The Woolworths Thread (13 Viewers)


Jul 30, 2009
Besides, Service Supervisor beats non salaried dept 2IC in the hierarchy anyway. I should tell him that next time I get a chance.
no they don't! at least not in any store I've worked in. non-salaried 2ic's are still managers and service supervisors aren't. only service 3ic, 2ic, and CSM are.

I'll tell any SS off, esp over dubious scanning policies. (not that I'm saying yours was Babikakez, you were clearly in the right and your LL2ic sounds like a tool.)
e.g. young and inexperienced ss's freaking out and calling a zillion express alerts monopolizing mine and my staff's time. And when we do respond we get up there to find it hardly busy at all, v. frustrating. Then I get mad lol
Oct 28, 2006
Under an invisibility cloak
no they don't! at least not in any store I've worked in. non-salaried 2ic's are still managers and service supervisors aren't. only service 3ic, 2ic, and CSM are.

I'll tell any SS off, esp over dubious scanning policies. (not that I'm saying yours was Babikakez, you were clearly in the right and your LL2ic sounds like a tool.)
e.g. young and inexperienced ss's freaking out and calling a zillion express alerts monopolizing mine and my staff's time. And when we do respond we get up there to find it hardly busy at all, v. frustrating. Then I get mad lol
As far as our pay scales go, yes they do. (In charge rates for Service is grade 4 in WA, non salaried 2IC is grade 3). As far as what has ALWAYS been dictated to me by SM's/SSM's, he (and other dept 2ic's) are responsible for responding to express alerts as they were called.

And if its so busy that the SM and STM see a need to be on checkouts, he's not thats special enough to avoid them.

That was just one incident from ONE DAY that I've picked out.


Dec 2, 2009
Every single person in my store seems to have an issue with him, its not just me. His attitude is absolutely disgusting. He's only been grocery 2IC for say six months, but his ego is the size of Greg and Marty's combined. So lets just say I'm not at all nice to him.

So its a long running story, but my part in it yesterday was that there was a massive ad in yesterdays paper saying 50% off easter eggs. But of course, we'd already updated our tickets with the 50% (so they were now clearance tickets). So he's over at the display, and he's telling customers that its 50% off, they're then coming through the checkout complaining about the prices. When we explained that its already reflected in the tickets most people were okay, but this one woman was not. Anyway, in this time, our groc 2IC was hovering and doing shit all around the service desk, and this woman protested that "that guy" told her 50%. He then says to me, oh yeah if it hasn't scanned at 50% then its scanning policy, takes the receipt and product, and starts to process it. But of course, it comes up with a supervisor box, at which point I rip them back out of his hand and start explaining it AGAIN to the lady. But, seeing as she's heard the magic words "scanning policy", she starts again (thank you ACA for educating the average bogan, you've made my job 10x easier).

I then went around the corner and got our SM, and not so politely asked him to come and help me. When my SM starts telling me that if the groc 2IC is saying scanning policy, its scanning policy, I was really not very nice about it. I don't even know what I said, but pretty much something along the lines that he doesn't even know what he's talking about, and he never ever does so why do we have to listen to him.
Unfortunately, that was a bit too loud, lol.

I then had to give the lady her stupid scanning policy, and she was so unbelievably nice to the SM and groc 2IC, and a whiney little bitch to me. I wrote on the slip "THIS IS NOT A SCANNING POLICY, SEE (SM'S NAME)" and put it in the SP sheet.

Later on in the day I called our groc 2ic a zillion times for an express alert, eventually I got hold of him by phone and was like "dude, every other manager is on, every other checkout trained floor staff is on, why the hell do you think noone takes you seriously?"

He never came. But after that he went and dobbed like a whiney 2 year old. He pretty much told the SM that I'm not mature enough to do my job and I need to pull my head in and give managers the respect they deserve. We are the same age, FFS, and I will not treat him like a manager if he isn't going to act like one.

Besides, Service Supervisor beats non salaried dept 2IC in the hierarchy anyway. I should tell him that next time I get a chance.

RANT OVER. I'm just glad that he didn't get duty for the next two weeks (as he wanted, I might not like our NF captain but she will at least leave us alone) while we do extended holiday trade. I would have refused to work, period.

EDIT: I am also devastated about Malcolm Turnbull. Well maybe not devastated, but I'm not even a Liberal supporter, and I quite like him.
EDIT x 2: I manage to bullshit every new manager into thinking I'm this inexperienced, noob supervisor. Thats going to backfire one day.
Don't worry as soon as our old SM comes back it should be back to normal. Its just cause he brown noses every new manager we get and then the new manager thinks he is part of store management. Its lucky he didn't get duty manager, if it wasn't for a certain STM/SSM objecting he would have been. Hes still non-salaried and there is a reason for it and last time I checked his official position on the rosters it doesn't say 2IC. May have changed since then though.

We just have to make sure when we get our new STM/any manager that we make sure that they are aware there is a conflict between him and the staff and make sure that they know that he sucks up to every new manager we get. Maybe not in those terms, but if they are aware theres a problem they should be a little more open to questioning his true intentions.


is cool
Nov 29, 2008
nowhere man
^ I think managers are generally alright at seeing through the sucking up.

Surely it never says 2IC on rosters for 2ICs? Doesn't it just say GROCASST or PRODASST etc? And for dpt manager it just says 'MANAGER'
Oct 28, 2006
Under an invisibility cloak
Don't worry as soon as our old SM comes back it should be back to normal. Its just cause he brown noses every new manager we get and then the new manager thinks he is part of store management. Its lucky he didn't get duty manager, if it wasn't for a certain STM/SSM objecting he would have been. Hes still non-salaried and there is a reason for it and last time I checked his official position on the rosters it doesn't say 2IC. May have changed since then though.

We just have to make sure when we get our new STM/any manager that we make sure that they are aware there is a conflict between him and the staff and make sure that they know that he sucks up to every new manager we get. Maybe not in those terms, but if they are aware theres a problem they should be a little more open to questioning his true intentions.
See, I'm not the only one with an issue ;)

If he got duty I would have flat out refused to supervise those nights.
Oct 28, 2006
Under an invisibility cloak
I don't see hierarchy's in the store based on position, I see a hierarchy based off the experience a person has with their job.

For example, whenever management tried to put supervisors on (straight from induction) they quit. Why? because no-one listened to them lol. I can remember one lady was supervising, and no-one listened to her so they put her back as operator so she could understand what it was like before she became a rude, uncaring sup. She quit. Staff who go into management and start bossing round like there is no tomorrow fail, because they don't get enough experience before they start to take charge.

Thats how it worked at our store - you have the experience - you get the respect, otherwise, you do not

This 2IC sounds out of line - disrespecting staff who have had more experience in what they do.
You are completely completely correct.

This guy actually came into our store almost 2 years ago initially to be Service 3IC - it lasted a week before we (by we I mean CSM and other managers/supervisors) could immediately see it would not work. He then went to Perishables for about a year and a half and STILL managed to annoy everyone there. Since he's been Grocery 2IC, its been absolutely awful. His staff don't respect him, because they know more than he does. The managers mock him, his own dept manager does not want him as her 2IC.

:( :( :(

I'm not a fan of hierarchies at all, so my comments about pay hierarchies are pretty extreme considering I have no intention of career progression at all.


Premium Member
Feb 13, 2004
Uni Grad
yeah, respect i think counts for a lot as well, i've been left in charge of the store before (only for brief periods) in the absence of SSM and SM and Duty's, just because i was cross trained in so many of the areas of the store.
Oct 28, 2006
Under an invisibility cloak
and to take this wayyy off topic, i deliberately order a shirt NOT on back order, and what do they email me with - its on backorder.

FFS don't total image know i'm too lazy to wash/iron on a regular basis.


Dec 2, 2009
You are completely completely correct.

This guy actually came into our store almost 2 years ago initially to be Service 3IC - it lasted a week before we (by we I mean CSM and other managers/supervisors) could immediately see it would not work. He then went to Perishables for about a year and a half and STILL managed to annoy everyone there. Since he's been Grocery 2IC, its been absolutely awful. His staff don't respect him, because they know more than he does. The managers mock him, his own dept manager does not want him as her 2IC.

:( :( :(

I'm not a fan of hierarchies at all, so my comments about pay hierarchies are pretty extreme considering I have no intention of career progression at all.
Pretty sure as soon as we get rid of our current SM and get our old back (if that ever happens) things should go back to normal.

A few staff have been able to get into arguments with him and then he leaves them alone. But whenever he does anything to me I am totally shocked in the moment and don't know what to say or do and my brain switches off. Also because I wouldn't want to get into an argument with him in front of customers because its against my moral compass. :p

A few times he has been nice to me as well, but most of the time he is horrible. Its really weird.
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Oct 28, 2006
Under an invisibility cloak
Pretty sure as soon as we get rid of our current SM and get our old back (if that ever happens) things should go back to normal.

A few staff have been able to get into arguments with him and then he leaves them alone. But whenever he does anything to me I am totally shocked in the moment and don't know what to say or do and my brain switches off. Also because I wouldn't want to get into an argument with him in front of customers because its against my moral compass. :p

A few times he has been nice to me as well, but most of the time he is horrible. Its really weird.
lol, I have no problem getting into arguments with anyone and everyone these days it seems. My SM said over the long weekend I've managed to attract two customer complaints and one staff complaint, I was on fire!

I'm a nice person, really, some people are just fuckwits.


Aug 18, 2009
Hey guys was wondering if you could help me out.

Last Saturday (and the whole week) I worked five hours at a rate of $10.7 (Im 15) so I should have been payed around the $53 mark - but today I looked into my bank account and there's a Woolworths credit of $111.67.

If it was public holiday rates, I should have been payed $133 - but I don't think it was. So what gives? Human error? Should I report it? I obviously don't want to - but will I get in trouble if they find out (cash office or something) that I didn't report it. Or is it their sole responsibility to give me the correct amount?

When I'm in this Saturday I'll look at what my payslip says =/

I'm confused :( Help/advice appreciated.
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Oct 28, 2006
Under an invisibility cloak
Saturday was a public holiday, yes. But as you're casual, you don't get paid 2.5 times of your normal rate, you get paid 2.7 times the part time rate. That (should) make sense from what you've been paid.

If you have an old payslip handy, check the number next to SAL in the bottom left hand corner. Then multiply that by 2.7, and it should make what you've been paid per hour for Saturday :)


Oct 15, 2008
Hey guys was wondering if you could help me out.

Last Saturday (and the whole week) I worked five hours at a rate of $10.7 (Im 15) so I should have been payed around the $53 mark - but today I looked into my bank account and there's a Woolworths credit of $111.67.

If it was public holiday rates, I should have been payed $133 - but I don't think it was. So what gives? Human error? Should I report it? I obviously don't want to - but will I get in trouble if they find out (cash office or something) that I didn't report it. Or is it their sole responsibility to give me the correct amount?

When I'm in this Saturday I'll look at what my payslip says =/

I'm confused :( Help/advice appreciated.
Definately wait and check your payslip.

There are so many things that could be affecting it (tax - but obviously not in this case or you may have clocked less than the exact hours you were supposed to work - im assuming you're casual?? eg rostered 5 hours, clocked in/out at 4.8 hours..)


Aug 18, 2009
I am casual yes - not paying tax currently (to my understanding that's because I've earned less then $6000).

Was it public holiday rates though last Saturday? Anyone else get payed PH rates?

What you said about 2.7*part time would have me at 108, which is close enough. Never knew that's how it worked for casuals.

How exactly would me being casual change me being payed for 5 hours to 4.8? Never heard of that before =/

Thank you for your help guys :)

Oh and another note, my payslip has always said my pay rate has been 8.93 (I assume thats the part time rate) - are all casuals pay slips displayed with the PT hourly rate? I've always been payed the correct casual amount, so it never bothered me much, but always been a bit curious.
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