new uniform website
order before janurary to get discount
also a free shirt if you order before march
new uniforms start in march.
I've ordered a new shirt, but I can't for the life of me find this "USE SUBSIDY" button (because of their web developers?). I sent them an email, but I only ordered one shirt when checking out and paid with a credit card... will I have to complete a new order, or can they just manually fix my order up and give me two of the same shirt?
The one shirt that's on backorder, I bet I'll be waiting for aaaaaages.
Not entirely sure how it works, as my store doesn't have it yet, but it should be similar to the inventory manager for longlife except you look after all the fresh departments. So you do gapscans, negatives, low PI checks, investigating over stocks and possibly the monthly stock takes for produce, meat, bakery, deli and seafood.
Yeah, that would have been my guess
Speaking of company policy, saw this on all yours today
Hold The Phone!
undefined Did you know you are allowed to carry your mobile phone on you while at work? It's a new policy that has recently been introduced to supermarkets.
Your mobile phone must only be used during paid working hours for work-related purposes that show a benefit to customers. For example, to look up product or pricing information or to determine an aisle location for a product.
You can do all that on the RF gun. Or ISIS. I can only see a benefit if the Woolies phone system goes down, like it did the other night.
There was scheduled maintenance at 9pm Monday night, but that's NSW time... us QLDers are an hour behind you guys! No phones, no internet, no epay, bla bla bla and EFTs went into fallback mode at 8 o'clock

lucky we had only like 10 customers between 8 & 9

EDIT: BTW, in case you're wondering (I know you won't be BSammy, but in case there's anyone who doesn't know this), to find a product, go ISIS, click Items, under description, type generalised term for the product. Once you find it, you can double click into it and find the reference number and item location. For example, if you're looking for Home Brand Baby Wipes, type something like "Baby" or "Wipes", and scroll through to find them.
Same with the RF gun, login, go 5,5,1, scan the barcode of the item and press L, and it will come up with the item location, with the Aisle, Bay and Shelf, although I only take note of the Aisle number, because Bay and Shelf are usually wrong.