Make sure you go to your orientation/enrolment day in person if you can at all- it's a good start. This will be even easier for the Dean's Scholar people.
As for subjects, AbsoluteZero will of course know more than what I will- but your classes are all the same, you don't need any consultation unless you're trying to get into a subject which for some reason you don't meet the pre-requisites.
My advice is just to immerse yourself in uni. Go to enrolment, talk to people in your classes and especially when you're leaving/between classes.. go for coffee, go to the bar, and before you know it, you'll have some really solid friends and be having an awesome time, as well as doing a pretty funky degree

Wollongong really is a nice uni (all universities have their downsides of course), and I'm really glad I've done my degree here.