Would really appreciate any advice for the following please:
I need some advice on what i can do within the woolworths company regaurding my options. For starters ive worked at woolworths almost 4 years permanent part time at the same queensland store. My most recent Groceries manager wont give me any more hours due to 'budget' and as hes really the kind to not make decisions and blames it on the store manager.
Now i need to know what my options are;
1) I changed my 16 hour roster to one thats 7.5 hours for a short time as i had other commitments, now he wont give me anymore hours/shifts than that. I have read in an agreement somewhere (and others telling me) that as a permenant part timer i HAVE to work 10 or more hours MINIMUM . Was wondering if i forefit the woolworths agreement of x hours/a month or week because i signed a new mutual agreement from now on and cant go back on it? Also no other departments in that store can take me on for more hours..
2) During Christmas both the store manager and my dept. manager went through and cutback on a lot of peoples hours. As i now am only working one shift a week (7.5hours) i got a phonecall 3 days out from my rostered shift on sunday by my dept manager saying he'd have to cut my shift that week and another random rostered shift i had that week.. I was pretty anoyed at him as he gave me the impression he had no choice and it was the store managers decision yet i know he gets a bonus if they are under budget around xmas.. 2mins later he rings back on his highhorse saying 'he had gone through the files... i had accrude holiday leave would i want to take some of that?' hesitantly i accepted and he said next shift i could sign the paperwork. Next shift i came in the pay office person said 'they couldnt take my only shift and if i didnt want to take the time off i didnt have too as i was p p-t. 'And that she didnt have the paperwork for me to sign/ didnt know about them doing that to me, yet i still got paid hmmm...
Do i have a case to speak to Human Resources/ Head Office / The SDA union about whats going on in my store, or/and to speed the process up, am i being treated fairly? Also I have put in for a transfer 3 months ago and havent heard anything from anyone,not even my store or mangers,,, they have a really back record of just tearing them up im told and coercing staff to stay or just saying on there own back 'other stores cant take you,' etc. I put in another transfer request 2 weeks ago to the pay office and a note to my manager in the diary and havent heard anything. I Have also applied for a vacancy at BWS which i would prefer over woolworths but im guessing id have to wait for the online advertisement to close before i hear anything..
If i did speak to my managers they would be very hesitant to help me, this i am sure. Can i find help elsewhere? My initial step was to ask on this forum..
Any advice/ideas would be greatly appreciated thanks