Congrats on getting offers for both
Before you read what I say, you should know I'm from UNSW and doing computer science (co op) - so I'll be biased. I'm also not favourably disposed towards UTS BIT, so keep that in mind. I have a couple of friends doing UTS BIT Coop, so I can speak a little bit for them, but not as much as someone who's actually doing it.
I've heard complaints about UTS BIT being very weak on programming basics, but also have heard that it's graduates is highly sought after?
UNSW's SENG course has more computer science in it than UTS BIT. Additionally since it's just an extension of the Computer Science degree, it also has plenty of computer science subjects that you can do. (e.g. concurrency, computer architecture, operating systems, advanced operating systems...etc). I don't think you can do these sorts of subjects at UTS BIT, but someone correct me if you can.
I'm not sure how well UTS's BIT graduates are sought after. They'd probably be well sought after in businesses who want to employ people with an understanding of business; however, if you're going to go for the software companies like Google and Microsoft, UNSW SENG comes out better - there're no compulsory business subjects, and because of this there can be an extensive focus on computer science.
There are many good testimonials for UNSW SENG, but I guess my only worry is does it offer as good job prospects afterwards like BIT @ UTS?
Definitely, but I reckon it'd depend on what sort of job you're after. If you're looking to become a software engineer/developer, I believe UNSW SENG is your best bet; UTS's BIT is more business oriented. So if you wanted to do business IT sort of stuff, I guess BIT would be the way to go.
They both do industry placement which is good, but UTS has A LOT more sponsors! is that good?
A scholarship having more sponsors doesn't necessarily reflect that the course/scholarship is better. Additionally, it's not guaranteed how 'good' (for lack of a better word) each of those sponsors is for working in the industry. However, it may be that UTS has plenty of good sponsors. I don't know who they are so I can't say.

If the list up on
here is anything to go by, the UTS BIT coop sponsors seem pretty neat. Again, not being a UTS BIT student I can't offer you more information than that, especially on what the placements are actually like & what you learn while there.
I don't know who the SENG sponsors are, but I'm pretty sure Atlassian is one of them - Atlassian is really good, I've heard.
Also, is BIT @ UTS very heavily business orientated?? And is it fun/interesting!?
As I mentioned earlier, yeah, it's quite business oriented. (UTS BIT student please add detail

I like programming but I also like working with people and don't want to be solely coding. More designing and project management. Does one course give me an advantage over the other?
Well, I don't know about UTS BIT - but UNSW SENG has a number of software engineering workshops which you take over the years. In those, essentially, you design a system with a group and implement it. So you might like that, since there's designing and project management (I never liked that sort of thing, so seng wasn't for me). the workshops are
SENG2021 and
If you wanted to look at the program plans for each, that might give you a good idea of what you might prefer -
UNSW SENG. (I'd suggest looking at course outlines and gauging how interesting they are to you.) Note that UNSW SENG Coop would be over five years, UTS BIT would be over three years.
Anyway I hope that helped a little, ask me more if you need to.
tl;dr UNSW SENG more technical. UTS BIT more businessy. $$$ is good.