I noticed your location was Newcastle and from your post your local uni would be Newcastle Uni.
http://www.newcastle.edu.au/study/undergraduateadmissions/altentry.html - (if the link isn't working just navigate to there, shouldn't be to hard to find) should help you in working out alternative entries into uni. I know several people from my year did New Step this year and are now going into the course they wanted in 2008. Also email the uni, they will help you.
It is and you are certainly right in thinking that "crap" and "disappointed" means very different things to people.
Like as you said although your in the top range for you, you needed higher.
Your school is in the top 200 many people posting in this thread their schools probably are not. You have to remember that because you went to a good school (just think of all the schools that don't make the top 200) your cohort are going to perform better then many others. Although within your social circle they may not be right up there.
I'm certainly not having a go at you so I don't want you to get angry/upset at me, I can very much so sympathise with you. I'm just trying to defuse the situation, keep a cool head and let EVERYBODY see the situation from another point of view.
Everyone has different expectations. BOS is commonly known for having a high number of members with high UAIs so "crap" to these members isn't what would be "crap" to members from everyday low performing public schools.
This is a highly emotional time for all. Everybody needs to remember to keep a cool head and to think about others.