Btw on Sunday I printed out the gap scan/area manager meme and put it next to the finger scanner. The whole store LOVEDDDD it but apparently the SM wasn't too impressed and ripped it down.
Rofl. ASM was on the floor laughing almost.
Haha! I was going to print off a few, but I haven't yet. The guy who submitted that one was actually the homeshop manager at our store last year. BTW did anyone hear about the Coles Memes page being taken down? I'm hoping the same thing doesn't happen to the Woolies one.
Also, CONGRATS on duty manager!!
You know the Mobile ID check in the Everyday Portal? You can access that from the register by going SVR MENU - (second page) ONLINE CHECK - TELCO CHECK.
I love all those ideas, I liked every one of them.
I'm starting to
really love Woolworths again. It makes me happy to go to work nowadays. Anyone ever caught up with a girl they met as a customer? I'm thinking it's unprofessional, but I'm gunna start looking...

(not in a way that defies the company policy, of course) seeing as how Woolies is currently my "primary" social life.
EDIT: Also... is this true?

(our backward state laws don't allow us to have a liquor department)