The Woolworths Thread (18 Viewers)


Active Member
Jul 27, 2006
Of course they would know that you didn't turn up. At my work (Coles) they have day sheets at the front desk so they know who is working, what time they start and finish, if they need tea/meal breaks and also they allocate the registers on there too. You should've gave them more notice then 1hr also I think (not quite sure) and you can't just pick and choose what you want to do - life isn't easy like that. Don't be surprised if you lose shifts in both departments - I'm sure departments talk. If you hate registers that much, just talk to the managers and ask if you can do 100% produce and only registers if they really really need someone.


New Member
Feb 3, 2008
shinji said:
and that kinda sucks. my store only has 1 level. haha.

currently the deli (the dept im working in) is being refurbished. so extra shifts. how crap. -_-

hmm. and just a question, do you guys ever check out the woolies of other shopping centresto see how they are? haha.

i do it .. and i find the deli of other depts to be kinda poorer then ours (seven hills). the staff looks so unenthusiastic.

hahaha omg i did my training at sevo now working at the awesome new rouse hill store well its not really new anymore...the enviromentally friendly store i should say lol
i check out the other stores to and i think it is funny how all the stores in this area (kellyville sevo etc) are copying the layout of rouse hill with the deli and produce.

and to all who dont get their avalibilities looked at i feel the same i get it to all the time i just say why do i bother....but not only that to those of you who complain bout getting to many shifts geeze i havnt had a shift in 3 months then as soon as im busy studying for the hsc they call me up and ask me to work 6 days and its during the day complete bitch lol


New Member
Oct 20, 2004
Just got a position the other day for Woolies Nightfill. Should be interesting, the manager told me I can sell my gym pass, b/c after Nightfill, I wont need it haha. But it should be good, as it seems to work around Uni...Well, HOPEFULLY it will work around
Sep 19, 2008
KaaN10 said:
Well I didn't go to a rostered shift I called them 1 hour prior to it but no one picked up.
You can't call in that soon before a shift. It has to be AT LEAST 2 hours but preferably 4 or more! I know people can get sick soon before a shift but I know you didn't want to do that shift.

And yes your hours will probably get cut. If you're new you can't just call in sick an hour before a shift. Well you can't do it anytime especially if you're new.


Oct 12, 2004
KaaN10 said:
Well I didn't go to a rostered shift I called them 1 hour prior to it but no one picked up.

Any chance of them not knowing that I missed it?( I don't have a finger scanner yet anyway )
And I guessed you only tried calling them once.
Your shift should of started at 11:30am.
You called one hour beforehand. Once. And didnt even get through. Wow.

I was dead sick one time and I had a shift at 2pm..
The previous day I thought I would be well enough to work..
I deliberately woke up at 5:30am [open shift] that day to inform them I couldn't turn up. To give them sufficient time to find somebody else to replace me.

It is impossible to not know that a staff has not turned up. They allocate a register and a time for each staff to be at a certain place at a certain time. Somebody could have been depending on you so they could take a tea/lunch break.

Honestly, you would not be in their good books. Once is not so much of an issue, but if you keep missing your shifts without notice because you couldnt "be bothered" your manager would wonder why they should roster you on at all.. especially if they can roster on someone else more reliable.

If you don't want to do checkouts - tell your manager. There is really no point in having someone there that doesn't want to do their job.


Is in A State Of Trance
Feb 2, 2005
t is impossible to not know that a staff has not turned up. They allocate a register and a time for each staff to be at a certain place at a certain time. Somebody could have been depending on you so they could take a tea/lunch break.
Tell me about it, I was doing my 6-4pm shift yesterday, someguy was supposed to come in at 12pm, and that's when i was gonna go on my lunchbreak.
He showed up at 2pm. -_-
We eventually had to call another person to start ealier so i went on my lunch break at about 12-30/12-40ish.

hahaha omg i did my training at sevo deli...
lol, that's pretty cool,, small world. haha,
You might've seen me then. Kirsty rings a belll (if that's your name). My name is kent, I usually do weekend open shifts when there were trainees for Rouse Hill. Was a while ago though.. I heard that Sherry (the deli manager who went to Rouse Hill) quit or something?


Feb 3, 2008
Hey all!!

Who here gets given a contract and they dont do the roster according to your contract?? Because they fucking always do it to me without asking the fuckheads seriously!! it shits me off you sign a fucking LEGAL DOCUMENT!! and they dont stick by it. I'm suppose to close as a supervisor on wednesday night but no they change it for me to be an operator all night. Cant wait to speak to my boss and say to bad your going to have to pay me supervision rates because it's on my contract!! They know they cant do this shit why do they do it GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR hating my boss!! anyone else had this problem?? thinking of going to the union or complaining to HR!!


New Member
Jul 26, 2008
Trogie said:
booooo....Coles is better, we have Lisa McCune

ye coles ftw - no but all supermarket jobs are equal in how much they suck.


Woolworths Bitch
Sep 7, 2008
OMFG I am just so pissed off with Woolworths right now.

I am a produce 2IC, and yesterday I was asked by the checkout manager if I would do a shift on Sunday evening 3.30 - 10PM because she couldn't find anyone to fill it. I immediately said NO when I saw who was super. This supervisor is just such a biatch. I try to make an effort with her, say good morning etc and she just grunts at me. However the C/O manager got down on her knees and begged me to do it lol, so I thought oh wtf, it's money :)

So it started going well, although the super (I'm sure she has it in for me) had me doing all the damn cleaning jobs. Empyting the bins, cleaning the checkouts and sweeping the c/o area. When she was 'inspecting' my work, she told me to redo all the checkouts and to put some 'elbow grease' in to it. GRRR!

Then at about 9 pm, she asked me to collect all the tollies and make sure I put the chain through them. So I did that, and then at 10 when we were closing, I reminded her that the trollies still needed to be locked, and she went mental. "I told you to f'ing lock the trollies up at 9" Ummmm no, you asked me to put the chain through. Besides, if I locked them up at nine, no body would be able to use a trolly. "I don't give a f'ing shit, when you are told to do something you do it!" I basically just stormed out. I'm not being spoken to like that, not when I'm in a management position.

The store manager is going to have a formal complaint on his desk tomorrow, because I'm not putting up with it. I tell ya, if I didn't have a car to pay for I would resign tomorrow, because the atmosphere there isn't nice at all. Too much bitching going on.


Ncc Tardis
Nov 17, 2005
Inner West, Sydney
How's this for a great working situation?

I'm an 18 year old, 60kg, weak Student who works Part-Time in Liqour.
My manager, who doest sweet fuck all as it is, has broken his shoulder, putting him out of normal lifting for 1 - 3 MONTHS.


The ONLY other Liqour worker and I have had enough, but none of the managers give a shit, considering its not them lumped with all the extra work... but thats why I love telling them to piss off when they call me an beg me to work after he's called in sick for the third day in a row cuz he can't handle the painkillers.

It is SO not worth $12.05 an hour.


Oct 12, 2004
jas62 said:
Who here gets given a contract and they dont do the roster according to your contract?? Because they fucking always do it to me without asking the fuckheads seriously!!
As you know, they are not permitted to change your hours without your consultation, and your signature on the new hours. Instead of doing the unassigned shifts, you should notify the person who does the rosters immediately when you've first realised that it is wrong. You do NOT wait and do things which you are not required to do.

My manager went away for two weeks and this office woman did the rosters in that time period.. she stuffed up the roster hardcore without knowing because she's noob.. so some part-timer was doing an open two days in a row when that week she was meant to be doing the closes.. it got fixed immediately when this error was spotted out.

lordtopcat said:
So it started going well, although the super (I'm sure she has it in for me) had me doing all the damn cleaning jobs. Empyting the bins, cleaning the checkouts and sweeping the c/o area. When she was 'inspecting' my work, she told me to redo all the checkouts and to put some 'elbow grease' in to it. GRRR!

........."I don't give a f'ing shit, when you are told to do something you do it!".......
Sometimes when it is not very busy, and I can get an operator to help me do some dutes, I usually get the slowest or least experienced person to help.. So I can keep the fast and efficient ones on to get the customers out quick.
I'm not saying you're slow/crap/whatever.. but that MAY be a reason she asked you to clean... however, the elbow grease shit is not acceptable.. if she didnt like it, you could of somewhat pissed her off by asking her to show you how to do it better.. I usually have to teach the young boys how to sweep because they don't usually do it at home and have nfi how to use a broom..

And are you serious she swore at you? That's......... filthy management. I know how you feel as I had issues with this new 2IC that came into my store awhile ago.. Might be her personality but the way she conveyed her message with a hostile tone and her aggressive personality didnt help [I later learnt she was bipolar].. Had a chit chat with an office lady on a lunch break.. and the OL was nice enough to "have a word" to the new 2IC and I've never had a problem with them again.


Mar 28, 2007
west syd
lordtopcat said:
OMFG I am just so pissed off with Woolworths right now.

I am a produce 2IC, and yesterday I was asked by the checkout manager if I would do a shift on Sunday evening 3.30 - 10PM because she couldn't find anyone to fill it. I immediately said NO when I saw who was super. This supervisor is just such a biatch. I try to make an effort with her, say good morning etc and she just grunts at me. However the C/O manager got down on her knees and begged me to do it lol, so I thought oh wtf, it's money :)

So it started going well, although the super (I'm sure she has it in for me) had me doing all the damn cleaning jobs. Empyting the bins, cleaning the checkouts and sweeping the c/o area. When she was 'inspecting' my work, she told me to redo all the checkouts and to put some 'elbow grease' in to it. GRRR!

Then at about 9 pm, she asked me to collect all the tollies and make sure I put the chain through them. So I did that, and then at 10 when we were closing, I reminded her that the trollies still needed to be locked, and she went mental. "I told you to f'ing lock the trollies up at 9" Ummmm no, you asked me to put the chain through. Besides, if I locked them up at nine, no body would be able to use a trolly. "I don't give a f'ing shit, when you are told to do something you do it!" I basically just stormed out. I'm not being spoken to like that, not when I'm in a management position.

The store manager is going to have a formal complaint on his desk tomorrow, because I'm not putting up with it. I tell ya, if I didn't have a car to pay for I would resign tomorrow, because the atmosphere there isn't nice at all. Too much bitching going on.
go off at the bitch.. pretend emotional distress.. consult with union... have a bit of a cry to them and ur manager.. dont talk to manager urself...

and make a huge thing out of it...

and yeah .. it will totally never happen again...

teach them not to fcuk with u...


Sep 13, 2008
Just to break the trend from the above four posts...I had an awesome day at work today, and thoroughly enjoyed having yesterday off. :)

jas62: Don't go to the union, at least not until you absolutely have to. Leave that as a last resort; try and solve the problem in an amicable fashion moving forward, and that way you and your manager will hopefully have the best working relationship possible. Even if you don't get along fantastically to start with, often working out issues like this in a way which your manager considers to be an acceptable method actually improves your working environment (speaking from experience). Don't go in without the mentality of "I'm going to act all confrontational and threaten with the union"; however, if they don't listen to you, then go to the union, and by not threatening/telling them that you plan to, then you have the advantage over them insofar as they don't know what you've done, so the surprise factor will catch them off-guard.

lordtopcat: Don't speak to the store manager straight-up. Given you seem to get along OK with the checkout manager, go to her and express your concerns. Emphasise that you're telling her these things in confidence and that you don't wish for her to go straight to the supervisor and go "X said this, don't do it again". Rather, ask her to address the problem by monitoring the supervisor's behaviour and admonishing/stopping her from pulling shit like that with other employees, and also tell her that while you're happy to help Frontend out, at the moment you're not prepared to do so if the supervisor who is being a bitch is the assigned supervisor for that shift. Act all really nice and get her on side then ask her to deal with the problems, and it's more likely to get fixed (compared to going to the SM straight-up). Of course, if you have continuing complaints, do go to the SM, and note (in the first paragraph) that you spoke with the Frontend manager on X and Y dates about the issue and it still hasn't been satisfactorally resolved. Where you can cite previous attempts to resolve the issue with the "lower" managers in the chain, you're more likely to get the SM a) to devote time to the issue to sort it out and b) on your side.

Anyways, that's my Woolworths Politics And Bitchiness Counselling Session for today :)


May 1, 2007
This may be a stupid question:

How do you become manager/2IC? I have been working in longlife for a year now. Just wondering.


Sep 13, 2008
Roga said:
This may be a stupid question:

How do you become manager/2IC? I have been working in longlife for a year now. Just wondering.
There's no manager/2IC in my store who hasn't worked for Woolworths for more than three-to-four years.

Leo 100

Jun 6, 2007
Mark-AJ said:
How's this for a great working situation?

I'm an 18 year old, 60kg, weak Student who works Part-Time in Liqour.
My manager, who doest sweet fuck all as it is, has broken his shoulder, putting him out of normal lifting for 1 - 3 MONTHS.


The ONLY other Liqour worker and I have had enough, but none of the managers give a shit, considering its not them lumped with all the extra work... but thats why I love telling them to piss off when they call me an beg me to work after he's called in sick for the third day in a row cuz he can't handle the painkillers.

It is SO not worth $12.05 an hour.
i get 13.64 at big W
should transfer

hey mark- Aj was that picture taken at an english 'telling the truth' senimar


New Member
Oct 20, 2004
Re: Woolworths FAQ- how to get a job

AndromedaAiken said:
Yea, you'd probably need to call them up again.

Just did my group assessment at the regional head office today. The lady called us for an induction on Saturday after we finished that paper test (I actually managed to finish it lol...but I thought 48 questions in five minutes was a little crazy).

Does anyone know how much the casual pay is for a 20 year old? Is there any way of ensuring you get rostered on just your availability and not get rostered on days you aren't free...then you've gotta call up and they get shirty with you? :p
Hey AndromedaAiken,
Just got my E-mail inviting me to an induction this Sat, and it says my Casual rate will be $14.7212 +20% Casual Loading per hour. But this is on the Grade 1 Probationary pay level thingy, lol, so I'm praying it goes up ;)
With hours, I told the guy under no circumstances could I work monday mornings, wed nights or thurs nights cuz I have Uni the next days. BUT, I did tell him after my exam on the 10th of Novemeber (LAst one!) ill be free for whenever, and he was stoked lol :p So I think they are fairly flexible ;)
Btw, I'm a Nightfiller, so some things may be a bit different for you ;)


Woolworths Bitch
Sep 7, 2008
@ ytrbut - I've only been working at Woolies for 3 months and I was promoted to Produce 2IC. (I'm only 16). I'm in sole charge for three days of the week and when the manager goes off on her honeymoon at the end of november, I'll be department manager for 2 weeks :)

Also thank you for the advice. I spoke with the C/O manager today, expressed my concerns and she is totally on my side. She will be speaking with the supervisor about it. Apparently this isn't the first complaint regarding that supervisor, so I think she is on her last legs.

@ ciel - Before I got offered produce 2IC I was offered three contracted supervisor opening shifts. If I suck so bad, I don't think I would have been offered those :) I was also told that once I reached 18, if I was still there they would train me up as a duty manager. I also have an average scanning rate of 96 (Most people are on 91-93) I'm telling you, that bitch has it in for me.
Jun 19, 2007
Re: Woolworths FAQ- how to get a job

hello this has probly been asked some place in this thred but i dont have the time to read throught it (HSC in 4 days). After the HSC i am looking for a job, does anyone known if woolworths hire extra people around christmas time to work those extra opening hours and busy shifts. they are not advertising any jobs in my local are on the internet so should i just approach the store with a resume?

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