of the judges decisions, unless subject to appeal
- The presumption that all are equal before the court.
In the adversary system the procedures and rules of evidence are designed to give each side equal opportunity to present their case. Although the adversary system’s role is to provide justice, an accurate verdict and emphasis on procedural rules designed to ensure that the contest between the parties is a fair fight, but there has been criticism of the system. Some problems that support the argument of criticism of the system are:
- The delays in cases coming to the court or the postponement of the cases. This is a flaw in the system as lengthy delays in cases coming to court, find the victims have trouble remembering every detail of their ordeals. (e.g. R v Skaf)
- The enormous costs of the state
- The increasing costs faced by the accused in defending their innocence.
- The discrimination that exists within the system, which may be seen to favor the wealthy. Legal costs are expensive and therefore not everyone is able to afford it.
- The discrimination it has in balancing the rights of society, the victim and the accused. How to satisfy everyone and come up with a just outcome.
And the overall argument that the pursuit of winning often overshadows the search for truth, and equalities between the parties in resources and the abilities of the legal representatives may distort the outcomes of the adversarial system.
[And then always at the end of any evaluate question make your judgment based on the points you’ve argued]