Abit dated now the thread has progressed:
I think the debate gets too bogged down in the terminology, specifically the use of the word marriage by both parties. Conservatives use the word even when discussing civil unions because it is emotive and by doing so they are able to rabble rouse. For their part gays use the word marriage because to do otherwise feels inferior eg that a civil union is somehow lesser than marriage. Also shock jocks use marriage to shock. And finally gays use the word marriage because of their background eg in our society which has a history of various forms of christianity marriage has become one word with a dual religious and legal meaning. The word marriage is culturally ingrained, we don't afterall have an office recording 'births, deaths and civil unions'.
Therefore my position centers on splitting the whole idea of marriage into its component legal and religious parts. I would like to see an office of 'births, deaths and civil unions'.
On the note of civil unions I would like to take consul to task. Maybe he is trolling from the US however his statement that in several states gay civil union is legal seems contrary to my (albeit limited) knowledge of the issue in Australia. Infact quite recently the ACT introduced gay civil unions, a move subsequently declared illegal by the federal attorney general and over-turned. In fact even as far as talking the US situation, moves are afoot their to ban gay civil unions at a federal level and over-ride any states that permit it.
So overall your statement that why bother with marriage they can just travel interstate seems fairly meaningless. Even though if it did mean something it is still discriminatory if a hetrosexual couple may be wed at the local church or court however a homosexual couple must travel interstate.
Finally: Moonslight Sonata, good to see you back around these parts.