Top 'speed' done and where? (4 Viewers)


Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
Pierotte said:
160 Princess Hwy just south of wollongong.

I didnt actually realise till mum gasped then slapped my arm (what kind of a whack job hits the driver?)

i dont usually look at the speedo.

If i speed its by accident.
OMG, that stretch is 60km speed limit!

Pierotte wins, 100km over limit!


Sep 2, 2003
Generally I'm a boring speed limit-abiding driver. The fastest would probably have been 120 on a highway.


Jan 29, 2005
loquasagacious said:
'92 Lancer: 240km/h - backroads in the hawkesbury
'91 Camry: 230km/h - as above
'88 Intengra: 220km/h - Monaro highway
'72 Volvo: 175km/h - Hume highway
Serius said:
Pierotte wins, 100km over limit!
o rly?


Jul 15, 2005
'92 Lancer: 240km/h - backroads in the hawkesbury
'91 Camry: 230km/h - as above
'88 Intengra: 220km/h - Monaro highway
'72 Volvo: 175km/h - Hume highway
Damn. Those backroads must be pretty big then.


Active Member
Jan 5, 2005
petar13 said:
Damn. Those backroads must be pretty big then.
'72 Volvo @ 175 km/h is already 105 km/h over the limit since the highest speed limit on the Hume is 70.


Oct 10, 2005
You read this thread and wonder why the large proportion of dead drivers are young.

Doing 200kmph in 15 year old shitboxes (let alone in any car) in 60 to110kmph zones when you are an inexperienced P plater is sooo intelligent!

I feel sorry for the families that lose kids to this kind of high speed stupidity and the police officers and others who have to peel the brains of people off the road.

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Dec 4, 2005
(spew emoticon) man thats a good post, while im eating my lunch... But yeh this is a pretty silly thread. Hope u realise not to speed coz its fun, and dont drive Korean made cars.


Feb 2, 2005
Mt Druitt
loquasagacious said:
'92 Lancer: 240km/h - backroads in the hawkesbury
'91 Camry: 230km/h - as above
'88 Intengra: 220km/h - Monaro highway
'72 Volvo: 175km/h - Hume highway
oh, hmmz where abouts in hawksberry? I've been trying to find a safe bit of road to test out the top speed in a commodore. Anywayz, mah friend did 190km on the M4 in a commodore...


NCAP Mooderator
Aug 3, 2004
Ok in reply to the questions/comments about my top speeds:

Having done 240km/h in an 80 zone seems to smash all other comers in terms of exceeding the limit.

The backroads in the hawkesbury are out on the river flats - they are not the safest place to test top speed.

The hume highway between sydney and canberra is pretty much all a 110 zone..... well that or I've been tooling along it at 40 over the limit past radar traps.....

Some other big hitters in terms of my speeding are 130km/h in a 50 and 160km/h in the middle of the day down the M4.

And now to wheredantons post:

wheredanton said:
You read this thread and wonder why the large proportion of dead drivers are young.
Lets try some stats that show that young drivers die at a higher rate.

Doing 200kmph in 15 year old shitboxes (let alone in any car) in 60 to110kmph zones when you are an inexperienced P plater is sooo intelligent!
Correct grammar would have reversed 'in any car' and '15 year old shitboxes'. More importantly at what point did they become shit boxes? These cars were at the time all very well maintained (now they have new owners so I cant comment), in fact I daresay that they were better maintained than any car you drive. Just because a car is fifteen years old doesn't make it shit - your assertion that it does reveals the caliber of your intellect.

Also at what point did I become an inexperienced P-plater - I would lay down money that I'm a better driver than you or your parents. As I type I'm about six months away from getting a full licence since getting my licence I've done two practical defensive driving courses and a theory one. I was taught to drive by my father and ex-racecar driver and from as soon as I got my Ls I was doing 50km a day driving - which I did for 2.5 years. Now I regularly drive between sydney and canberra, on a daily basis I drive in both city traffic and on highways. Through this entire period I have had only one accident and speed was not a factor furthermore it was not my fault. Oh and I've never been convicted of any traffic offences.

I feel sorry for the families that lose kids to this kind of high speed stupidity and the police officers and others who have to peel the brains of people off the road.
Who doesn't feel sorry for them? Are there any heartless bastards around? - because I cant see any here.

Congratulations on a sensationalist, defamtory, biased, baseless, populist, setimentalist post lifted straight from the Daily Telegraph which added absolutely nothing to this thread.


Oct 10, 2005
loquasagacious said:
Lets try some stats that show that young drivers die at a higher rate.
I think it is well known that younger drivers happen to kill and injure themselves at a greater rate than any other demographic. How else do you explain the massive insurance levied in young male drivers?

acrs said:
Young drivers under the age of 25 are the most vulnerable road users in Australia. They make up about one sixth of all drivers but close to one third of drivers killed.

Almost one-third of drivers killed in motor vehicle accidents on Australian roads are aged between 17 and 25 years despite this age group representing 13% of the population and 15% of license holders. Of those killed or seriously injured nearly 80% are males.

Government report on young people killing themselves.

loquasagacious said:
More importantly at what point did they become shit boxes? These cars were at the time all very well maintained (now they have new owners so I cant comment), in fact I daresay that they were better maintained than any car you drive. Just because a car is fifteen years old doesn't make it shit - your assertion that it does reveals the caliber of your intellect.
You knock me for making assumptions about 15 year old cars being shit boxes and then you get on the hypocrisy high horse and assume, no wait AFFIRM, that any car I drive is somehow less well maintained than the cars that I may drive. Good work captain hypocrisy. Could you be any more arrogant?

And if we want to get into pedantics about how 'good' cars may be I think it would be reasonable to assert that cars made today are, generally, safer than cars made 15 years ago.

loquasagacious said:
Also at what point did I become an inexperienced P-plater - I would lay down money that I'm a better driver than you or your parents. As I type I'm about six months away from getting a full licence since getting my licence I've done two practical defensive driving courses and a theory one.
Are you asserting that you are some kind of excellent driver? Isn't that the kind of attitude that young, arrogant, foolhardly men like yourself have which causes you to do amazing speeds on public roads in old cars often resulting in deaths - killing themselves and other people as well?

Unless you are going to assert to me that somehow it would be safer for all Provisional licence holders do go just as fast as you as it is the safest way of driving.

I think it takes more than a few defensive driving courses (which do not train you to drive agressively and at many times the legal imit) to make you a driving expert or a 'better driver' that can say he can safely do over 200kmph on oublic roads.

loquasagacious said:
I was taught to drive by my father and ex-racecar driver and from as soon as I got my Ls I was doing 50km a day driving - which I did for 2.5 years.
How about we keep the race car driving off the public roads ay? Again just because your father was a race car driver doesn't entitle you to drive very fast on public roads.

loquasagacious said:
Now I regularly drive between sydney and canberra, on a daily basis I drive in both city traffic and on highways. Through this entire period I have had only one accident and speed was not a factor furthermore it was not my fault. Oh and I've never been convicted of any traffic offences.
This doesn't exactly qualify you to break the law and drive high speed on public roads.

In any event if the police caught you doing those speeds YOU WOULD BE convicted of a traffic offence.
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NCAP Mooderator
Aug 3, 2004
This does not actually have any of their own stats but refer you to vicroads, Australian Transport Safety Bureau Statistics, an OECD database and a US stat site.

VicRoads: The crashstats database does not appear to distinguish driver age - or even speed.

Australian Transport Safety Bureau Statistics:

Take note of Table 2 of the 04 summary (
-It shows a 4% increase in deaths among the 17-25s as compared to a 28% increase among 60-69s.

Table 3 shows that more men than women drivers die however I would suggest that this is exaggerated as more men drive than women and out of male and female drivers males tend to spend more time driving. This increases their exposure to accidents and thus even if they were to have just as many accidents per/km as females they would be over-represented.

Final take on these stats: No casual link between speed and accidents is made. There is a correlation between speed zones and accident rates however none is shown with driver speed.

OECD Database:

Firstly I'll make the point that this covers Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxemburg, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Turkey, United Kingdom, USA.

It doesnt appear to have anything particularly useful.

No link between speed and accidents made.
No hard stats presented except some from the UK.

Again no link between speed and accidents is made.
Interestingly it reveals that 'serious injury' is defined as just one night in hospital and then a discharge.

You knock me for making assumptions about 15 year old cars being shit boxes and then you get on the hypocrisy high horse and assume, no wait AFFIRM, that any car I drive is somehow less well maintained than the cars that I may drive. Good work captain hypocrisy. Could you be any more arrogant?
You made a baseless assumption about any car I drive being a 15 year old shitbox. I assume that any car you drive is about five years old, small and is regularly serviced by your friendly local mechanic. I base this assumption on the high correlation between people who say things like '15 year old shitbox' and people who drive cars as I outlined.

Prove me wrong - how well is your car maintained? How long since the last oil change? When did you last check your fluid levels? How many kms since your tyres were new? How many kms since your tyres were rotated? When did you last check your tyre pressure? What pressure did you put in and why? Is your brake fluid still good? How many kms do your brake pads have left in them? How long is it since you washed your car? Do you properly bed in new pads? What brake pad type do you use?

And if we want to get into pedantics about how 'good' cars may be I think it would be reasonable to assert that cars made today are, generally, safer than cars made 15 years ago.
How is this a reasonable assumption? What major improvements in safety have been made in the last 15 years? Lets think seatbelts, airbags, cumple zones, safety cells, collapsable steering columns all around 15 years ago. In fact four of those five are present on my Volvo and its 33 years old.

Are you asserting that you are some kind of excellent driver? Isn't that the kind of attitude that young, arrogant, foolhardly men like yourself have which causes you to do amazing speeds on public roads in old cars often resulting in deaths - killing themselves and other people as well?

Unless you are going to assert to me that somehow it would be safer for all Provisional licence holders do go just as fast as you as it is the safest way of driving.

I think it takes more than a few defensive driving courses (which do not train you to drive agressively and at many times the legal imit) to make you a driving expert or a 'better driver' that can say he can safely do over 200kmph on oublic roads.
I am not asserting that I am an excellent driver - i know there are better drivers, I am however above par. What I was doing was refuting your accusation that I am an 'inexperienced P-plater'.

I did this by pointing out that I have a higher than normal level of training and a significantly higher than normal level of experience.

How about we keep the race car driving off the public roads ay? Again just because your father was a race car driver doesn't entitle you to drive very fast on public roads.
I never suggested that my fathers racing background entitled me to speed or the like, it doesnt and never will. This has been taken out of context - the mentioning of my fathers racing background was part of the indication that I have a higher level of training than the average P-plater.

This doesn't exactly qualify you to break the law and drive high speed on public roads.

In any event if the police caught you doing those speeds YOU WOULD BE convicted of a traffic offence.
Again this is out of context you are addressing this as if I suggested that my experience qualified me to speed however I made no such assertion. I mentioned my experience solely as a rebuttal of your accusation that I was inexperienced.


WhereDanton you have:
-Presented no statistical link between speed and accidents a link which you explicitly made in your inital post.
-Intentionally misinterpreted my rebuttals of your initial accustaions in an attempt to set up a straw man argument.
-Failed to establish a base for any of your initial accusations that speeding=dieing, that I am an inexpierenced P-plater or that a fifteen year old car is a shitbox.


Oh and sk8_boi if you want to test your car at the limit I suggest investigating Oran Park or Eastern Creek if they're anything like Wakefield Park then you should be able to spend a day ripping around the track for about $80-$100 which includes a CAMS licence so if you decide to do it again in the next year it will cost $40 less.


Up the mighty red V
May 30, 2003
It was either 160 or 180, in my excel, on a back street in the vineyards, coz I was late for an excursion that *had* to be left at a certain time.
Never again.


Oct 10, 2005
loquasagacious said:
Final take on these stats: No casual link between speed and accidents is made. There is a correlation between speed zones and accident rates however none is shown with driver speed.
I didn’t seek to link high speed with accidents.
Read again. I was responding to this comment. Your words

loquasagacious said:
Lets try some stats that show that young drivers die at a higher rate.

The stats show that young drivers kill themselves in road accidents at a greater rate than any other demographic. You rebutted an argument that wasn’t even made.

loquasagacious said:
You made a baseless assumption about any car I drive being a 15 year old shitbox. I assume that any car you drive is about five years old, small and is regularly serviced by your friendly local mechanic. I base this assumption on the high correlation between people who say things like '15 year old shitbox' and people who drive cars as I outlined.

Prove me wrong - how well is your car maintained? How long since the last oil change? When did you last check your fluid levels? How many kms since your tyres were new? How many kms since your tyres were rotated? When did you last check your tyre pressure? What pressure did you put in and why? Is your brake fluid still good? How many kms do your brake pads have left in them? How long is it since you washed your car? Do you properly bed in new pads? What brake pad type do you use?
No onus on me to prove anything. And what is with all this higher than thou plucked from the air assumptions and correlations between people who use the phrase ‘15 year old shitbox’ and those who drive 5 year old cars that are small and regularly serviced?

In any case your correlation is wrong. The car I drive is older than 5 years. It’s not a small car and my father and I service it.

My use of the phrase '15 year old shit box' is aimed to demostrating how stupid someone is when they do over 200kmph on public roads shared by the general public who may not share the driver's assessment of their 'above par' driving skills in a car (I'm assuming its a stock early 90s camy) not really made for getting up to such speeds. Especially when it's already reasonably old. I think it would be reasonable to say that attaining a 200kmph plus speeds in a any car should be left to flat well maintained german freeways and race tracks rather than crap Sydney roads.

loquasagacious said:
How is this a reasonable assumption? What major improvements in safety have been made in the last 15 years? Lets think seatbelts, airbags, cumple zones, safety cells, collapsable steering columns all around 15 years ago. In fact four of those five are present on my Volvo and its 33 years old.
You seem to assume that car manufactures have not made any advances in safety. I think this is highly spurious. Advances have been made in the areas which you outlined above. Also many of these safety devices are now available to relatively inexpensive cars unlike in the past. Surely you must accept that advances in all the aforementioned areas have been made thus making cars today safer.

Unless of course you are going to tell me that no advances have been made by car manufactures in the past 15 years when it comes to crash safety.

Think of the advances and improvements made to airbags. Two stage deployment and the imposition of side airbags, curtain airbags and knee airbags. Or improvements made to breaking systems with more advanced versions of ABS, Electronic stability control, better tries and better and crumple zones.

loquasagacious said:
I am not asserting that I am an excellent driver - i know there are better drivers, I am however above par. What I was doing was refuting your accusation that I am an 'inexperienced P-plater'.
I think it would be wrong to say that you are on your P’s and are somehow not inexperienced. It doesn’t matter how many defensive driving courses you have done the fact remains that you have not had many years on the road and your arrogance and supreme self confidence (confidence enough to flaunt the road rules and do over 200kmph) is the stuff that kills young foolhardy men who feel they have the ability to do 200kmph plus on public roads.

You personally feel that you have the ability to do two times the maximum speed limit, but so do other people whose speeding DID cause their crash. And I'm sure you would recongise that any mistakes made while driving are amplified at 200kmph.

Who the heck goes around saying they are an ‘above par’ driver? Public roads are not for race car drivers. You are a good driver if you manage to drive without getting involved in any crashes or cause any crashes …Simple as that. Doing 200kmph, if you accept that it amplifies driving mistakes, hardly decreaes your chances of being safe if you do make a mistake - which all of us do.

In any case what you trying to prove by doing 200kmph plus on a public road?

-Failed to establish a base for any of your initial accusations that speeding=dieing, that I am an inexperienced P-plater or that a fifteen year old car is a shitbox.
I made no accusations that the increased rate of death among youth drivers was related to speed. You made that leap of logic for me. I merely responded to your challenge to put up statistics that show that young tend to get killed on the road more than any other demographic.
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Oct 11, 2005
I'm a learner at the moment, did about 120 on the highway up to newcastle. Surprisingly you don't notice it's that fast when you're in the driver's seat. :D


Active Member
Jan 5, 2005
fine. i'll buy an SUV or an american Ford ute and drive at the speed limit. for conforming with the limit i have the right to ram any car that doesn't accelerate fast enough for get out of my way. also any car that does not drive within 5 km/h within the set limit i'll run off the road. fair trade.


Active Member
Nov 27, 2004
i maxed my car out. got it to its top speed.

too bad my car's top speed is litterally 110.

on the highway to gosford. which is 110 anyway.

didn't feel like much of a rebel. but seriously my car was about to blow up.............its 25 years old with only 3 gears. it was redlining hahahahha.


Forza Ferrari!
May 1, 2003
Not here!
Riviet said:
Surprisingly you don't notice it's that fast when you're in the driver's seat. :D
Thats so true. I'm on my L's and who ever is in the car with me watches the speedometer like a hawk. The second I go over the speed limit, its SLOW DOWN!

Saying that, the fastest I've gone is about 110 - 120km on Kissing Point Road. Not that fast to compared others though.


Junior Member
Apr 29, 2004
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad
I'm guessing you only count when we were behind the wheel in which case mine is probably 85km/h in the Terios... rather slow aren't I.

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