Hi guys *waves*
I finally got to go clubbing last night

First we went to Greenwood (which was closed, is it normally closed on a Saturday night?)
We went to Pontoon which was pretty good. The DJ was good and the played my type of music, mostly RNB and some classics plus the latest stuff. Drinks weren't too expensive (A smirnoff was $7.50 and the cover charge was $10). Lots of young ppl and good security *thumbsup* Some guys got sent away for wearing t-shirts, so yeah watch what you wear.
Then my friends wanted to go to 'home', it was a bit of a let down for me. The cover was $25. There was a live band but it wasnt my style of music or club, also lots of sleezes (1 30 year old tried to pick up my friend). They also do bag checks and metal detector things. It was alright for those who don't like RNB and those who like strobe lights and misty stuff.
I still had a good time though, can't wait to go again. But i learnt its best to check it out yourself, there are mixed opinions about all clubs and it just depends on your taste