x.Exhaust.x said:
I sleep too much nowadays. I arrive from tutoring or the library, and I fall dead asleep

. Is this a sign of burning out? Or just sleepiness

Doing this will actually make yourself MORE tired... If you sleep more than 8 or 9 hours a day you actually tend to get more tired.
To stop yourself being tired, mentally and physically, here's a few tips.
Stay fit and eat well. If you're spending only 1 hr a day excercising you're going to have way more energy, particularly if you combine it with eating right. If you need to snack while you're doing school work... eat things like Peanut Butter with Celery. And that's about as unhealthy as you want to go. Take the time to make yourself a Vegemite or maybe Salad Sandwhich. The Vitamin B will actually help. Salad is just good for you. Eat low GI foods. Most importantly is a good breakfast. Things like Eggs, Weetbix or other wheat based cereals with fruit are actually really good because the way they burn energy tends to make you hungry during the day, whereas sugary cereals tend to make you feel full for a lot longer, yet have less energy.
Pull ALL TV watching during the week. If there's a show you really want to watch, tape it for the weekend. TV actually makes you tired, it is not relaxing. Your brain has to work hard to process all that's going on. The images, sound, music, content etc etc. Read a book, listen to some music, go for a walk instead...
To keep your mind sharp... do things like get a real deck of cards and play something like Solitaire or one of its many variations. The problem solving helps.
If you're on a computer, take a 15 minute break for every 45 minutes you're on there. And you also need to tell yourself to constantly blink... because you tend not to blink as often when you're concentrating hard, and this will give you dry, crusty eyes, and tends to make you feel a little sleepy.
Study when you get home... straight away (like after a drink, change and food). Don't put it off and do it at night. Your mind is sharper and you'll get it done faster if you do it then. Giving you more time to relax at the end of the evening. Also if you do it that way, you can build up "Study Stamina"... one of the girls in our year who got a UAI of 99.45 doing Modern History, Ext 2 English, Ext 1 Maths and French via Correspondence did it like this. She started the HSC by finishing all Homework and Study at like 6:00... then after about 5 weeks she would move it to 6:30 etc etc... increasing it in 30 minute or so intervals... until she would study till 9:00 or so then finish. Meaning that by the end of school, between her free periods at school and home study time she was doing probably 7 or 8 hours of Study a day on top of the classes during the day. And because she built up the tolerance, and said "I'll stop at this time no matter what", she actually tended to have enough energy to do Church things and spend time with her rather sick father, and spend time with friends when she needed to.
Now some of these might not work for you, but all of these worked for people I know really well... and most of them did really well too, and always had enough energy... so yea.