True Scorpian
Does everyone's trial starts on wk 3 of term3...or 5th of Aug?.....i Dont know why i am asking, but heard that it's really important for people doing the catholic paper to be on the SAME know prevention of cheating and stuff.......I hope you guys are doing on a later day, that way, i can inform the school so the Dates are the same
It actually happened in my school years back, when the teacher set the time wrong, where everyone in the sch was anticipating for the math exam in the afternoon where other schools have simply done it in the morning. They only found out the error in the morning, so in a rush of time, some other papers were given other than the catholic paper...A MESS huh
God i think the State Lib will be packed during this holiday
It actually happened in my school years back, when the teacher set the time wrong, where everyone in the sch was anticipating for the math exam in the afternoon where other schools have simply done it in the morning. They only found out the error in the morning, so in a rush of time, some other papers were given other than the catholic paper...A MESS huh
God i think the State Lib will be packed during this holiday