based on my experience ; of asking opinions from both sides of the coin. Unsw is better for civil because of it's facilities, and having the best range of teaching staff. It's experience/vocation part of the course is shorter, it's towards the end. Except it's more targeted towards you getting out there and being really involved in engineering.
At Uts there is two sets of 6 month vocation, 2nd year and around 3-4th year I think. It's longer and it may appear as the more experience the better, it may not always be the case. Because my friend a graduate from unsw, saw uts students during his vocation for this company just stacking papers. Whilst he got involved in organising 300,000 dollar contracts.
But this should not let you biased about it. Because ultimately when you do practical experience you have to find your own company to work with. There was a rumour once that Uts students always end up with council work and it's boring, I think that's just cus of the RTA scholarship and the connections with the councils to make it easier, But still like unsw you still have to go out and find your own work. And with UTS if you find a good place you will get 1 year of awesome experience, whereas at unsw if you found a shit place, or you find a place you don't like you get like a short period of shit experience essentially.
Other stereotypes is that with UTS, the students are more laid back and fun (also note that there are "less asians" at uts), so they might seem a little sloppier compared to unsw. When I went to both unsw and uts, the info lectures, stated rankings. In overal performance uts had a higher ranking for job oppurtunities, I think around 80-90% students after graduation. But at UNSW it was rated first I think for JUST civil. So it really depends on what you want. However if you just cbf to go on a bus and training it etc just go uts. It's easier. But really at the end u get the same piece of paper, both are respected institutions.
I know this may be a bit late for u. But I hope others can use this for future preferences.
Oh. Btw. I'm going to UTS, for engineering and arts, international like the person above me LOL...but long story short. I was suposed to go to unsw for engineering and commerce, But UAC screwed my perferences up so it deleted or Lost my final preferences and reinstated my old one form 2009. I'm going to call them that their system has got a malfunction. But now I cbf to change to unsw and Now I have a reason to go to uts, because originally I put unsw first before uts. So you might as say in this case, fate chose uts for me LOl but now im glad I dont have to take a 10000000 mile journey to unsw, and plus i can travel overseas now