lol my CSM is pissed cuz she was told to cut 60hrs out of next weeks roster. She was so filthy today about it. As she said on Tuesday when she was doing the rosters, its rediculious that a job that should take 3hrs, is now taking her up to 6hrs because of the budget that shes been given.
Shes off to a confrence in Sydney next wednesday, so once again it will just be me by myself on the floor, yay.....
Im going to break my no complaining rule haha. Today was so shit. I have not experienced it that busy in such a long time (even more so than the other day). It was litterally at the point that I was running the floor, doing smokeshop and express (with a line up to bakehouse) by myself, while all large lanes had 3+ trolleys waiting. When the CSM got back from lunch she had a go at the boss cause shes sick of having no express alert people, and the 2 that we actually had today, wouldnt come down for us! She told him that she was over it and on the verge of walking out.....hmmmm. Its just getting beyond a joke.
Roster For Next Week:
finished doing my 2IC relief this week

but its all good, all supervision this week anyways and only another 2 weeks before ill be 2IC for 6 weeks again
Monday- 630-1630 Supervision
Tuesday- 930- 1730 Supervision
Wednesday- 800- 1800 Supervision
Friday- 1745- 2415 Supervision
Saturday- 1545- 2215 Supervision
Sunday- 1615- 2115 Supervision
(i work on a 6/4 day roster, 44hrs back week, 32hrs pay week)