so when i do trigonometry questions with my teacher i know how to do it, and i amaze myself, because i actually get it right 
however, when i do questions on my own, i struggle and get mixed up with when i should use Pythagoras, or the sine/cosine rule, and whatever else you can use
so does anyone have a step-by-step guide i can use/follow to help broaden my understanding? because at the moment, i am confident in everything except this triangle nonsense ><
i also have the same problem with the linear relationship (parabola, and i forget the others)
SO if someone could link me something that might explain these in an easy-to-read-and-understand way (the examples in my maths textbook are horrible) or even give me a short summary of when/how/why to apply the rules, i would really appreciate it.
i have the basic understanding of both topics, but the more advanced questions, present in the trial and hsc papers, are the ones that i tend to struggle with :/
if i dont reply within a day, could you please email me at:
however, when i do questions on my own, i struggle and get mixed up with when i should use Pythagoras, or the sine/cosine rule, and whatever else you can use
so does anyone have a step-by-step guide i can use/follow to help broaden my understanding? because at the moment, i am confident in everything except this triangle nonsense ><
i also have the same problem with the linear relationship (parabola, and i forget the others)
SO if someone could link me something that might explain these in an easy-to-read-and-understand way (the examples in my maths textbook are horrible) or even give me a short summary of when/how/why to apply the rules, i would really appreciate it.
i have the basic understanding of both topics, but the more advanced questions, present in the trial and hsc papers, are the ones that i tend to struggle with :/
if i dont reply within a day, could you please email me at: