Mass multiquote to follow, but I will rant first.....
I did 12.15-10.15 today. I walked out of my exam this morning at 11.15 to see two missed calls, I got three more steps towards the bus stop to get a panicked call from my 3IC having a panic attack. I was just like, STOP, calm down, you can't change that this morning was shit, I will be there ASAP.
(They had sent one of the FT girls home because she got her nose pierced, so thats 38 hours a week that need to be covered for the next two weeks, and then another 25 hours a week part timer has gone on holidays starting today, but did not tell us she was still rostered on for today and tomorrow. Then a no show. So by 11am my 3IC was kinda losing the plot (CSM is on holidays, 2IC was in meetings all day).
I get there and its massively busy. I jumped on express, but we really needed mains open badly. Problem being, I'm not supposed to be on mains (at orders of my CSM, previous SSM and people at rehab at the Kewdale office - who in fact don't even want me in express). Then there's another woman in express who has back problems, and another woman who has been working with us since February and cannot yet be trusted out of the direct sight of a supervisor. So my SSM comes up, and gets me to open a main, which I do, until I can feel my shoulder getting sore so I closed and went back to express. Five minutes later, she sends me out again. I went out, but was pretty annoyed and let my SSM know. Basically her attitude is that I have a medical clearance that I am fit for pre-injury duties, so thats that. NEVER MIND THE FACT THAT KEWDALE/MY CSM/THE OLD SSM KNOW THAT IT WAS A PREEXISTING INJURY THAT THEY KNOW COULD ARISE AGAIN.
Grr. So we sent the dodgy operator out instead. But then our 2IC came downstairs and abused our 3IC for doing so. And then told her and I that I should be the one supervising and our 3IC on a main.
Then we get to 3pm and we're doing rosters. Yes, its thursday, 3pm, and we haven't started even the supervisor rosters. I agreed to do wednesday 7-3.30 sup, and friday 7-11 sup on the condition that I get thursday night off entirely. Yeah that turned into a massive argument. But I got what I wanted.
Oh, and we had to cut a zillion hours from the grid. At 7pm we went from 11 operators to 5. FML. Pretty much left my SSM in express all night, and the supervisors don't serve rule went flying out the window.
I noticed that as a result that no bread markdowns were done...
Thats why we left at 10.15. And smokes are still in the cage. But I now have tomorrow off, thanks to a local high school having a pupil free day tmoz <3
Hrmm. This is an interesting suggestion. Do you think it'd be a bit TOO forward if I went about it like this? Like I'm putting her in an ultimatum position, when I wouldn't quit unless I had another job lined up anyways. I don't think she'd necessarily listen to me anyways - I've asked her for things in the past (like to change my contract) and all she does is say she'll think about it and call me (which she never did even thought I brought it up again 2 weeks later). She also does this to other people, so yeah, she doesn't seem like someone who gets talked into considering things.
I put myself forward in a similar manner to a CSM that I really hadn't worked with. Basically I overheard her talking to a supervisor that she had only just trained who was saying she was planning on leaving in two months. So I pretty much said later on, look, I overheard your conversation with x, our old CSM started supervisor training me, I'm interested, I know I'm not the person you want but think about it.
Three weeks later they started retraining me.
im glad im casual..
14.47 sounds so much better than 12.68
Used to be 15.60
My name doesn't even appear on the rosters any more! Omg. My CSM actually started welling up as I left, and then left me a really nice fb message.
And twice in the afternoon the SSO made two PA announcements along the lines of "Customers while in store today, make sure you head over to register six and wish young yoddle a bon voyage for his trip to Europe blah blah on behalf of the customers and staff at Woolworths yoddletown we'd like to thank him blah blah" which was nice and embarrassing at the same time.
So anyways I leave tomorrow night so i hereby bid farewell to the inhabitants of the Woolworths Thread. I might drop by in a visit once in a while, but for now, ciao, thanks for making Woolworths so much more bearable!
Gonna miss you! I'm fairly sure we started supervising the same weekend back in the day

Fairly sure both of us had a disastrous first shift too.
Best of luck
Perhaps somebody can enlighten me on this situation.
A supervisor of mine recently mentioned in a supervisor meeting, giving numbers to people(me) so they can help out whilst the svr on breaks and what not.
They used the excuse of "budget cuts". What does getting svision numbers have to do with money?
The closest thing I'd be for having SVR numbers, would be called a "Training supervisor", which does not get me the extra $1 allowance anyway, so why are they using the money card?
That is utter utter bullshit. Giving you supervisor numbers is a matter of upping your operator privileges from level 2 to level 3. Tick of a box.