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Time to stand against racism (1 Viewer)

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
The Guardian 14 December, 2005

"This is racism and must be condemned and opposed", said the Secretariat of the Communist Party in a statement strongly condemning the riots on several Sydney beaches over the past few days. The statement continues:

The riots and violence were deliberately organised and it has been revealed that several white supremacist fascist organisations played a part in fanning and perhaps organising the racist actions. The fact that many young people were caught up in these demonstrations is one of their worst features.

Much has been done in Australia to promote a tolerant multi-cultural and multi-ethnic society. Such riots, if allowed to succeed and spread, could tear apart our society and set race against race and religion against religion. It could also divide multi-ethnic families.

These vicious and racist demonstrations are a direct consequence of the "anti-terror" laws, the appalling and discriminatory treatment of refugees, the arrest without charge of people from the Muslim community, the deliberate fostering of fear and insecurity, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the threat of war against other Middle Eastern countries in which the Australian Government is a major participant.

The responsibility for these developments rests squarely with PM Howard, Attorney-General Ruddock and former NSW Premier Bob Carr in particular. Their policies have helped to promote racist attitudes. They failed, even after the Sydney riots, to take a strong stand against racism and for multi-culturalism.

The responsibility also rests with sections of the media which give prominence to anti-Muslim stories and depict images of stereotypes of those from Middle Eastern countries. Some newspapers have been fanning the sentiments leading to conflict for several years.

The stirred up atmosphere was added to by the consumption of alcohol sold by the local hotels until they finally turned off the taps at the request of the police. But the damage had by then been done and the hooliganism seen on Sydney beaches was the result.

Some extreme elements from Middle Eastern communities in Australia have also not helped by their responses to undoubted taunts, humiliations and provocations. Terrorist attacks outside Australia also create resentment and fear and play into the hands of political manipulators.

The cycle of attack and counter-attack must be halted and all involved persuaded to restrain their words and their actions. There is an urgent need for community leaders, Municipal Councils, the State Government, representatives of ethnic communities and other democratic organisations to band together and make a stand against racism and all its manifestations.

The tone has been set for a united opposition to racism by the strong response of many citizens of Sydney beach suburbs who have condemned and expressed their disgust at the violence of the thugs who took part in the racist demonstrations.

It has been helped by the statements of many community and political leaders and by police officials who have also condemned the loutish, hooligan and racist behaviour.

But it is necessary for authorities to call the actions of the rioters not merely "anti-social" but what they really are — racist — even though other factors are also involved. They are no less than the racism of apartheid practiced in South Africa, the racism of KKK lynch mobs in the United States directed against African-Americans, the racism behind the White Australia policy and the deprivation and humiliation imposed on the Indigenous people of Australia.

Racism is a generations-old policy cynically used by the ruling circles in a number of countries to divert attention from their inability to look after the economic and social needs of the people and to blame "outside" groups for their failures. It was the policy of the leaders of fascist Germany to direct hatred against the Jews, Gypsies, Poles, Slavs and other national groups to divert the attention of the German people from their real intentions. Racism can lead to a cycle of war and destruction. It is also used to divide the working class along ethnic and religious lines and thereby weaken their struggle for pay and their rights and conditions at work.

Racism has led in a number of countries to the formation of racist-based political parties that play on the fears and resentments of sections of the community who are suspicious of people who have a different culture, religion or skin colour. Fortunately, this has not happened in Australia so far.

These dangers can still be avoided in Australia by all communities restraining their responses, by support for Australia remaining a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic society, by education in schools about the evil of racism and by the rejection of those responsible for racist-based policies in Australia's political life.


I think there needs to be re-education to eliminate the remnants of Colonial mentality and all forms of Chauvinism. But can the current system correct ideological and cultural problems, or for starters even admit it? Maybe there needs to be a grass roots movement?

mr EaZy

Active Member
May 28, 2004
punchbowl bro- its the best place to live !
The cycle of attack and counter-attack must be halted and all involved persuaded to restrain their words and their actions. There is an urgent need for community leaders, Municipal Councils, the State Government, representatives of ethnic communities and other democratic organisations to band together and make a stand against racism and all its manifestations.

pretty much sums it up


Nov 22, 2004
Darling It Hurts!
Or maybe immigration needs to be more tightly controlled to ensure people from countries that have been hard to integrate do not enter the country.

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
Or people could actually start to think and work it out for themselves.
The people can't without a real and correct leadership.

Or maybe immigration needs to be more tightly controlled to ensure people from countries that have been hard to integrate do not enter the country.
Immigration has nothing to do with this. On the Lebanese side, the problem is the youth, which most are 2nd, 3rd or even 4th generation. So the problem with the young male Lebanese is a result of growing up in a western society, not a Lebanese society. The chauvinism in the young Lebanese side, is western chauvinism not Lebanese or Muslim chauvinism. This has clashed with anglo chauvinism.


New Member
Apr 26, 2004
Comrade nathan said:
Immigration has nothing to do with this. On the Lebanese side, the problem is the youth, which most are 2nd, 3rd or even 4th generation. So the problem with the young male Lebanese is a result of growing up in a western society, not a Lebanese society. The chauvinism in the young Lebanese side, is western chauvinism not Lebanese or Muslim chauvinism. This has clashed with anglo chauvinism.
Fucking red. Its all about Immigration, mate. And no leb in this country is 3rd or 4th generation, hell, they only started coming in the 70's so by saying forth Generation their Great Grandparents had to of come in the 70's :rolleyes: yeah right mate. Go spout your red propaganda somewhere else. The lebs don't like it, leave.

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
White supremacists hide in quiet suburbs

December 18, 2005
Page 1 of 2

The shadowy far-right may be behind Sydney's race riots. But where are they? William Birnbauer and Claire Miller track them down in outer Melbourne.

POST offices don't get any more ordinary-looking than the glass-fronted Australia Post shop in leafy outer-suburban Croydon. A corridor runs the length of the shop and there is a row of post office boxes along one wall. That's where you will find Box 223. It looks like every other box in every other post office. But it's not, because Box 223 is the hub of radical, right-wing racist activity in Victoria.

PO Box 223, Croydon, is listed on the Melbourne website of the Australia First Party, which mobilised supporters to last week's violent "reclaim the beach" riots at Sydney's Cronulla.

The same box last year was a contact point for the Eureka Freedom Commemoration, a gathering in Ballarat to which members of all "patriotic groups and independent patriots" were welcomed.

Anti-hate groups say it is also used by the Patriotic Youth League, which has been linked to neo-Nazis and racist attacks in NSW. Spokesman Luke Connors recently predicted racial violence in Melbourne's suburbs.

Matthew Collins, a former chairman of the UK National Front before changing sides to investigate and expose ultra-nationalist groups, recalls that the Croydon post office box was once used by National Action. "They are finished now but they were prominent in the 1980s and '90s," he said.

Finding out who rents this box is difficult because in the shadowy world of extreme right-wing politics, media are seen as the enemy, front groups are common and conspiracy theories about "internationalists who would destroy Australia's way of life" abound.

The Sunday Age found that the radical groups involved in the Cronulla riots are present in Victoria. However, their membership is limited and they have failed to attract support. A key activity appears to be slagging off other groups and foes such as the anti-racist group Fight dem back! on blog sites in language that most would find difficult to understand: "Darpo-Nutzism: David Palmer Joins On The 'Darp' Web Site To Attack Australian Patriots: Amidst Palmer's Lies, Many Truths" reads one headline.

Deep conspiracy theories, local and international, about various alleged persecutions, state-paid provocateurs and smears are expounded at tiresome length on websites.

Diane Teasdale, the Shepparton-based, "acceptable face" of Australia First, believes the Cronulla riots were "set up" by anonymous government figures so that tougher policing powers could be introduced. She said: "I believe it is possible from what I've seen in the last few days that people within government or people in authority possibly have helped set this up to get police powers that otherwise Australians would not accept … therefore it has paid off," she said. Asked who was involved, she said: "Someone. Just someone."

Post Office Box 223 is on an Australia First website that calls for the introduction of citizen- initiated referendums and decries what it calls Australia's "immigration-driven 'trinket sale' type economy". A mobile number listed on the site is answered by a man who says he doesn't do phone interviews. What type of interviews does he do?


Why not?

Because the story will be a beat-up he says, hanging up.

Australia First's Dr Jim Saleam, who was jailed for three years in 1991 for organising a shotgun attack on the home of an African National Congress representative, also maintains he does not know who operates Box 223. This is despite his being key speaker at the Eureka meeting last year for which participants were asked to register by writing to Box 223.

Australia First's Queensland representative, John Drew, hung up immediately after being told he was talking to a journalist.

Mrs Teasdale confirmed the box was used by "some of our Victorian members" but would not name names. She suggested that it was shared by different groups to save money. Mrs Teasdale said Australia First's members included people who belonged to the Patriotic Youth League — a group reportedly associated with white supremacists including Volkfront. Mrs Teasdale said of league members: "The ones that I've met I've found to be quite nice young men."

A spokesman for anti-racist group Fight dem back! said he believed that the spokesman for the Patriotic Youth League, Luke Connors, lived in Eltham, which is west of Croydon. Mr Connors has not been answering his mobile phone since he was quoted in The Age last week anticipating local racial violence. He has claimed the league has 100 members nationally and branches in Ascot Vale and Eltham.

The Australia First Party was founded by former Labor MHR Graeme Campbell in 1996 and several candidates stood at the 1998 election, but the party has not contested the past two federal elections.

Mrs Teasdale, who recently polled 4 per cent of the vote in elections for the Shepparton council, said the party had not been active in recent years but she intended to register it soon and run candidates at the next poll. She would not say how many members the party had.

December 18, 2005
Page 2 of 2

The shadowy far-right may be behind Sydney's race riots. But where are they? William Birnbauer and Claire Miller track them down in outer Melbourne.

POST offices don't get any more ordinary-looking than the glass-fronted Australia Post shop in leafy outer-suburban Croydon. A corridor runs the length of the shop and there is a row of post office boxes along one wall. That's where you will find Box 223. It looks like every other box in every other post office. But it's not, because Box 223 is the hub of radical, right-wing racist activity in Victoria.

PO Box 223, Croydon, is listed on the Melbourne website of the Australia First Party, which mobilised supporters to last week's violent "reclaim the beach" riots at Sydney's Cronulla.

The same box last year was a contact point for the Eureka Freedom Commemoration, a gathering in Ballarat to which members of all "patriotic groups and independent patriots" were welcomed.

Anti-hate groups say it is also used by the Patriotic Youth League, which has been linked to neo-Nazis and racist attacks in NSW. Spokesman Luke Connors recently predicted racial violence in Melbourne's suburbs.

Matthew Collins, a former chairman of the UK National Front before changing sides to investigate and expose ultra-nationalist groups, recalls that the Croydon post office box was once used by National Action. "They are finished now but they were prominent in the 1980s and '90s," he said.

Finding out who rents this box is difficult because in the shadowy world of extreme right-wing politics, media are seen as the enemy, front groups are common and conspiracy theories about "internationalists who would destroy Australia's way of life" abound.

The Sunday Age found that the radical groups involved in the Cronulla riots are present in Victoria. However, their membership is limited and they have failed to attract support. A key activity appears to be slagging off other groups and foes such as the anti-racist group Fight dem back! on blog sites in language that most would find difficult to understand: "Darpo-Nutzism: David Palmer Joins On The 'Darp' Web Site To Attack Australian Patriots: Amidst Palmer's Lies, Many Truths" reads one headline.

Deep conspiracy theories, local and international, about various alleged persecutions, state-paid provocateurs and smears are expounded at tiresome length on websites.

Diane Teasdale, the Shepparton-based, "acceptable face" of Australia First, believes the Cronulla riots were "set up" by anonymous government figures so that tougher policing powers could be introduced. She said: "I believe it is possible from what I've seen in the last few days that people within government or people in authority possibly have helped set this up to get police powers that otherwise Australians would not accept … therefore it has paid off," she said. Asked who was involved, she said: "Someone. Just someone."

Post Office Box 223 is on an Australia First website that calls for the introduction of citizen- initiated referendums and decries what it calls Australia's "immigration-driven 'trinket sale' type economy". A mobile number listed on the site is answered by a man who says he doesn't do phone interviews. What type of interviews does he do?


Why not?

Because the story will be a beat-up he says, hanging up.

Australia First's Dr Jim Saleam, who was jailed for three years in 1991 for organising a shotgun attack on the home of an African National Congress representative, also maintains he does not know who operates Box 223. This is despite his being key speaker at the Eureka meeting last year for which participants were asked to register by writing to Box 223.

Australia First's Queensland representative, John Drew, hung up immediately after being told he was talking to a journalist.

Mrs Teasdale confirmed the box was used by "some of our Victorian members" but would not name names. She suggested that it was shared by different groups to save money. Mrs Teasdale said Australia First's members included people who belonged to the Patriotic Youth League — a group reportedly associated with white supremacists including Volkfront. Mrs Teasdale said of league members: "The ones that I've met I've found to be quite nice young men."

A spokesman for anti-racist group Fight dem back! said he believed that the spokesman for the Patriotic Youth League, Luke Connors, lived in Eltham, which is west of Croydon. Mr Connors has not been answering his mobile phone since he was quoted in The Age last week anticipating local racial violence. He has claimed the league has 100 members nationally and branches in Ascot Vale and Eltham.

The Australia First Party was founded by former Labor MHR Graeme Campbell in 1996 and several candidates stood at the 1998 election, but the party has not contested the past two federal elections.

Mrs Teasdale, who recently polled 4 per cent of the vote in elections for the Shepparton council, said the party had not been active in recent years but she intended to register it soon and run candidates at the next poll. She would not say how many members the party had.

Her view of the Cronulla riots? "From what I understand of the Cronulla incident, there was an element there of young Lebanese who were causing trouble and it got to the point, I understand, where the young Aussie blokes … were quite frankly pissed off and decided it was time to reclaim their beach.

"I think they were sick of their girlfriends being sneered at, things being said to them and what have you. I can sympathise with that."

Dr Saleam, who handed out stickers and leaflets at Cronulla, was equally dismissive. "It's not alcohol, it's not louts, and it's got no real outside impetus, particularly the shibboleth called neo-Nazis. It was purely and totally a massively spontaneous event," he said.

Her view of the Cronulla riots? "From what I understand of the Cronulla incident, there was an element there of young Lebanese who were causing trouble and it got to the point, I understand, where the young Aussie blokes … were quite frankly pissed off and decided it was time to reclaim their beach.

"I think they were sick of their girlfriends being sneered at, things being said to them and what have you. I can sympathise with that."

Dr Saleam, who handed out stickers and leaflets at Cronulla, was equally dismissive. "It's not alcohol, it's not louts, and it's got no real outside impetus, particularly the shibboleth called neo-Nazis. It was purely and totally a massively spontaneous event," he said.


Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
1000 rally against racism in Sydney
Sunday Dec 18 15:07 AEDT
About 1000 people are rallying at Sydney's Town Hall calling for peace and condemning race-fuelled violence sweeping the city.

About 2000 police officers are on duty at Sydney's eastern, southern and northern beaches to try and prevent a repeat of last Sunday's outbreak of race riots at Cronulla.

More than 900 protesters assembled outside the Town Hall to denounce racism and what they said was the media's role in provoking the riots.

They said they were also demonstrating against the governments' handling of the violence.

Unite Against Racism Rally organiser and National Union of Students (NUS) anti-racism officer, Osmond Chiu, 19, said was about uniting in opposition to a racist Australia.

"The riots have drawn attention to the racism in this country," Mr Chiu said.

"I am shocked and appalled by what's been happening, I never fathomed anything of this scale, that such violent racist clashes, could happen here."

Mr Chiu condemned some media and political leaders who he said may have fuelled the riots.

He was particularly critical of Macquarie Radio which he accused of "spreading word about the wave of text messages this week that urged further race-based attacks".

Mr Chiu also called on Prime Minister John Howard to admit the existence of racism in Australia.

"John Howard, the leader of our country, has denied that racism played a part in the week's violence," Mr Chiu said.

"He needs to admit that racism played a big part in what happened.

"Only when that happens can we go back to building a tolerant, accepting and diverse society."

Mr Chiu said the rally was about promoting an understanding and an all-embracing country.

"The rioters have been dividing people into 'Aussie', or 'Lebanese', but a lot of Lebanese are born in Australia and have just as much right to be here as anyone else," he said.

"We are all Australians and we should never forget that."

The demonstrators then marched to Belmore Park, in the CBD's south, for another rally.



~--> Quincy <--~
Jul 16, 2003
im not saying Yes,
but wat if one day in the near future australia turns out into a palestine/israel warzone....just imagine that wud suck bigtime. i wud migrate to alice springs and start a lemon juice shop and live with the indigenous ppl and smoke some cactus
Dec 13, 2005
Wollongong, NSW
I had this discussion at work yesterday and a comment made was:

"Their parents came to Australia to get away from all the bull shit that goes on in their home country... If they can't respect other people in Australia, why can't they respect their parents choice to remove them from their own country for a better life in Australia?"

I agree!!!

All it takes is a little respect!

Why can't you all just stop judging people on face value? It's the person inside that matters the most!!!


i can teach you
Nov 11, 2003
88 said:
Fucking red.
Oh of course nathan's evil thread calling for peace and tolerance is propaganda because he's a communist!

You sound like such an intelligent person.


The Commonwealth
May 16, 2004
Comrade nathan said:
1000 rally against racism in Sydney
Sunday Dec 18 15:07 AEDT
About 1000 people are rallying at Sydney's Town Hall calling for peace and condemning race-fuelled violence sweeping the city.

About 2000 police officers are on duty at Sydney's eastern, southern and northern beaches to try and prevent a repeat of last Sunday's outbreak of race riots at Cronulla.

More than 900 protesters assembled outside the Town Hall to denounce racism and what they said was the media's role in provoking the riots.

They said they were also demonstrating against the governments' handling of the violence.

Unite Against Racism Rally organiser and National Union of Students (NUS) anti-racism officer, Osmond Chiu, 19, said was about uniting in opposition to a racist Australia.

"The riots have drawn attention to the racism in this country," Mr Chiu said.

"I am shocked and appalled by what's been happening, I never fathomed anything of this scale, that such violent racist clashes, could happen here."

Mr Chiu condemned some media and political leaders who he said may have fuelled the riots.

He was particularly critical of Macquarie Radio which he accused of "spreading word about the wave of text messages this week that urged further race-based attacks".

Mr Chiu also called on Prime Minister John Howard to admit the existence of racism in Australia.

"John Howard, the leader of our country, has denied that racism played a part in the week's violence," Mr Chiu said.

"He needs to admit that racism played a big part in what happened.

"Only when that happens can we go back to building a tolerant, accepting and diverse society."

Mr Chiu said the rally was about promoting an understanding and an all-embracing country.

"The rioters have been dividing people into 'Aussie', or 'Lebanese', but a lot of Lebanese are born in Australia and have just as much right to be here as anyone else," he said.

"We are all Australians and we should never forget that."

The demonstrators then marched to Belmore Park, in the CBD's south, for another rally.


It was merely a rent-a-crowd primarily composed of those from the Socialist Alliance and Communist Parties as an excuse to have a demonstration and make themselves heard....more people (approximately 30 times the no.) attended the Sydney Swans premiership ticker-tape parade; conveys the level of concern and support within the wider community. The majority always do remain silent..or are silenced rather..

This 'racial' fiasco was not instigated by any anglo or caucasian group, but rather was created when these ethnic gangs began to target particular people because they were "Australian" in Australia for goodness sake. Terms such as "skip', 'aussie' and the like were quite frequent when these groups attack people of anglo origin. Was there any denunciation of the racism and taunting by these groups yesterday, or was it primarily targeted at those evil, treacherous and dreadful anglo-Australians.. :rolleyes:

Suggestions that Austalia is inherently racist are completely absurd, and quite frankly Australia is one of the most accepting and tolerating nations in the the world. How about we go to Iran, Lebanon, China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, South Africa..(the list could go on and on)..and se how accepting these people are of the those from different creeds and backgrounds..I think that all the members of these ideological leftist organisations should move to these and similar nations, and attempt to lives with the levels of freedom and ease in which they do here..For goodness sake, stop despising this nation and everything that it provides. People who live in this great country of ours really don't know how lucky they are...


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
I walked past that crowd at town hall, and I can tell you 90% of them are members of the lefty clubs at usyd.

Discussion leading to the protest:

"Fuck, there are some racist riots. We need a scapegoat"
"Can we blame America?"
"Shit, we can't. These protests are entirely localised in Australia:("
"How bout Howard? We can draw a really vague link between the war in Iraq and these riots!"
"Fuck yeah, I'll call up the Socialist Alternative, we'll have enough people for a protest in minutes"
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Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
Suggestions that Austalia is inherently racist are completely absurd, and quite frankly Australia is one of the most accepting and tolerating nations in the the world. How about we go to Iran, Lebanon, China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, South Africa..(the list could go on and on)..
Typical tactic of thoose on the right. If someone criticises and exposes contradicitons in Australian society, the right wing well just say "well move to Iran, Lebanon, China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, South Africa". Is it the plan for the right wing to never fix or admit a problem untill we become as bad as these countries? They would rather everyone comparing how great we have it compared to other countries then analysis and fix Australia's problems. This can only lead to violence.

I walked past that crowd at town hall,
Im sure you did.

and I can tell you 90% of them are members of the lefty clubs at usyd.
Im sure you have the ability, or incentive to tell the truth as well.

Here we have two apologist of the race riots who want to tone down the situation and brush it aside, two people who deny there is racism in Australia, criticising people who wish to bring peace and bring multicultralism back into Australia.

What we have here is two crypto-racists which would rather defend the actions of a violent race motivated mob, while criticising thoose who wish to correct the problem. Is this what they really want? Race against race? Mod violence in Australia?

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
Captain Gh3y said:
But how does labelling 5000 people racists and making slurs at John Howard help fix the problem?
Is that the major aim of the campaign? Do you actually believe WAF?

Regardless of what false perception you have of the anti racist rally, you need to declare who the racists are and admit there is a racist trend in Australian society, before any work can be done.


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Comrade nathan said:
Typical tactic of thoose on the right. If someone criticises and exposes contradicitons in Australian society, the right wing well just say "well move to Iran, Lebanon, China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, South Africa". Is it the plan for the right wing to never fix or admit a problem untill we become as bad as these countries? They would rather everyone comparing how great we have it compared to other countries then analysis and fix Australia's problems. This can only lead to violence.

Im sure you did.

Im sure you have the ability, or incentive to tell the truth as well.

Here we have two apologist of the race riots who want to tone down the situation and brush it aside, two people who deny there is racism in Australia, criticising people who wish to bring peace and bring multicultralism back into Australia.

What we have here is two crypto-racists which would rather defend the actions of a violent race motivated mob, while criticising thoose who wish to correct the problem. Is this what they really want? Race against race? Mod violence in Australia?
The issue is not race. The issue is an sms sent between 5000 people who decided it'd be fun to turn up and see what havoc was caused in Cronulla, and who got fired up in the moment.

Yes there were a few racists motivating it (namely those who first sent out the SMS and the Neo Nazis present), but I honestly believe that the overriding motive of most of those present was to cause trouble, the fact that it was of a racist nature was of secondary concern.

And Nathan, while 90% is an exaggeration, I did see huge numbers of the same old mob of lefties that I see at uni campaigning all the time, and this would suggest that a lot of the rest are people of a similar nature from UNSW, UTS etc

EDIT: And fuck off, I'm not defending their actions, just saying the motives are hooliganism, not racism.
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Captain Gh3y

Aug 10, 2005
falling from grace with god
The guy they showed on the news shouting out their slogans was wearing a "no blood for oil" shirt, I think that says something about the kind of people there.

Anyway, have the left considered, and would they protest:

- Difficulty of integration of Lebanese Muslims into society relative to that of other ethnicities who have not had any riots held against them
- Rise of ethnic gangs- harassment of locals, drugs, pack rapes back in 2001, etc.
- Community representation of Muslims by 'radical' figures, eg. Trad (who was there boasting about how the racists could only gather 5000 people, in direct contradiction to the claim we're all racist)
- Unemployment, drugs, lack of real families, poverty etc, for both the Lebanese and the 'rednecks' who rioted
- Depiction by the Media of events as a "race war"
- Multiculturalism encouraging lack of integration, eg. grants given to support the "Islamic Youth Movement"
- Teaching in schools and universities that Australia isn't worth respecting or integrating into - eg. repetition that we're a racist country with a fascist regime voted in by rednecks with a genocidal past
- Muslim Lebanese statistically twice as likely to be jailed or unemployed than other Australians
- Soft policing of ethnic gangs, to please politicians and religious leaders

The people who claim we're all racists and try to blaim John Howard are just as bad as the actual racists themselves.


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Generator said:
Come on, comrade. Surely the fact that it was organised by the NUS offers some weight to Calculon's statement?

note: I don't mind the NUS.
Ironic, given the NUS has donated money to the anti semetic PLO :p

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