The Beijing Olympics (3 Viewers)


Jun 7, 2005
I got 30 for my UAI woo hoo.
All the stories I've been reading is disgusting, the so called Chinese supporters have no right to do that with Pro-Tibet supports (harassing, spitting, throwing cold water). China needs to get their ass whooped like they got from the Japanese soldiers back in WWII. :eek:


Active Member
Mar 9, 2008
Slidey said:
banco55: New Zealand was reluctant to send any troops to Iraq, since it technically had no mutual aid pact with America anymore, but by the transitive property, it had one with Australia and Australia had one with the US, meaning New Zealand essentially had one with the US.

South Korea and Japan similarly have such pacts with the US.
America and its allies are smart enough to know that you can't let a country like China pick off democracies one at a time. There is all indication that America would respond to a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.
Oh, the "my daddy beats your daddy" mentality again. "Look, we have more guns than you do, therefore, you are doomed." Have you forgotten the lessons learned in the Vietnam War? Have you forgotten that China has allies too? Do you think the Russians will just lean back and watch as the Koreans and Japanese threaten their interests? You can't fight an ideology with bullets, you said so yourself. You can’t simply go to war with another country because you disagree with its ideology. America had learnt from its past mistakes. You can't meddle in the affairs of another country. It is not an act of war on the U.S if China invaded Taiwan. Mainland China passed an anti succession bill back in 2005, which gives them the legal pretext to respond with "non-peaceful means" if Taiwan were to declare independence. Taiwan is not a sovereign country, even the U.S acknowledges that. Thus any "defensive pacts" it signed would be null and non-binding, and since when did Taiwan and the U.S sign a defensive pact? Can you provide valid proof to back up your claim? Because that would really be an act of war by the U.S on China. It's like New Zealand signing a defensive pact with Tasmania.

Dismissing them when a country like China declares an act of war is ludicrous
By your definition, there have been numerous “acts of war” committed by both China and the U.S over the years. See the Hainan Island incident in which a U.S EP-3E reconnaissance plane was brought down by a Chinese J-8 and the “accidental” bombing of the Chinese embassy in Kosovo by a U.S B-2. By your logic, shouldn’t the United States and it’s oh so powerful allies have destroyed China a long time ago, since it is “ludicrous to dismiss them when a country such as China declares ‘an act of war’”? Shouldn’t China have nuked the United States and its allies because their dignity was trampled by the vile western imperialists?

It works both ways. China knows this, and it is the reason Chinese hasn't taken Taiwan by force so far.
China’s unwillingness to retake Taiwan by force is not due to the fear of American intervention, but because of the massive unrest, both in mainland China and Taiwan, such a course of action would bring. The ordinary Chinese folks do not want to see the government using soldiers and tanks to oppress them ever again, doing so would remove the bandage on a wound that has not yet been healed. If the commies were to retake Taiwan by force, there can be no saying that they’d still be in power afterwards.

The rest of your post is your personal speculation, much of it rather wild. For example you say that America would take 2 weeks to act, yet in 2005 America signed a pact with Japan that meant if Taiwan were attacked, Japanese troops would aid America in the defence. Somehow I doubt there would be a slow response time to something America has been anticipating for years.
Read my post. I didn't say America would take 2 weeks to act. I said America would respond by steaming its 7th fleet to the Philippine Sea like they did in the second and third Taiwan Strait crisis. Their carrier-based planes again would do some ELINT overflights in the strait for a week or two and then they'll go home. Japan can not go to war with China over Taiwan as the Japanese constitution forbids the formation and deployment of a traditional military. The Japanese Self Defence forces are only allowed to defend the Japan island from attacks, they are not permitted to be deployed abroad except for peacekeeping operations. Unless China attacks Japan, the only "aid" Japanese “troops” can provide to the U.S would be logistical. Again can you provide proof that America and Japan signed such a pact in 2005?

Taiwan has been essentially independent of China for about 50 years now
Your argument that the United States of America would go to war with China if it were to invade Taiwan, is merely based on your assertion that Taiwan has been independent of China for 50 years. Yet no country, not even the United States, acknowledges Taiwan as a sovereign state. A state is not independent if it does not have sovereignty. The United States government supports the eventual reunification of China, as it is stated time a time again, yet the U.S strives to maintain the status quo because it does not want to see Taiwan, a fully funtioning democracy, to be overrun by a bunch of commies. Taiwan, as stated by the the Kuomintang, will not return to mainland China unless it adopts the Three Principles of the People(democracy basically, that's all you need to know). Actually the KMT aims to reunify China by retaking mainland China but we all know it's never gonna happen as the commies are entrenched now.
yet you claim China has every right to invade and colonise it?
China does not need to colonise Taiwan as Taiwan has always been inhabited by the Chinese for thousands of years. I think before you want to start talking about a country you've never even been to so adamantly, you should at least do some research on its history and its people first. Yes I think China has every right to invade Taiwan if somehow the KMT had lost the grand scheme of things and declare independence. China has every right to invade Taiwan just as much as the American Union had when the Confederation declare independence. Back then, America was still a relatively weak country, yet the superpowers of the time, the French and the British Empire did nothing. What makes you think today’s superpower, the United States would intervene on behalf of Taiwan? Let's not forget that while China is not a superpower, it is an economic powerhouse with strong military tradition.
And no, Australia doesn't belong to England. If you read the various policies of Australia, such as the Statute of Westminster, the Australia Act, etc, you'd know that. Our relationship to England is a consensual one. One which now is effectively an alliance of cultures and aims, not duty or control.
Yeah we put the queen on our money though, as far as I'm concerned, that makes Australia British.:rolleyes:

Any credibility China has would disappear if China used nukes on Taiwan. I imagine it really would spark a world war, grotesque a notion as that is.
China would never nuke Taiwan. Running over protesters with tanks is one thing, using nukes on your own people is another. Also, China is the only nuclear power to declare that it will not use, or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones under any circumstances. I think if China were ever to use thermonuclear weapons on Taiwan, there will be massive rebellion and the Communist Party would collapse onto itself before the world can respond.

Again, China knows this too, which is why they are attempting to integrate Taiwan through bluff, intimidation and economics instead.
The Communist Party of China is a joke. Taiwan will never yield. Nothing short of a democratic federation would reunite China.
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Active Member
Mar 9, 2008
zstar said:
But after the civil war the Mainland became the Socialist People's republic of China and the Nationalist republic of China which was pro free market.
You mean the Communist People's Republic of China? Did you know the KMT did most of the fighting against the Japanesse during WWII while the Communists were too busy plotting to take over China? Yet all their deeds were forgotten, they are now portrayed as treacherous by mainland China. You know why you can't reunify China? Because boneheads like you keep waving on and on about how Taiwan is part of China but are not willing to compromise and acknowledge even the exsitence of the Nationalist Party. Talk to Taiwan. Talk to Tibet. Communism will not triumph in the face of democracy.


Active Member
Mar 9, 2008
You know, it's really funny. Most of the "Free Tibet" protesters I see in the news are caucasian male who probably have not even been to China and who are only doing it to get the Asian chicks. I wonder how I'll fare if I were to hold up a sign saying "Free Ireland" when I'm out and about.


MOSSAD Deputy Director
May 30, 2005
Does anyone here find it odd that they are advocating for the head of government to be someone who believes themself to be the 14th reincarnation and manifestation of all the compassion of Budda and himself and a PM who believes themself to be the 5th reincarnation of some other guy?


Save Sderot
Aug 15, 2004
Hunters Hill
Where were the protests in the lead up to the giving of the Olympics to China?

Where were the protests in the years following, when China was preparing for the Olympics?

Where were the protests even right before the Olympic Torch Relay?

I deplore the actions of the Chinese against the Tibetian people, but I also deplore these so-called protestors who have jumped on the band wagon without knowing the facts, and knowing that this has been a problem long before the Olympic Torch Relay.

Now let's all persecute the athletes, whose life works, dreams and aspirations have gone into this Olympics because the world community was too silent to speak up about the attrocities in the lead up to and following China's gaining of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.


Singing me and Julio
Mar 13, 2005
abbeyroad said:
You know, it's really funny. Most of the "Free Tibet" protesters I see in the news are caucasian male who probably have not even been to China and who are only doing it to get the Asian chicks. I wonder how I'll fare if I were to hold up a sign saying "Free Ireland" when I'm out and about.
you have spectacularly missed the point.

you dont need to go to a country to know that suffering happens there. i've been to china, and the only things i saw were officially sanctioned and double-checked tourist destinations, even though i wanted to see other sights as well. so even people who go to china never see the real china.


Singing me and Julio
Mar 13, 2005
JaredR said:
Where were the protests in the lead up to the giving of the Olympics to China?

Where were the protests in the years following, when China was preparing for the Olympics?

Where were the protests even right before the Olympic Torch Relay?

I deplore the actions of the Chinese against the Tibetian people, but I also deplore these so-called protestors who have jumped on the band wagon without knowing the facts, and knowing that this has been a problem long before the Olympic Torch Relay.

Now let's all persecute the athletes, whose life works, dreams and aspirations have gone into this Olympics because the world community was too silent to speak up about the attrocities in the lead up to and following China's gaining of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
does it really matter if people decide to be vocal about an issue of importance later on?

this petty mindset is infuriating, because education about current events should be constant and expanding. so what if people didnt care about the issue 8 years ago. the important thing is that they care now.

my boyfriend has been campaigning for tibet for 8 years, i have been campaigning (actively) for 6 months. but our outrage at the situation and willingness to change things are equal.


Sep 2, 2005
AlleyCat said:
you have spectacularly missed the point.

you dont need to go to a country to know that suffering happens there. i've been to china, and the only things i saw were officially sanctioned and double-checked tourist destinations, even though i wanted to see other sights as well. so even people who go to china never see the real china.
The fact that you were not able to access certain places does NOT imply that severe human rights abuses are being practiced in those places. I don't think it's right to fall on prejudicial stereotypes to infer what might be happening.


Singing me and Julio
Mar 13, 2005
_dhj_ said:
The fact that you were not able to access certain places does NOT imply that severe human rights abuses are being practiced in those places. I don't think it's right to fall on prejudicial stereotypes to infer what might be happening.
oh wake up.

you think everything is a big scheme to slander the chinese government?

then tell me. who killed these people?

EDIT: and i didnt mean to imply that everywhere i couldnt go in china was a site for human rights abuse, i was saying that there was something they didnt want me to see, for instance, the "red light district" of beijing, the guide said it was "too dirty" and several other places which my guide didnt think properly portray china. the part of china that i did see was beautiful, i had a wonderful time and saw many amazing things. all i am saying is that for some reason, we were never allowed to explore the cities on our own and everything we did was monitored.

i tried to get into tibet last year but my application was denied. i think it was because my boyfriend (who i wanted to go with) was well known in melbourne as a vocal tibet supporter.
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Sep 2, 2005
AlleyCat said:
does it really matter if people decide to be vocal about an issue of importance later on?

this petty mindset is infuriating, because education about current events should be constant and expanding. so what if people didnt care about the issue 8 years ago. the important thing is that they care now.

my boyfriend has been campaigning for tibet for 8 years, i have been campaigning (actively) for 6 months. but our outrage at the situation and willingness to change things are equal.
What exactly are you fighting for?
The Dalai himself isn't calling for independence, merely for autonomy under HIS rule. Tibet is already an autonomous region with a secular Tibetan head of government. What's the benefit of installing an aristocratic hereditary ruler who travels around the world everyday, stays in five star hotels and gives lectures on meditation?

If you're campaigning to end "oppression", you're gravely mistaken. Tibet is one of the only places in the world where monks are on the government (yes the PRC govt) payroll. So rather than oppressing religion, PRC is actually actively promoting it. Obviously, there are other minority "benefits", for instance tibetans are exempted from the one-child policy, and are the benefactors of affirmative action such as lower tertiary entry marks.

It also seems to me that accounts of oppression mainly come from the tibetan "exiles" living overseas. Obviously the incumbent ruling class before the chinese modernisation, given that they had lost many of their ruling class privileges (such as owning slaves), are likely to complain about the PRC rule.

I don't doubt that you have good intentions for supporting the "cause". I just feel that you're selectively taking certain allegations as facts and turning a blind eye on the real facts.


Singing me and Julio
Mar 13, 2005
_dhj_ said:
What exactly are you fighting for?
For Tibet to be free.

The Dalai himself isn't calling for independence, merely for autonomy under HIS rule.
the Dalai Lama wants autonomy under the control of the Tibetans who live there. He has said that if he goes back to Tibet he will renounce any political role.

Tibet is already an autonomous region with a secular Tibetan head of government.
Zhang Qingli is the party secretary in Tibet, and he is definately not Tibetan. He was one of the masterminds of the recent crackdown in Tibet, after March 10, killing over 130 people.

What's the benefit of installing an aristocratic hereditary ruler who travels around the world everyday, stays in five star hotels and gives lectures on meditation?
Well, he doesn't want to rule the country, but I dont think you've read or heard anything he has said, if you had, perhaps your opinion of him would change.

If you're campaigning to end "oppression", you're gravely mistaken. Tibet is one of the only places in the world where monks are on the government (yes the PRC govt) payroll. So rather than oppressing religion, PRC is actually actively promoting it. Obviously, there are other minority "benefits", for instance tibetans are exempted from the one-child policy, and are the benefactors of affirmative action such as lower tertiary entry marks.
Do religious representatives on government committees make up for aggressive state interventions in the teachings and practices of monasteries?
Are you aware that many monasteries have party reps who monitor the teachings of the Lamas?
Are you also aware that the com party insists on selecting many reincarnate Lamas, contrary to Tibetan religious traditions?
are you also aware that people have been imprisoned for possessing material relating to the Dalai Lama, including photos and dvds?
Religious freedom?

It also seems to me that accounts of oppression mainly come from the tibetan "exiles" living overseas. Obviously the incumbent ruling class before the chinese modernisation, given that they had lost many of their ruling class privileges (such as owning slaves), are likely to complain about the PRC rule.
They became exiles because many of them were political prisoners and escaped due to oppression. They are complaining because their friends, family and countrymen are being killed, tortured and denied freedom.

I don't doubt that you have good intentions for supporting the "cause". I just feel that you're selectively taking certain allegations as facts and turning a blind eye on the real facts.
i've actually spoken to many people, both pro Chinese and pro Tibetan. I'm a journalism student and a reasonably intelligent person, so I'd like to think i can tell which accounts are factual based on reliable evidence and which are based on lies and propaganda.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
I liked the Hitler youth-sorry Chinese students-that they bussed in yesterday to support the Fatherland.


New Member
Apr 18, 2008
Why did you want to go to the red light district anyway?! As decent people, we steer clear of those places, but some are obviously a bit China's all about being civil and straight and all. It's a shame that these places exist. China isn't like Australia, where visitors can go to Knigs Cross, etc. Our culture's all about been clean and educated. We leave these people be and the government just wants to protect visitors from unwanted diseases, blackmail, etc. Who wouldn't want to present a good image of their country?! It's not about hiding, we have nothing to hide politically except the not yet educated aspects.

You're only visiting, but haven't lived there.

There're places which aren't good to visit. Don't lead that into the argument of "feeling monitored "and oppression. Some parts of China isn't safe, just like here. Ivan Milat, anyone?! It's because people aren't been "monitored" here. You can go and explore on your own, but you chose to have a guide. Then well, it's not up to you where you go! CAN go to western China now if you're neutral, we're "claiming it back" and opening it to the west, yet it's not a safe place and there're a lot of political riots.

Okay, the freedom of Tibet. Okay, okay. I'll never ever stop being angry about those protestors seizing the moment and ruining China's first chance at glory. What freedom are they seeking? Is it rational? Is it beneficial? Or is it just plain selfish and they're just trying to grab international attention on THAT part of the matter - freedom freedom freedom. Of course we're sucked right in. HOW CAN ONE NOT HAVE FREEDOM?!?!?!

Trust me, if China's really at fault, I'd be the first to lower my head and feel ashamed, but from the unaltered and unbiased facts and my own intuition and education, I know it's all hype. (Freak, I pity those Iraqis and wish that they could be free from "invasion"...but that's all some can see, isn't it?! Besides, there're reasons why we're there...)

Tibet won't win this protest. China will lose a lot of "so-called" friends through this process and that's for the better. I'm so angry about this that I can't even type properly. The photos may not be photoshoped, but the injuries etc were inflicted upon them because of their own doings. Any chinese-speaking individuals here will know this: Zi zuo zi shou. It's their fault, I'm serious. Some may be photoshoped, but others, well...can't you feel the frustration of the government as well?...and some, they might've even done it themselves.

I know my people well. They would do that. They have done. I've seen them injuring themselves for the mercy of others. For the sake of everyone's sanity and your own, don't believe in the killings. The monks (oh really! I never knew that true Buddhists would join politics! Hey! It involves human emotion...what kind of Buddha reincarnations are they?!) have had decades to drill this into the west and it's going to be a long time before the truth can be believed. The bottom line is, China will ultimately succeed and come out of this stronger than before. We'll have the last laugh.

Oh yeah, one more thing...apparently some politician's up here too, if she's for real. Laugh at my posts if you wish. I don't care. Being a politician, you're obviously biased. narrow-minded and what-not, you're dirtier than you'll ever know.

I won't reply to all posts. I'll only reply if I believe I can say something when the debate's really heated. The rest of the time, I'm out to here. Peace is good.
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Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
Salchow said:
Why did you want to go to the red light district anyway?! As decent people, we steer clear of those places, but some are obviously a bit China's all about being civil and straight and all. It's a shame that these places exist. China isn't like Australia, where visitors can go to Knigs Cross, etc. Our culture's all about been clean and educated. We leave these people be and the government just wants to protect visitors from unwanted diseases, blackmail, etc. Who wouldn't want to present a good image of their country?! It's not about hiding, we have nothing to hide politically except the not yet educated aspects.

You're only visiting, but haven't lived there.

There're places which aren't good to visit. Don't lead that into the argument of "feeling monitored "and oppression. Some parts of China isn't safe, just like here. Ivan Milat, anyone?! It's because people aren't been "monitored" here. You can go and explore on your own, but you chose to have a guide. Then well, it's not up to you where you go! CAN go to western China now if you're neutral, we're "claiming it back" and opening it to the west, yet it's not a safe place and there're a lot of political riots.

Okay, the freedom of Tibet. Okay, okay. I'll never ever stop being angry about those protestors seizing the moment and ruining China's first chance at glory. What freedom are they seeking? Is it rational? Is it beneficial? Or is it just plain selfish and they're just trying to grab international attention on THAT part of the matter - freedom freedom freedom. Of course we're sucked right in. HOW CAN ONE NOT HAVE FREEDOM?!?!?!
LOL you sound like a Communist apparatchick explaining to the Eastern-Europeans during the cold war how the freedom that people had in the west (useless things like freedom of speech, democracy etc.) were bourgeois freedoms. If China is such a great place why have you migrated to Australia? You clearly have no need for our petty, selfish democratic freedoms. How many of the Hitler Youth that were bussed in yesterday will seek Austrlalian citizenship rather then go back to China?


Feb 5, 2006
What a whole lot of crazy. Olympics should be held in Wollongong.
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Sep 2, 2005
banco55 said:
LOL you sound like a Communist apparatchick explaining to the Eastern-Europeans during the cold war how the freedom that people had in the west (useless things like freedom of speech, democracy etc.) were bourgeois freedoms. If China is such a great place why have you migrated to Australia? You clearly have no need for our petty, selfish democratic freedoms. How many of the Hitler Youth that were bussed in yesterday will seek Austrlalian citizenship rather then go back to China?
lol Godwin's law + love it or leave it in a single post


New Member
Apr 18, 2008
I migrated here when I was younger for the education, not the politics.

As a bilingual or more, I'd have a better future. Ten years ago China was all about globalization, like, it was a totally new idea and my family knew that the people of our generation would want to one day work overseas.

I'm not a headless chicken going on about how great China is. I'm stating some facts about what's really going on and wrong. You can reject them, but no personal insults please.

P.s. I didn't feel so oppressed at all back there...and I see no rationality in the analogies and the argument some people have made - Re: Selfish freedoms?! We're yet to see who's selfish, or better yet, misinformed.
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