Reply to smiley
hey smiley, to your questions, name to inputs and out puts of your product.
If your talkin bout milk, then to inputs would be feed and veternary checks, and two outputs would be milk and milk by products such as yoghurt, butter etc.
If your product isn't milk, then can i ask, what is it??????
Jaydels, bout your Bt cotton advantages and disadvantages, your spot on, but the whole point of "Bollgard" as it is now called is to reduce resistance towards pesticides. But it is true, if the pest becomes resistant, then there is little protection for the crop against cotton pests. Another advantage is a reintroduction of biodiversity, as the pests that removed the biological pests in the first place will return because there is reduced competition.
if anyone else has any questions, let me no and we'll brain storm an answer i'm sure.
anyway, hope to hear from you smiley, have a good one, cheers, Elizabeth xoxoxo