wow that's pretty bad if you only want 10hrs and they won't let you just change depts in your current store!hey guys, first time poster
What is the process of undergoing a store transfer? I work in service, and am really, really bored and frustrated of dealing with idiot customers and the monotonous work. I spoke to my manager regarding a department change, who is just usually an angry guy, who ranted how they are overstaffed in other departments and it would take at least 6 weeks to transfer me anyway.
Whats worse is, he wants me at least 10 hours a week, (I am at school, starting my VCE, have a life) and one of these shifts has to be during the week (which infuriates me more, last thing I want to do after 6 hours at school is work 5 hours serving idiots). I've filled in for perishables and grocery once or twice, and really enjoyed them, so I am thinking of relocating to a closer store (right off the train aswell so not too much of a hassle coming from school) and just saying I have been working in perishables or grocery? Is that possible? or is there a formal process you have to do to transfer
perhaps a transfer is the best way to go, but I would talk to your new manager about your levels of experience in either grocery or perish as you may need a bit of training. most managers i know would prefer a transfer over a new staff member because at least you have experience dealing with customers and knowledge of routines and procedures.