Cool Cat
Ok, first of all, i didn't mean to offend people, so sorry.
And i'm not exactly looking to avoid stereotypes. They can be fun, and sometimes it's enjoyable to play up to them even when they don't apply to you.
As for the word geek, honestly i consider it a complement. I'm a bit of a geek *cough 3 distinctions and a credit cough* lol
But seriously, the squad isn't scared of stereotypes. If you call us bimbos it doesn't matter because i've got girls from law, engineering, commerce and all sorts of subjects. We know we aren't what the stereotypes call us so it doesn't matter. Stereotypes only hurt when you're afraid they're true.
Onto the whole American, sporting hero cliche... we don't need to cheer for "macho" sports players to be cheerleaders. At the moment, we're independent, having fun and learning some skills on our own. Later we might move into competitions or something.
It's just about us having fun, not about what everybody thinks of us, not about attention.
Having said that, i'm not a bitch, and if i offended people with the geek remarks all i can say in my defence is that i love geeks!
P.S. Does anybody know what Curry's issue is??
Probly just jealous cause he wishes he could talk to a cheerleader... umm, i mean, a fine athlete, who's outfit has nothing to do with her success. hehehe
And i'm not exactly looking to avoid stereotypes. They can be fun, and sometimes it's enjoyable to play up to them even when they don't apply to you.
As for the word geek, honestly i consider it a complement. I'm a bit of a geek *cough 3 distinctions and a credit cough* lol
But seriously, the squad isn't scared of stereotypes. If you call us bimbos it doesn't matter because i've got girls from law, engineering, commerce and all sorts of subjects. We know we aren't what the stereotypes call us so it doesn't matter. Stereotypes only hurt when you're afraid they're true.
Onto the whole American, sporting hero cliche... we don't need to cheer for "macho" sports players to be cheerleaders. At the moment, we're independent, having fun and learning some skills on our own. Later we might move into competitions or something.
It's just about us having fun, not about what everybody thinks of us, not about attention.
Having said that, i'm not a bitch, and if i offended people with the geek remarks all i can say in my defence is that i love geeks!
P.S. Does anybody know what Curry's issue is??
Probly just jealous cause he wishes he could talk to a cheerleader... umm, i mean, a fine athlete, who's outfit has nothing to do with her success. hehehe