Hey guys, got a lot of textbooks and they need to go, TXT me with an offer and if it's not ridiculously low, it's yours

I can be contacted at
0416 925 751. I live down the road from UNSW, and I'm on campus every day of the week anyway, so no need for shipping etc!
(Accounting 1A or 1B):
Financial Accounting - An Integrated Approach - Ken Trotman & Michael Gibbins 4ED x2
(Accounting 1A or 1B):
Study Guide for the above book
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics - Hogg, McKean, Craig - 6ED
Mathematics of Investment and Credit - Samuel A. Broverman - 5ED
Introduction to Probability Models - Sheldon M. Ross - 10ED
Solutions Manual for Calculus One Variable, and Calculus Several Variables - 10ED
Principles of Actuarial Science - Michael Sherris
A Beginner's Guide to R - Alain F.Zuur, Elena N.Ieno, Erik H.W.G. Meesters
Money & Capital Markets, Pricing, Yields and Analysis - Michael Sherris - 2ED
Essentials of Corporate Finance - Ross, Trayler, Bird, Westerfield, Jordan - 2ED
Principles of Macroeconomics - Bernanke, Olekalns, Frank - 2ED
Management 5 - Robbins, Bergman, Stagg and Coulter
Investments - Bodie, Kane, Marcus