Hi! I feel as if the structure of school really held me together and I'm only now realizing that now... I've been really struggling to keep up with homework that teachers have been giving. I was wondering if anyone had advice to give me :v I realise that this question is very subjective but I really can't seem to get everything the teachers assign us done in such a short amount of time. How has everyone been keeping up with work? Especially starting year 11, It's been a really difficult transition.

Any help would be appreciated.
I agree, online learning is just not the same as school. I'm currently in year 12 (rip) so I can offer some insight for studying in yr 11.
Year 11 is a great time to experiment with studying techniques and figuring out your motivation. Your perspective on your subjects can change as you learn more content.
It would be more difficult to adjust with this situation happening on top of starting senior high school. A general type of advice is to have a flexible routine, adjust it to your goals and plan breaks (very important) so it won't be overwhelming. If you need motivation on completing homework, break it into smaller steps (if it's a large task) and write it as a checklist. The task will seem more achievable and small checkmarks add to a sense of accomplishment.
It did take me more than a year to realise what strategies would work for my own study and yours can be unique to your study, so be patient and work towards your goals.