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isnt russia one of the most polluted countries in the world?Pollution - obvious, industrial revolution, mass production of unnecessary goods and reluctance of large corporations to adopt greener methods as they hurt profits in the short term.
I wasn't asserting whether corporations are noble, because usually its the opposite. Nor was I making a claim that capitalism is better (even though it is). Given the situation these people find themselves in, sweatshops for them are often, more or less a good thing. If you going to remove these sweatshops, you better think of something else to put in its place. Otherwise you're going to encourage a situation where they move to begging, subsistence farming or prostitution (as has happened).Terrible, terrible argument. You're basically saying that these atrocities, and that's what they are, atrocities of the poor for the profit of Nike, are justifiable because they're better than the alternative. That we should allow Nike to exploit these developing countries for profit is ludicrous. Even more insane is your justification for their actions. What kind of fucked up world is this?
You curse competition, and yet it is precisely because of this competition that you are using your powerful, inexpensive computer, and most everything else in your life that makes your life easy and enjoyable.That's not an argument. By using a computer I'm benefiting from technology, not the 'fruits of competition'. I'm benefiting from the labour of the people who made the computer, by trading the computer for my own labour. I want an intelligent response to the argument I posted, damnit. Instead, I got an ill-founded attack on my character.
What logic? Your arguments consist of nothing more than emotive, economic illiterate subjective value claims.Half of my argument was profanity, I agree. This was done for a reason. I can't change your mind with logic, so I'd rather just vent my frustration.
How does a nation become not a shithole other than by becoming richer, even if only gradually?Increases in standards of living have improved slowly, true. However, productivity is not what makes a decent society. To say that 'Nigerians are twice as rich' is misleading. Nigeria is still a shithole.
So? It's not a free market. Government action is responsible for all that you have listed.Nigerians live in poverty, along with most of the world that is used for slave-like cheap labour. Significant portions of even industrialised, First World countries are still living in relative poverty because the system has failed to provide for them. The gap between rich and poor is increasing.
So basically, it's okay if everyone is poor and miserable, just as long as no one is less poor and less miserable than anyone else, right?Capitalism is a system which stratifies society into classes. There can be no social equality within a system like this because wealth provides a freedom of its own that isn't available to everyone. Even in a stateless free market, social stratification would be rampant.
Um, you're joking right?Living within capitalism is great if you're rich. If you're one of the 90%+ that has to sell their labour for a pittance within a workplace you have no control over in order to survive, it's not so great.
How did western nations become wealthy?The argument that conditions are slowly improving in poverty-stricken regions of the world whilst the rich have more money than they can spend and enough power to dictate the world's decisions is frankly not good enough.
People consuming stuff is depleting certain resources, yes, but what are you going to do? Violently force people to live in poverty?How can you possibly argue this point? How can you possibly assert with a straight face that capitalism isn't rapidly fucking up the planet? 'No causal link', what a joke.
Why would an entrepreneur waste capital producing things nobody wants?Private property and command economies aren't the only options. Are you implying that capitalism produces no waste? Are you suggesting that overproduction isn't contributing to dwindling resources?
Property rights are an emergent social construct that exist independently of the state.Irrelevant. Government exists to protect private property.
And this is why I want to et rid of government. What's your point?Governments and corporations go hand in hand.
Government exists solely to physically protect private property and maintain the status quo. The fact that ExxonMobil doesn't have a standing army doesn't mean that they can't influence government to look after their interests. Halliburton doesn't need a standing army when they can bomb Iraq through the USAF.
And almost NONE of it would be carried out on a free market. The only way any entity can afford to wage large scale warfare is through the systematic violation of property rights known as taxation.And produced by private corporations for profit. Global capitalism, or more precisely, unrestricted greed, is the biggest proponent of war. Almost all modern warfare is carried out for economic reasons.
Private property is necessary for capital accumulation. Capital accumulation is necessary for investment. Investment, when preceded by accurate economic calculation by entrepreneurs (who strive to make said accurate calculations because of profit incentives), creates wealth, which allows employment and a better standard of living for everyone else.Justify the existence of private property.
most modern warfare and group conflict is actually intra-national and ethnic/racial or religious fyi
I hope you realise you were quoting him there, not me
don't get me wrong, I believe that blacks on average are inhernetly intellectually inferior to whites. I'm not saying that free market africa would have standards of living like a western nation, but even being less intelligent, a lot of it really should be capable of becoming a mexico or something eventuallycould you explain why niggers replicate the dark continent when you take them out of therse repressive kleptocratic environments and stick them in first world reigions with developed market economies the
get to the root of the problem
why do niggers seem essentially incapable almost EVERYWHERE you find them (besides botswana which is a de beers protectorate and barbados and antigua which are tiny island states with massive tourism and offshore financing industries run by white people) of creating governments that arent repressive and kleptocratic
I'm glad we can settle this, I misunderstood your point. We can however both agree that the economic situation whereby those in poverty have no option but sweatshops shouldn't exist in the first place.SeCKSiiMiNh said:I wasn't asserting whether corporations are noble, because usually its the opposite. Nor was I making a claim that capitalism is better (even though it is). Given the situation these people find themselves in, sweatshops for them are often, more or less a good thing. If you going to remove these sweatshops, you better think of something else to put in its place. Otherwise you're going to encourage a situation where they move to begging, subsistence farming or prostitution (as has happened).
Consider also India's 1991 reforms and the abandonement of its socialist policies. India, as we all know, is the outsourcing capital of the world. And places like Bangalore (and even places like Dalian, in Communist China) are fast becoming technological centers, the likes of which to rival Silicon Valley. Even if you deplore capitalism, there's no denying that it is what's making globalisation occur, and that globalisation is the fastest process by which poor areas become part of the world economy.
I don't see how anyone can declaim those powers which allow individuals from around the globe, based on nothing more than their talents, to become international forces.
edit: according to this
approximately 300million people have escaped extreme poverty since said reforms.
Not by becoming the economic slaves of the West, that's for sure. I agree, corrupt African governments are part of the problem. The other part of the problem is foreign corporations raping their land.SylvesterBr said:How does a nation become not a shithole other than by becoming richer, even if only gradually?
Anyway, the reason african nations are s shit is because of repressive kleptocratic governments. People seem to have this idea that Africa is one giant state of laissez-faire, when in reality the opposite is true.
Africa is the most economically repressed continent on the planet, and s it is precisely a lack of capitalism that causes its poverty.
Places such as Botswana that have embraced comparatively free market economic policy have experienced dramatic rises in per capita income and standard of living compared to their heavily statist neighbours.
Great, so do I. We're the lucky ones. Btw, computers are quite expensive. $1000 for a decent one, minimum, when it costs far far less to produce one. If I'm on say, $20 an hour (probably far less if the labour movement didn't exist) why should I have to work 50 hours in exchange for it? If it costs, say, $200 to produce, why can't I work 10 hours for it? I know the answer, supply and demand, profit margin etc etc. I'm, not supporting the labour theory of value. I'm saying that goods should be produced for human need. Fuck profit margins.SylvesterBr said:My parents are far from rich, but my life is amazing. I have a higher standard of living than even the richest people did a few hundred years ago. I have all the food I need and a huge variety to pick from. I can choose what line of work to get into, I have plenty of free time, I have all the art, music and literature I'll ever want just a click away on my ridiculously cheap laptop.
So does the majority of this 90%.
So if welfare was removed, minimum wage was removed, the lower class and underclass would be better off? What a farce, they'd starve and/or become criminals. Evidence plz.SylvesterBr said:Sure, a number of people on the margins struggle, but it is state action that prevents them from being helped and from them rising out of poverty.
It was through state-sponsored violence. Every country that is now rich was imperialistic in its past or present. The US was built on the backs of slaves. The UK on theft and coercion of foreign countries etc. These nations will always be poor as long as the West keeps exploiting their resources.SylvesterBr said:How did western nations become wealthy?
Was it through violent wealth redistribution that you apparently support?
No, it was through economic development. These nations can't stop being poor until they become industrialised and developed like western nations.
Everyone was poor, except the elites who were far better off. Nothing's changed, except the rich allowed us some of our production after the industrial revolution, after much rioting, violence and trade unionism. 'Capitalists' are the same class of people as nobles, kings and tsars of the past. Pieces of shit who contribute nothing except social division, yet own and run everything. We're both anti-government, but for different reasons.SylvesterBr said:The thing is, everywhere and everyone was poor at some stage. Some people, some regions, some nations over time gradually improved their standards of living, while others, for whatever reason, did not.
You, however, apparently pre-suppose everyone being wealthy and happy, but then some evil "capitalists" came along and made them poor. This of course, is a load of crap.
Granted, government action helps certain individuals unfairly (ie without providing value on a market) become wealthy, but this only supports my position.
I don't have the answer, I was just showing the cause.SylvesterBr said:People consuming stuff is depleting certain resources, yes, but what are you going to do? Violently force people to live in poverty?
And they're also financially punished for it under our corporate plutocracy, and yet it still continues to happen.SylvesterBr said:Why would an entrepreneur waste capital producing things nobody wants?
They are financially punished for this on a free market, in the form of monetary 'loses', as opposed to profits.
Perhaps I should reiterate. The state protects wealth. Its subsistence is dependant on violations of property rights, certainly, but that doesn't prove my claim wrong at all. The state upholds property rights, and its employees protect private and state property. The state is just the means by which the bourgeoisie maintain their wealth and privilege.SylvesterBr said:Property rights are an emergent social construct that exist independently of the state.
The state's whole subsistence is dependant upon violations of property rights. Nearly all of state's actions involve violations of property rights.
Your claim is flat out wrong.
So do I. I was addressing that Kim-il-Sung dude.SylvesterBr said:And this is why I want to et rid of government. What's your point?
Agree. I still feel that the free market is undesirable.SylvesterBr said:And almost NONE of it would be carried out on a free market. The only way any entity can afford to wage large scale warfare is through the systematic violation of property rights known as taxation.
I'll provide an alternative appraisal. Private property is a means for exorbitant individual wealth without contributing one's labour to society. With sufficient private property and deviance, one can even entrap others to produce for you, whilst you strive to pay them the lowest wage the state and/or economic conditions can allow you, without concern for their health or welfare. Private property accumulation is advanced without regard for the environment or the general welfare of other people. Private property is good for the individual, and can raise living standards in a society that practices feudalism. However, it is of no use for a modern society that has adopted more ethical systems of distribution.SylvesterBr said:Private property is necessary for capital accumulation. Capital accumulation is necessary for investment. Investment, when preceded by accurate economic calculation by entrepreneurs (who strive to make said accurate calculations because of profit incentives), creates wealth, which allows employment and a better standard of living for everyone else.
As I've said before, I have moral and ethical concerns with capitalism, not economic ones. The fact that the book you recommended is of high-school level is all the more condescending, you twat.SylvesterBr said:Honestly, would you please do all of us a giant favour and have a read of this book, please?
And before you accuse me of being a condescending twat, despite what the title may imply this is a high-school level book.
#conservativehidingbehindthemaskofanarchismmost modern warfare and group conflict is actually intra-national and ethnic/racial or religious fyi
I hope you realise you were quoting him there, not me
don't get me wrong, I believe that blacks on average are inhernetly intellectually inferior to whites. I'm not saying that free market africa would have standards of living like a western nation, but even being less intelligent, a lot of it really should be capable of becoming a mexico or something eventually
lmao no it wasntThe US was built on the backs of slaves.
Wrong. I'm quite certain pies were enjoyed in communist Russia as well as under the Tzar. Alternative lifestyle communes in California which exist on barter alone have no trouble baking pies. You only need capitalism to make a PROFIT from baking pies. It's also great if you wish to exploit the people who provide the various materials.You need capitalism to bake pies. Just putting it out there that no one would produce the marginal grain, blueberry (mmm, blueberry pie...), sugar etc without a price signal so as to justify that allocation of labour and resources.
Otherwise, good luck with your cool society bro. The rest of us will just be chilling here, enjoying our lack of famine.
Of course life is (or ought to be) an ‘us versus them’ affair. Competition for scarce resources, wealth and/or privilege is one of the drivers of modern human progress. The world we live in today was not a product of a bunch of people sitting around in some feel-good fantasy, singing Kumbuya.
Competition, however, does not necessarily entail a ‘zero sum’ outcome.
Nope, you are wrong. You say things without thinking about how naive it makes you look. Success in our modern capitalist society is the results of many factors. An individuals work ethic is one, however, it is certainly not THE deciding factor. Once you mature, and learn how to objectively and accurately assess a person's character, you'll discover a few things.The whole point of the free market is that it increases individual choice. It rewards those with intelligence, initiative and entrepreneurial abilities. If you can successfully pull the levers of individual choice, you will find a measure of success in the free market system no matter how rich or poor you were when you began. Capitalism as the basis of wealth creation benefits all social classes – the only ones who wilt and die are the ones too slothful and lazy to improve their lot.
There are two things you need to know:This is where things get really fucking loopy. You assert that there is an infinite amount of wealth in the world at any given time; no justification for this assertion is provided. Obviously it is blatantly false; how the fuck can we have absolutely unlimited wealth in a world of scarce resources?
The economic allocation problem with your pie analogy has already been covered. To say that all the world’s problems can be fixed by ‘baking more pies’ is just about the most pathetically reductionist statement that I have ever read. To continue the analogy, decisions will need to be made regarding what type of pies are to be baked, what ingredients to bake them out of, how large they ought to be, whether you need some gluten-free pies, and so on. Capitalism is the only economic system in which these decisions can be appropriately made, because it involves a price mechanism. Without a price mechanism, decisions as to the allocation of scarce resources to the baking of pies are likely going to be made arbitrarily by some government bureaucrat.
Consider the Trabant, a ‘car for everyone’ that was built in certain Communist countries. The design brief for this car was along the lines ofyour ‘bake more pies’ brainwave above. As it was produced by the state, no competing car existed and resource allocation failed to conform to the needs of the market. Unsurprisingly, it turned out to be absolute shit, and inferior to pretty much every Western car as a day-to-day ownership proposition.
Is that right? Everyone ought to ‘enjoy the most out of life’ for ‘the betterment of humanity’? Can you please tell me what this bland pseudo-philosophical drivel actually fucking means?
What you have done here, is conform flawlessly to the leftist stereotype of somebody who bleats about ‘improving peoples' abilities’ without giving a fuck about what those people actually value in their lives. Observe Leon Trotsky explain the idea in a far more eloquent way than yourself:
This sounds like an amazing vision of the future to credulous morons such as yourself. However, it completely ignores the fact that some people are naturally stupid. They are naturally lazy. They may not be at all interested in intellectual endeavour and would rather bludge on the dole and go surfing, and so on. The presupposition of the leftist is that redistribution of wealth would, in some unexplained way (perhaps re-educative propaganda), alter peoples’ natures to enable them to rise up and get ‘the most out of life’. Innumerable examples from around the world tell us that this idea is completely false.
Because of their natures, some poor people will always be poor. No amount of redistributive welfare will catapult them to the level of an Aristotle, a Goethe, or a Marx. Instead, all that will happen is that the vast majorty of wealthy people who worked to earn their wealth will have that wealth coercively taken away. ‘Ideal equality’ is all well and good on paper, but ‘practical equality’ does indeed involve simply making everybody poorer.
please explain to meWrong. I'm quite certain pies were enjoyed in communist Russia as well as under the Tzar. Alternative lifestyle communes in California which exist on barter alone have no trouble baking pies. You only need capitalism to make a PROFIT from baking pies. It's also great if you wish to exploit the people who provide the various materials.
all i see here is a paragraph of supercilious shitWrong. Life often is a "us versus them" affair, however, it does not have to be, nor should it be. When you grow up, you'll learn that it is better to cooperate then to fight amongst ourselves. This is a basic lesson that you should have learned in kindergarten, or its equivalent in whichever school system you attended. If you have or had siblings, then the person who raised you should have taught you this lesson as well.
wrong - you clearly know jackshit about american economic historyThe United States as a country, is the single greatest representative of the economic nonsense that you spout. She is the epitome of free market capitalism.
it is only the largest and most prosperous economy in the worldHow does the flagship of market economics stack up to other countries? Embarrassingly lacking.
do some research on social mobility and especially intergenerational social mobility kthxSuch as, financially speaking, where a person starts out in life, is also where they are likely to end in life.
[citation needed]Yet as far as free enterprise and market economics are concerned, inexplicably, slothful rich people tend to remain rich, and industrious poor people tend to remain poor. There is not a great deal of mobility between "classes", despite work ethic.
lol...but also that we as a species are not realizing our full potential because of this truth.
which somehow always seems to involve...wealth redistributionThere are two things you need to know:
1.] Once again, you're wrong. "Redistributive welfare"? Pfft! As a class, the poor don't want "redistributive welfare". They are not out to take money from the wealthy. They want the wealthy to stop preventing them from making their OWN money.
if you knew the first thing about social science and politics you would know that the bourgeois/proletariat dichotomy does not exist in modern society except in the eyes of dogmatistsIn order for there to be a privileged class, there has to be a underclass to serve them.
as aboveCapitalism and your precious market economy relies on a two-tier system of "haves" and "have nots". If you are correct, the swelling ranks of the "have nots" merely reflect the unbelievable investment potential of Hawaiian shirts and surfboards. If I'm correct, we should seriously start trying to figure out a way to avoid the "Mother of all French Revolutions".
and if those children do not appreciate their predicament then they ought to take the time to get a good education and improve their station2.] People who talk like you are always going on about how the poor are just lazy. Capitalism and market economics are not only the best, they're the only system that helps the poor. The poor are poor because they chose to be poor. They deserve all of the hardships that they get. If they don't like it, too bad, they shouldn't be poor in the first place. Yadda, yadda, yadda... You fools never seem to care that people who are poor, also have children who are poor.
Approximately, 65% of the people on welfare are children under the age of 12.
Not by becoming the economic slaves of the West, that's for sure. I agree, corrupt African governments are part of the problem. The other part of the problem is foreign corporations raping their land.
Only because of capitalist economies.There is more than enough food to go around,
Ok cool, you want this. But how.I want a society where there is very little disparity. Where everyone is well off.
Without profit, they never would have been made.Btw, computers are quite expensive. $1000 for a decent one, minimum, when it costs far far less to produce one. If I'm on say, $20 an hour (probably far less if the labour movement didn't exist) why should I have to work 50 hours in exchange for it? If it costs, say, $200 to produce, why can't I work 10 hours for it? I know the answer, supply and demand, profit margin etc etc. I'm, not supporting the labour theory of value. I'm saying that goods should be produced for human need. Fuck profit margins.
These things are only necessary because of other government interventions.So if welfare was removed, minimum wage was removed, the lower class and underclass would be better off? What a farce, they'd starve and/or become criminals. Evidence plz.
Work by slaves constituted a very small amount of economic activity in the US, and they were not very profitable as cosmo pointed out.The US was built on the backs of slaves.
Australia. Boom.. The UK on theft and coercion of foreign countries etc. These nations will always be poor as long as the West keeps exploiting their resources.
No...after extensive division of labour which made workers productive.Everyone was poor, except the elites who were far better off. Nothing's changed, except the rich allowed us some of our production after the industrial revolution, after much rioting, violence and trade unionism.
Capitalist is a meaningless word. I am a minimum wage worker, but I also have ownership in pieces of corporations.'Capitalists' are the same class of people as nobles, kings and tsars of the past. Pieces of shit who contribute nothing except social division, yet own and run everything. We're both anti-government, but for different reasons.
Further, don't you think that if the whole world managed to rise out of poverty that this would be worse for the environment?I don't have the answer, I was just showing the cause.
So basically, 'capitalists' are greedy and only care about money, and yet they will do things that lead to making less money? um okAnd they're also financially punished for it under our corporate plutocracy, and yet it still continues to happen.
Firstly, few people are dedicated "capitalists". Most are a combination of worker and capitalist.Private property is a means for exorbitant individual wealth without contributing one's labour to society.
With sufficient private property and deviance, one can even entrap others to produce for you,
And, everything else being equal, workers will take the highest wage jobs they can find. What's your point.whilst you strive to pay them the lowest wage the state and/or economic conditions can allow you
So providing the masses with employment opportunities and a (relative) abundance of inexpensive goods and services doesn't help the general welfare?, without concern for their health or welfare. Private property accumulation is advanced without regard for the environment or the general welfare of other people.
what the shit are u talking aboutHowever, it is of no use for a modern society that has adopted more ethical systems of distribution.
.As I've said before, I have moral and ethical concerns with capitalism, not economic ones
I was trying to make it easy for you, but whatever. Here's a 950 page fucking treatsie. Knock yourself out.The fact that the book you recommended is of high-school level is all the more condescending, you twat.
If he had gotten to meet you, Stuart-Mill would have called you a wanker. Just so you know.#idiotwhokeepscallingpeopleconservativeasifthewordhasanymeaning
Anyway, this pretty much summaries why I believe what I do (on the issue of intelligence).
The economic calculation problem is merely another way of saying "cost benefit analysis". If you wanted to start a pie making business, or had a pre-existing pie business, we could have a sit-down and since you are probably one of those people who still use Microsoft's Office, I would launch Excel, craft one from scratch, and show you how it's done.and now you have gone full retard
please explain to me
how to solve the economic calculation problem
if you even know what it is
I have presented data compiled by the United Nations, the C.I.A., and other organizations display how the people of "the largest and most prosperous economy in the world" are being ill served by the economic system you promote. This is shown along several international indexes, (arguably, the most important being the "International Human Development Indicators"), and presuming you actually looked at the data, your mind seems to be incapable of reconciling the prevarication of your premise, with actual is only the largest and most prosperous economy in the world
do some research on social mobility and especially intergenerational social mobility kthx
[citation needed]
also i love that your stereotypes of 'slothful rich' and 'industrious poor people' are so deliciously false
clive palmer's parents ran a local movie theatre
not exactly a silver spoon upbringing eh
perhaps he WORKED HARD
you clearly missed the point of my last post
which somehow always seems to involve...wealth redistribution
higher taxes imposed on the people who already pay the most tax by far
increases in unemployment benefits
increases in the minimum wage
all these are examples of coercion by the state and involve forcibly seizing other peoples' money or dictating how it is to be spent
if you knew the first thing about social science and politics you would know that the bourgeois/proletariat dichotomy does not exist in modern society except in the eyes of dogmatists
also how the fuck can lower socioeconomic classes be considered an 'underclass' when they are able to form hugely powerful labour movements and be elected to political office
unionism is in decline anyway so it seems like most of this 'underclass' is abandoning its belief in the fatuous shit you blather on about; i wonder why this might be?
as above
and if those children do not appreciate their predicament then they ought to take the time to get a good education and improve their station
also nice work on not attempting to refute my point hahaha - clearly you know nothing about intergenerational social mobility
people who choose to remain poor remain poor and those who choose not to usually fare much better
my father grew up in a relatively poor household in rural new zealand, but through determination and hard work he got into med school. as a consequence of this i was able to get a good education and get into law school. yet apparently this effort ought to be rewarded by taking huge sums of money away from us.
this is a common story and it completely debunks whatever the vague point was that you were attempting to make above
UmThe economic calculation problem is merely another way of saying "cost benefit analysis"