Frankenstein wasn't the best i've read but the do enjoy the themes explored. in all, i though the ideas, and the characters explored were pretty good. however the writing style of the book, and especially how slow and boring the beginning was made me want to just give up on reading the book (like for emma and dracular - though i now regret not finishing dracula) and just read the summaries. it did get better once it got to the creation of the monster, though i found the book unfulfilling again as once it reached the climax, it plummeted staight down and it looked like that shelley was rushing to finished the book (i mean the entire chase scenario was basically summed up in one chapter!).
bladerunner on the other hand, well the first time we saw it, i kinda nodded off in a couple of places (due to my tiredness mainly) and when my class was discussing the film, i had no idea who roy was and so forth. the second viewing wasn;t anything better, but the class discussions does help me understand the text better, though my teacher forces her views onto us.
hopefully i am able to understand blade runner fully by the end of the week, especially when we have an assessment on it. come to think of it, does anyone know of a good website that has some critical analysis notes and stuff on blade runner
