i finally saw The Grudge and i thought it was quite good. i don't know why people were so confused, i thought it was very easy to follow. maybe they should've used a subtitle like 'one month ago' for the slow people.
i thought they could've made it much scarier by showing more graphic scenes like the man getting hanged or the security guard getting attacked, or even made the woman come out of the television but then that would be accused as a direct rip-off of The Ring. and it would've been more suspenseful if the blonde chick got locked out of her apartment. it was rated M (PG in America) and not M because they are catering to a younger audience. but I liked how they didn't just rely on gore tactics for cheap thrills. such subtle elements like the black cat and the ghost on the security tape freaked me out.
the ending was crap but they left it hanging for the sequel which is in the works. it would've been better if they added an extra 10 minutes or so to resolve everything. it was such an anti-climax...there was a blank screen and then bang, the credits rolled.