Hello everyone,
I'm not sure if what I'm requesting is against any rules, if they are please inform me and I will remove this post immediatley.
I was reading on the Trial SC official thread and found that some people had already done their Trials. If this is true, could the people who have done it share some questions? Preferably the extended response ones in History, Geography and English.
I'm in New South Wales if that makes any difference.
It does make a difference!! NSW + ACT are only states with um um um School Certificate. Others might have the GCVE (General Cert. of Vocational Ed.).
And... ideas for study (just warning you, I haven't done my trials either; but I average 80% raw in my exams).
An easy test. If you're a good WRITER, you will easily get 75% raw if not more. However, it is difficult to be a good writer without being able to read. If you do not READ NOVELS AND NON-FICTION you will probably bomb out on the test. You're bound to have a shitty vocab then.
Past papers help, but aren't really a requirement for 80%. It's a skills+knowledge test (
Knowledge and Process Examination). For process, you cannot study: you either know the skills or don't (the only 'study' you can do is PRACTICE: physics calculations-calcs i.e., word equations, experimental reports.
BASED on Stage 5.1 (BASIC) Mathematics course content. EASY if you do Intermediate or Advanced. Otherwise, can be quite hard, unless you were placed in the wrong maths group. Then even 5.1 kids can do quite well... I think that makes sense. Sorry. I drank coffee today and now feel weird...
AHGCC (Hist + Geo)
Just revise SKILLS for multiple choice: gradients, measuring with string and the like. Easy stuff if you know how and have been shown how to do it. Hopefully, you have a competent teacher who does these things..
And for extended response, if you want 100% write a practice essay. If you want 80% just do it off the top of your head. SC is only hard if you are handicapped... and they have Life Skills to compensate for that and help disabled people to lead fulfilling lives.