USYD Subject Reviews (revived) (1 Viewer)

Anaya R

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2021
Somewhere in the world
I know some of you younger folks said you'd start a thread at the end of Semester 1, but I thought I'd just drop in with some subjects I've already completed this year.
Remember the criteria is:
Ease: /10
Lecturer: /10
Interest: /10
Overall: /10
Feel free to add additional comments as to justify your scoring (or highlight interesting staff who teach).

Anaya R

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2021
Somewhere in the world
OLET1666: Writing with LaTeX
Ease: 8/10 - sometimes the challenges were easy, but sometimes the feedback was vague
Lecturer: N/A as this was run as an online unit. The course coordinator was quite responsive though on ED
Interest: 9/10 - I enjoyed the skills and the final assignment, but it was challenging as someone with a limited coding background.
Overall: 8.5/10 - great OLE, but some parts did make it seem a bit unjustified when considering that it is a 2cp OLE. If you want to succeed, you have to pace yourself well and start on your final assignment early.

Anaya R

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2021
Somewhere in the world
OLES2139: Experience (Germany)
Ease: 10/10 - the modules are self explanatory, and if you pay attention in class you'll easily ace that part.
Lecturer: 10/10 - the staff are all professional and understandable
Interest: 10/10 - plenty of opportunities to explore the city in the class context, but there is enough leeway to go exploring on your own.
Overall: 10/10
In the words of Palpatine, *do it*.
[This is a valuable opportunity, and if you have the means absolutely go for it!]


Unknown Member
May 8, 2021
in your walls
no can more people do this its interesting
you should do it 🖖 talk about ur chem unit 😍

OLES2139: Experience (Germany)
Ease: 10/10 - the modules are self explanatory, and if you pay attention in class you'll easily ace that part.
Lecturer: 10/10 - the staff are all professional and understandable
Interest: 10/10 - plenty of opportunities to explore the city in the class context, but there is enough leeway to go exploring on your own.
Overall: 10/10
In the words of Palpatine, *do it*.
[This is a valuable opportunity, and if you have the means absolutely go for it!]
out of curiosity, what degree are you doing? (i'm just interested + curious lol as a unsw student)


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2020
CLAW1001: Foundations of Business Law
Ease: 5/10
Lecturer: 7/10 (Note that the lectures are online videos)
Interest: 9/10
Overall: 7/10

The content was thoroughly interesting and the application of it is also quite practical (unlike HSC legal studies where you learn the law and discuss the issues behind it, here you apply and discuss the application of the law to given scenarios). There's a really high weighting on the final exam considering that you don't really get essay feedback throughout the semester, but it's open book, and the tutors are generally pretty generous with participation marks.

But be warned, this subject has a shitload of notetaking. My final notes for this subject had 17,800 words, which for reference is more than the total combined word count from my ECON1001, BUSS1020, BUSS1030 and OLET1601 notes.


New Member
May 7, 2022
MATH1971: Mathematics 1A (SSP)
Ease: 6/10 - Because we were the first cohort to take the new combined subject the difficulty was a bit all over the place. In my opinion the assignments are mostly free marks if you’re willing to put in the effort, and the webworks were completely free because of the number of attempts we got. The midsem quiz was pretty tricky especially if you don’t have good exam technique (average was ~5/10 for advanced) but the final exam was really not too bad because we had a 75% overlap with MATH1061, and the marking seems to have been pretty generous given my mark. I’m assuming over the next few years they’ll even out the difficulty a bit more though.
Lecturer: 7/10 - The lecturers were fine at teaching but they (and the coordinator) were pretty good at being understanding of our circumstances and changing the course appropriately to account for problems and that sort of thing.
Interest: 9/10 - This pretty much depends on how much you like maths. If you like maths, you’ll love this unit, but it’s pretty similar to the introductory maths content you’ll find at most unis. The SSP seminars were fun and did teach some pretty interesting stuff as well.
Overall: 8/10

If you’re taking this unit you probably have to do maths 1a anyway and so it’s more a question of choosing between MATH1061, MATH1961 and MATH1971. MATH1061 is fine if you’re not a maths major and don’t want to do more maths down the road but there is a lot of content cut from it compared to the old courses, so if you’re a maths major it’s probably worth sticking it out with advanced, even if it feels like extra difficulty for no reason. SSP isn’t really too different to advanced other than an extra seminar a week and a group presentation that you’ll do on the night before. The main benefit of SSP is having one constant class of people who also like maths through 3 tutorials/seminars a week, and so it’s a great way to make friends (and it’s how I made a lot of my best friends so far in uni).


New Member
May 7, 2022
INFO1110: Introduction to Programming
Ease: 7/10 - The unit’s assessments are being completely changed for this semester so my experience doesn’t apply anymore in that regard. The content seems to be mostly similar though and in my opinion it’s really not too bad, as long as you do every Ed lesson (including the challenges/practice) without chatGPT you’ll almost certainly be able to do pretty much the whole course confidently by the end of semester.
Lecturer: 5/10 - The lecturer himself was engaging, but I don’t think that they’re doing lectures anymore this sem, which honestly makes sense since I don’t really find lectures helpful for coding. In terms of unit coordination though, this course was a mess. On our assignment they spent weeks releasing test cases after it was released (effectively punishing anyone doing it early), and were still fixing fairly major issues with the specification in the week before the due date. We were given virtually no useful resources for the exam, and the exam included parts of python which we were explicitly told not to use for most of the semester, and a 3 mark question to write out 9 full test cases. The main redeeming quality was that the Ed lessons were very well planned out and made learning much easier by game-ifying it to an extent and gradually stepping you through new techniques.
Interest: 10/10 - Depends on how much you like coding, you probably won’t know before this course though so it’s a good way to find out. This course is very split, some people absolutely love it and some people absolutely hate it.
Overall: 7/10

If you’re a comp sci major or similar then this is the first coding course you’ll do and a great way to figure out if coding is actually for you, and honestly the difficulty and workload is pretty fair for us. If you’re not doing it as a core unit though INFO1110 definitely has a very high workload for a normal elective, and so I’d only really recommend it if you think you’ll end up needing the coding skills later on and you aren’t going to be forced to take any other easier more specific coding units like DATA1X02 down the road. Coding is definitely an important skill but a lot of people I know who aren’t majoring in comp sci hated every second of it, so it’s worth thinking about how much you need the unit and if you are willing to put in the effort. Still my favourite unit though


New Member
May 7, 2022
ENGD2001: Protecting People Who Use Technology
Ease: 7/10 - This unit is a bit weird especially for people used to comp sci/engo units where there is a big spread of marks from fails to almost 100s. Virtually everyone gets a Distinction/High Distinction, but if ur aiming for higher than that like 90s that is gonna be tough because they don't give out full marks that much. The assignments are mostly really long reports which is a bit of a pain since it can take ages, and there is a fair bit of group work so that's annoying. The exam is fine though, you get to bring in notes and the questions are all fairly reasonable. The content is very easy and you can more or less get away with doing no extra study of it outside of class.
Lecturer: 7/10 - The lecturer is an amazing guy and genuinely clearly wants everyone to do well which is really nice. He's also very good at clearly setting out what you need to do to get good marks in assessments which is nice. The slideshows in the lecturers did drag on a bit though.
Interest: 4/10 - The first half of the unit is about safety and to be honest it's really really boring and sorta self-explanatory stuff. The second half is about security, and is actually a fair bit more interesting esp if you like tech since it goes into some stuff like encryption algorithms, but it still does feel like the unit excessively caters to the fact that non-engo/cs students can take it and so it doesn't really get technical enough to be too interesting, and still feels a bit fluffy.
Overall: 6/10

To be honest there aren't that many options for relatively low workload and somewhat interesting Dalyell units, so it's not a terrible option if you're interested in cyber security and that sort of stuff.


New Member
May 7, 2022
DATA1901: Foundations of Data Science (Advanced)
Ease: 8/10 - The content is fairly simple (helps that it is well explained), and the projects are quite easy so long as you have a good group. The advanced unit replaces the weekly quiz with relatively easy 'masterclasses' where some random researcher rambles to you for an hour and then you have to answer a few fairly simple questions about their research and how fantastic their work is, which isn't too bad as long as you don't get complacent and put effort into them. The exam is shared with non-advanced and is fairly easy, just make sure you practice writing in the style they want and answering the question completely and you'll be fine. I put very little effort into the unit throughout the sem and skipped the lectures due to a clash and still did very well, it's not too bad at all.
Lecturer: 9/10 - The lectures did drag on a bit and did have some sorta shoed-in components, but in general the lecturers and my tutor were very good at explaining concepts, and they dragged in a lot of real life examples which make things way easier to understand.
Interest: 6/10 - The content is quite cool and useful stuff that you might genuinely notice in real life, although it does feel a bit simple.
Overall: 7/10

I would definitely recommend doing advanced to get a better group, other than that it's a pretty decent interesting unit.


Active Member
Jan 28, 2024
ive finished all the core law subjects at usyd so here are my reviews as far as my memory holds up over 5 years (lots of subjects depend on your teachers):

laws1006 - foundations of law - cakewalk, doesn't count to law wam, lures you into a false sense of security, go to classes and get a free distinction+
idk 8/10 its free

laws1024 - legal research - this isn't even a real subject just rush all the modules like a day before theyre due
7/10 boring but free

laws1012 - torts - first introduction to real law subjects, probably as simple as they come, some pretty funny cases. snail in a bottle. start getting used to readings and lawyer skills and get ready for your marks to drop for the rest of law school. cohort average is usually high pass-low credit.
7.5/10 its not bad as far as law subjects go

laws1014 - civil and criminal procedure - purely procedural garbage, will bore you to death but not conceptually difficult. some useful fundamentals if you want to practice. subpoenas and service, court rules and all that.
5/10 pretty yuck and dry

laws1015 - contracts - probably one of my favourite subjects but you love it or hate it. magic smokeball. very formulaic and practically useful.
9/10 had a good tutor

laws1016 - criminal law - juicy content, lots of fun. stuff starts to get a bit more complicated and a lot more 'it depends'. don't try and tell the police what they legally can and can't do, they don't care. they give you the fun subjects in your first few years and it all goes downhill from there.
9/10 if you liked crime in hsc you will like this.

laws1023 - public international law - SNORE. everyone hates international law. states are sovereign and there are no actual consequences blah blah. war crimes bad, but not enforceable.
4/10 grotty, unless you're really into history stuff and wars i guess.

laws1021 - public law - a lot of people's first failed subject from what ive heard. pretty much the lube for when you get to admin and fed con. very wishy washy at times.
5.5/10 yuck

laws1017 - torts & contracts II - split course with like 10 million different teachers, too much content and very messy because they cant finish the content in torts and contracts in 1 unit. tons of readings.
4/10 hot mess

laws2010 - administrative law - i liked this one but lots of people hate it. by this point you've finished your 1st degree so you're getting railed by 4 law subjects instead of 1/2. lots of content, lots of readings, conceptually difficult at times and a lot of grounds of judicial review to cover. lots of people take this one more than once. interesting how scott morrison made himself minister of everything with a loophole.
7/10 hard but fun with a good teacher

laws2011 - federal constitutional law - harry potter and the high court of legal wizardry. super abstract and different from subjects like torts, crim and contracts. very difficult if you don't "get it".
8/10 had a cool teacher, gave me appreciation for high court judges having 200iq

laws2012 - introduction to property and commercial law - conceptually relatively easy, but lots of different areas of content and the start of the property law fiesta. basically also just lube for equity and real prop.
6/10 its ok

laws2013 - the legal profession - relatively free subject but also very silly. dont do big crimes and dont touch client money. the end. hilarious cases sometimes.
8/10 useful to know for practice, barely any readings, 95% common sense.

laws2014 - corporations law - i hope you like legislation, because the corporations act has thousands of sections and you need to be across lots of them. light on cases (but cases can be thousands of pages long), conceptually grot if you dont like commercial stuff. whoever drafted the corps act has a special spot in hell waiting for them.
7/10 not that bad, just lots and lots of sections

laws2015 - equity - you love it or you hate it. its hard, lots of people fail, its essentially an entirely different system and sometimes hard to wrap your head around. trusts are digusting. stupid amount of cases and readings.
8/10 nice breath of fresh air from the usual law subjects, cool content but workload is high

laws2016 - evidence - arguably the most important subject to be across if you want to work in litigation or go to the bar. absolutely filthy. lots of fails, including alumni colleagues, lots of sections, lots of cases, conceptually complex, no recordings, stupid amount of content, difficult exams and your lecturer will be going like sonic.
2/10 absolute filth

laws2017 - real property - not many readings, not too difficult, probably the easiest subject you take this semester. but also yuck.
6/10 eh

laws2018 - private international law - complex, lots of readings, conceptually very difficult, but interesting content. basically the case where disney killed a woman with an allergy in their restaurant and tried to say they couldn't sure because her partner signed up for a disney+ trial.
8/10 pretty cool stuff

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