Uh I liked section 1. I think I did pretty good actually. Loved C in particular. Am totally going to visit Chiharu Shiota's site

Essay questions completely stumped me though. None of the ones for Practice worked with any of my artists (because one was about bodies of work, one was about critics and historians and the other one was how artists have been influenced by other artists, so groups basically, and we did none of that stuff)!

That really pissed me off because from 2001 - 2008 there has been at least one question from Practice which I would have been able to do well but NONE of them worked this year. I almost had a panic attack in reading time.
I told myself ages that I wouldn't touch a Frames question with a twenty foot pole and then I ended up doing question 8 and wrote a 6 page essay on it. Oh God.
But I was talking with one of the art teachers after the exam and I told her how I tackled the question and what I wrote about and she said I would have written a good essay so here's hoping.
I just really don't want that band 6 to slip away because of one stupid essay.

If I ever had a hope of getting a band 6 in the HSC it would have Visual Arts.