I'm PPT but at our store they've never given a set contract, it's just changed every week like I'm casual (we just have to write up a new contract every week that says '1 week only'). Anyways, I've worked pretty much 30-38 hours for the last year but this week they've only given me 20 hours... when I queried the CSM who did the roster (she is only new at our store so I think it was her first roster) she said that she had given me more hours but was told by the SSM/SSO that she had to cut them because I had had "too many starts" this month (since you're only supposed to have 20 starts in a month or something?)/I've worked too many hours over my contract... okay I find this weird because up until now they haven't given a shit about how many hours "over my contract" I have worked ever since I have been put on PPT (2 years) and I don't seen how I can have worked more than 20 starts in this month since I was just on holidays for 10 days, lol... the only thing I guess is that they are wanting to give me 4 days off this week so they can flog me in the 2 weeks before Christmas? What shits me is that one of the shifts is a 3hr shift... surely she could have given me a full day that day if I'm not working for 4 days this week argh.. need a new/second job