UNSW chit chat thread (14 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016

holy moly, i'm a first year, and I applied for several of the business societies ie finsoc, bsoc, ecosoc etc using answers pretty much straight from my co-op application and i did not receive a single interview, whilst my mate who wrote 2-3 sentence answers for the applications got an interview at every society.

wtf man

edit: lmao leehuan i'm in your class! this doust dude seriously rustles my jim's the way he lectures. I'm considering stopping going to lectures since I learn basically nothing
Idk I learn stuff off him just incredibly slowly


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016

It's really important to have connections

For instance, I'm graduating at year's end, and I've been involved with the Open Day Tips and Tricks since 2012. I can't do it anymore next year, so I need to find someone new. As someone who was there since Day 1, I'd rather someone I know plus someone who I know is unlikely to stuff up or take it for granted, rather than someone who just says nice words at an interview

Doing subcommittee interviews for MathSoc in 2014 was... omg. Some people were really great, and I personally pushed for them to be on the subcommittee - and yeah, some of them paid off, for instance, one who I really pushed hard for is now Vice President, but another one who I pushed for decided to do stuff all after he got in. (keep in mind these two people I only met during interviews, it's not like I knew them beforehand)

Like yes, for those of you in first year, you might cry "OMG UNFAIR", but as someone who has had to go through the hiring process and end up with a theoretically good subcommittee on paper and actually end up with a great subcommittee a fraction of the size... it's not fun.

So honestly, get connections.

For instance, I know that a certain BoS-er wants in on a certain subcommittee of a society I'm not a part of - but I just so happen to know one of the society's execs. I put in a good word for her, and he gave me some tips to pass onto her for her application.

Is it fair? Perhaps not, but the people who want the subcommittee want results from it. And if they have a friend who can personally assure them that this candidate will most likely be good, then of course that person is going to get shuffled upwards in the process


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2015
Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016

Which lecturer do you have?
David Angell.

Does anyone else feel like all the shit the uni students said to them during HSC about uni (e.g "It's like the HSC every semester", "You move soo much faster than school", "You have to do SOO much more work every week" etc..... etc.., is just BS)?

Like I feel the amount of work to do each week is the same. And in uni, you are not aiming to get in the 90's in your tests...For me , I just need a WAM above 70 to stay in Adv Science.
Yes, in the lectures we move a bit faster, but overall it feels around the same amount of work each week. The only truth to what I was told is that the work is going to be harder. That was not an exaggeration.


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016

David Angell.

Does anyone else feel like all the shit the uni students said to them during HSC about uni (e.g "It's like the HSC every semester", "You move soo much faster than school", "You have to do SOO much more work every week" etc..... etc.., is just BS)?

Like I feel the amount of work to do each week is the same. And in uni, you are not aiming to get in the 90's in your tests...For me , I just need a WAM above 70 to stay in Adv Science.
Yes, in the lectures we move a bit faster, but overall it feels around the same amount of work each week. The only truth to what I was told is that the work is going to be harder. That was not an exaggeration.
Ps get degrees

but they don't get jobs

You should be aiming for maximum WAM every semester and improving your extra-curricular activities as well


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2009
Uni Grad
Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016

David Angell.

Does anyone else feel like all the shit the uni students said to them during HSC about uni (e.g "It's like the HSC every semester", "You move soo much faster than school", "You have to do SOO much more work every week" etc..... etc.., is just BS)?

Like I feel the amount of work to do each week is the same. And in uni, you are not aiming to get in the 90's in your tests...For me , I just need a WAM above 70 to stay in Adv Science.
Yes, in the lectures we move a bit faster, but overall it feels around the same amount of work each week. The only truth to what I was told is that the work is going to be harder. That was not an exaggeration.
Tbh I had to study a lot more in uni compared to high school. But at the same time procrastination levels are a lot higher. I personally find that there's a lot of work.

As for a lot of people, getting a high wam is pretty crucial for first year especially if you want to get into honours. And honours usually takes 70 wam minimum unless if you already have a supervisor lined up to help you do your honours thesis. So if you don't have a supervisor lined up, the school will go through the formal process and make you require a good mark. Some supervisors may reject your proposal to be a student of theirs simply coz either your wam isnt high enough or that your marks certain subjects are low.


New Member
Oct 5, 2011
Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016

David Angell.

Does anyone else feel like all the shit the uni students said to them during HSC about uni (e.g "It's like the HSC every semester", "You move soo much faster than school", "You have to do SOO much more work every week" etc..... etc.., is just BS)?

Like I feel the amount of work to do each week is the same. And in uni, you are not aiming to get in the 90's in your tests...For me , I just need a WAM above 70 to stay in Adv Science.
Yes, in the lectures we move a bit faster, but overall it feels around the same amount of work each week. The only truth to what I was told is that the work is going to be harder. That was not an exaggeration.

It's not BS. If you aim low, then of course it's not going to be an "HSC every semester". You say that we are not aiming for 90s in tests....who told you that BS?

Maybe you are not aware, but some courses might split you into groups based on WAM or assign group projects based on WAM. Do you, as someone who might be capable, want to be grouped with others who have capped out in their ability to understand concepts?

Your options for a thesis supervisor might also be limited based on WAM. You might really want a certain supervisor, but your below average WAM means you have no chance for your preference.


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2015
Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016

Ok. I get your responses. let me take some of those things back... :)

Also, I didn't mean to offend anyone by saying that "you are not aiming to get in the 90's in your tests". Obviously some people aim to get a HD for every subject they take.

It's just that a distinction is good enough for most people I've talked to (i think thats above 75? WAM???..not sure).

Also, I'm just as lost as I was with high school subjects, as I am now for some uni subjects. So it feels pretty much the same to me. In chemistry, I didn't understand shit in high school when I got told. Now in uni for chem1031, I'm being told shit and I'm still not understanding the first time...hence my lectures and tutorials feel exactly how I felt in high school.
My math tutorials feel like my high school maths classes, and i feel like as meh about it as i did with 3 unit math
My comp1917 tutorials feel like a high school class (in how chill it is, and we can walk around, and talk, etc..)

it literally just feels like "year 13". Which obviously means the work is going to get harder

There are more similarities between uni, and high school (in terms of the subjects/work) then people are willing to admit. The social environment is completely different and better in uni though.
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2013
Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016

David Angell.

Does anyone else feel like all the shit the uni students said to them during HSC about uni (e.g "It's like the HSC every semester", "You move soo much faster than school", "You have to do SOO much more work every week" etc..... etc.., is just BS)?

Like I feel the amount of work to do each week is the same. And in uni, you are not aiming to get in the 90's in your tests...For me , I just need a WAM above 70 to stay in Adv Science.
Yes, in the lectures we move a bit faster, but overall it feels around the same amount of work each week. The only truth to what I was told is that the work is going to be harder. That was not an exaggeration.
I'm sitting here putting all the shit due in my calendar and just thinking how fast everything is going.

I think it's really different to HS. There not the same at all and I don't think you can compare them by saying "it's like the HSC every sem". It's just a different level in every way tbh. Not an enormous jump, but a still a step up (as you'd expect anyway).

Math is stressing me out and I think that's what's making me feel like it's a bigger step than it actually is (cut math and wow everything would be so easy). But I gotta do it so I am :D


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2015
Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016

Yeh. It's not THAT MUCH of a jump.

for math:
I did 3 unit math and 4 unit math in year 12 and died so i dropped, and this is how math1131 is feeling to me right now, except i cant drop it this time :(

Hoping to pass my calculus test
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Jun 4, 2013
Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016

Does anyone know is the Chemical Sciences building is open over the break so that i can physically hand in a lab report?


(╯°□°)╯━︵ ┻━┻ - - - -
Apr 7, 2012
Sydney Girls
Uni Grad
Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016

Does anyone know is the Chemical Sciences building is open over the break so that i can physically hand in a lab report?
Not too sure. But from an ASB perspective, as a comm student i can access that building using my id card


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2014
Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016

Also, it really depends on what you're balancing your studies with!

Do you have a part-time job? If so, how many hours do you do a week?

Are you involved in societies? Do you attend their events? Are you part of any sub-committees or, even, a society director/exec?

Are you planning to create strong friendships? How wide are your friend circles? Do you meet up with them in breaks and/or after a day's worth of classes?

I would say that if you're going to really immerse yourself in the totality of what is the university experience, then yes university is harder than high school, if you want to keep up good marks but also balance everything everything else you have going on.
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2013
Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016

Should I really be getting into societies? Nothing really stands out to me tbh (or enough to just focus on that society). Particularly the CSE society sub-committees which seem like what I should be doing.

Also I'm kind of looking forward to the start of next sem lol because now I know what to expect and make sure I don't get behind in anything.


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016

Ok. I get your responses. let me take some of those things back... :)

Also, I didn't mean to offend anyone by saying that "you are not aiming to get in the 90's in your tests". Obviously some people aim to get a HD for every subject they take.

It's just that a distinction is good enough for most people I've talked to (i think thats above 75? WAM???..not sure).

Also, I'm just as lost as I was with high school subjects, as I am now for some uni subjects. So it feels pretty much the same to me. In chemistry, I didn't understand shit in high school when I got told. Now in uni for chem1031, I'm being told shit and I'm still not understanding the first time...hence my lectures and tutorials feel exactly how I felt in high school.
My math tutorials feel like my high school maths classes, and i feel like as meh about it as i did with 3 unit math
My comp1917 tutorials feel like a high school class (in how chill it is, and we can walk around, and talk, etc..)

it literally just feels like "year 13". Which obviously means the work is going to get harder

There are more similarities between uni, and high school (in terms of the subjects/work) then people are willing to admit. The social environment is completely different and better in uni though.
Distinction might be good enough for some people you've talked to, but I'm sure they have excellent extra-curriculars and whatnot

Remember you're competing for a job at the end of your degree. A mate of mine got Commonwealth Bank with a credit average, but he went to James Ruse and had great ECs

I'm sitting here putting all the shit due in my calendar and just thinking how fast everything is going.
know dat f33l

I think my supervisor is going to kill me because I'm spending so much time on grad apps, and like zero time on the work she set me :(

Should I really be getting into societies? Nothing really stands out to me tbh (or enough to just focus on that society). Particularly the CSE society sub-committees which seem like what I should be doing

They're a great way to meet people and also make a difference at university somewhat

Did you go around O-Week and look at all the societies and stalls?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016

Yeh. It's not THAT MUCH of a jump.

for math:
I did 3 unit math and 4 unit math in year 12 and died so i dropped, and this is how math1131 is feeling to me right now, except i cant drop it this time :(

Hoping to pass my calculus test
You can fail the tests and still pass the course.


I complete the Squar3
Sep 11, 2011
My bathtub
Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016

David Angell.

Does anyone else feel like all the shit the uni students said to them during HSC about uni (e.g "It's like the HSC every semester", "You move soo much faster than school", "You have to do SOO much more work every week" etc..... etc.., is just BS)?

Like I feel the amount of work to do each week is the same. And in uni, you are not aiming to get in the 90's in your tests...For me , I just need a WAM above 70 to stay in Adv Science.
Yes, in the lectures we move a bit faster, but overall it feels around the same amount of work each week. The only truth to what I was told is that the work is going to be harder. That was not an exaggeration.
it's only week 4 lol


Active Member
Mar 24, 2016
Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016

So it gets harder later on? (Obviously around exam time) But how about any other time?
Work beings to pile up! Don't worry about when it gets hard, worry about what will lead to hard times and try to prevent it!


ON is my homeboy
Mar 4, 2012
Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2016

It's really important to have connections

For instance, I'm graduating at year's end, and I've been involved with the Open Day Tips and Tricks since 2012. I can't do it anymore next year, so I need to find someone new. As someone who was there since Day 1, I'd rather someone I know plus someone who I know is unlikely to stuff up or take it for granted, rather than someone who just says nice words at an interview

Doing subcommittee interviews for MathSoc in 2014 was... omg. Some people were really great, and I personally pushed for them to be on the subcommittee - and yeah, some of them paid off, for instance, one who I really pushed hard for is now Vice President, but another one who I pushed for decided to do stuff all after he got in. (keep in mind these two people I only met during interviews, it's not like I knew them beforehand)

Like yes, for those of you in first year, you might cry "OMG UNFAIR", but as someone who has had to go through the hiring process and end up with a theoretically good subcommittee on paper and actually end up with a great subcommittee a fraction of the size... it's not fun.

So honestly, get connections.

For instance, I know that a certain BoS-er wants in on a certain subcommittee of a society I'm not a part of - but I just so happen to know one of the society's execs. I put in a good word for her, and he gave me some tips to pass onto her for her application.

Is it fair? Perhaps not, but the people who want the subcommittee want results from it. And if they have a friend who can personally assure them that this candidate will most likely be good, then of course that person is going to get shuffled upwards in the process
this is probs the best post you've ever done on bos

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