UWS Early Offer Email (1 Viewer)


Apr 6, 2010
So I'm sick of people stereotyping UWS and classifying it as a shit univeristy. Unaware to most of you that it is actually a highly regarded uni, especially its faculty of medicine which has been voted the best in Australia and has the latest effective facilities in the country. Also, it's churning out doctors that are not asian, are not forced to do it because their curry mother is an anaethesist and are normal people who obtained a high enough ATAR to partake in their course primarily from the west. Unknown also is that Sydney is financially struggling and monetarily being inefficient as to where they use and designate funds within their uni. UWS isn't shit, the mindset and snobby attitude of most people is shit but needless to say, I'd rather the snobs go to Sydney (etc) and accumulate together into one mass pile of wanks
Do you live in a hole? Check time magazine's uni rank. I don't see UWS ranked in there at all. If you do decide to go overseas to find a job people won't hire your sorry ass because you came from a crap uni. I've talked to my law friends they said companies hire students from reputable unis with high scores in the commerce industry. Other industries might be different but if you want to be hired it's safer to go to better uni? Its faculty of medicine was voted best by whom? By a bunch of students? Do note that they copied it off UMELB which is ranked first in Australia for medicine. If UWS can pull something great out of their ass themselves I don't see them as being a reputable uni sorry. I have friends from UWS too don't get me wrong they tell me stories about their lecturers being half assed teachers comparable to many tafe teachers. Avoid shit unis if you can they have no quality control. UWS has a low entry ATAR for a reason because it's courses aren't as demanding why? Because teachers, facilities etc are crap compared to other unis.


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
I just wonder when the Good Universities Guide comes out... if it hasn't already. I'll be studying that... in the like three weeks I have left to change offers before the Main Round!


New Member
Dec 15, 2008
I just wonder when the Good Universities Guide comes out... if it hasn't already. I'll be studying that... in the like three weeks I have left to change offers before the Main Round!
You could spend time on uniaustralia.com.au in the mean time. It's just people's opinions, but then again so is BOS. Food for thought in the next few weeks.


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
I don't mind the shameless plug =P

I have too much free time on my hands - so it's reading up on that or FIFA 11 Career Mode!


Nov 7, 2008
Western Sydney
Source of info: family members in on the USYD board
Ultraman: Despite your train of thought the degree you get will only 'stand out' as you say upon interview where you display your attitude, personality and committment to organisations outside of university. For example, a graduate from USYDs med course vs a graduate from UWS' who has been involved in the community such as WIRES, obtained management positions in their work and essentially displayed initiative and leadership will stand out. The responses to my message promulgate the very attitude I talked about. Ignorance is bliss (for me), arrogance is bliss for you (temporarily) - Also, UWS has low ATAR entrances? For Med its higher than Newcastle and .05 off UNSW.

In the end, like your ATAR, once you have your degree and do what you want, no one cares where you were tuaght but care about your ability, reputation and affability.


Jan 15, 2010
eh maybe those who choose to stereotype UWS without having any first hand experience or facts to back up their assumptions should really take it from someone who has graduated from UWS. I graduated from UWS in 2006 (am in the middle of my MBA at Newcastle Uni at the moment). I got a job straight away with a salary of 45k, I was there for a year and the job I have now pays 70k a year. I just got offered a new job paying even more through networking. Its not at a fancy international company, but its a good paying job, within an industry I enjoy.
Yeah sure going to a considered prestige uni looks good on paper, but really, in the real world, no one cares. Unless you can show potential employers that you can stand out from the rest as a person (not your degree) you wont get the job.
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Apr 10, 2008
eh maybe those who choose to stereotype UWS without having any first hand experience or facts to back up their assumptions should really take it from someone who has graduated from UWS. I graduated from UWS in 2006 (am in the middle of my MBA at Newcastle Uni at the moment). I got a job straight away with a salary of 45k, I was there for a year and the job I have now pays 70k a year. I just got offered a new job paying even more through networking. Its not at a fancy international company, but its a good paying job, within an industry I enjoy.
Yeah sure going to a considered prestige uni looks good on paper, but really, in the real world, no one cares. Unless you can show potential employers that you can stand out from the rest as a person (not your degree) you wont get the job.
Cool story bro
Jun 7, 2009
can ya'll stop shitting on UWS.

all you do is read reviews and what people have written. why dont you actually ASK or TALK to someone who is studying there. that would be the smarter move. there have been several people who have gone to UWS and have transferred to other universities and have regretted it. the teachers at UWS are more willing to give you assistance if you need it and are much more friendlier than other unis.

university is a lifestyle. you choose to study and participate in the greater social society. its about making friends too and gaining the best experience you can. alot of my friends who go to USYD or UNSW or MACQ really dont like uni at all. regardless of the friends they have made. i have no met one person at UWS who has hated uni. i have not met one person who attends UWS that hates the uni with a passion.

long story short. if your looking for a strong education yeah why not go to other universities. its all about what YOU ARE capable of not what you're uni can offer you. if you are capable of becoming a skilled brain surgeon then go to the top med uni in the state/nation. do what it takes to get recognized. if you want to go to uni for the experience and actually want to ENJOY learning and making friends then UWS is more of what you're looking for.

personally i hated the thought of going to uni. until i attended, then i changed my mind and absolutely love it! im actually missing it now, 4 month holidays are so BORING.

so please, to everyone trying to convince people that UWS is a shit uni, shut the fuck up. please and thankyou

sincerely, happy student of UWS


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
To be fair, reviews and what people have written are usually from experiences or what people have told them. It's the online equivalent of talking to them.

These bad reputations don't sprout from nothing. And they don't keep propagating if they aren't true to an extent.

So... I'm tending to think now - you're part of the minority who may like it there. I don't know.
Jun 7, 2009
minority? may like it?

is it really impossible for someone to enjoy UWS? is it really impossible for someone to get a good education there? if you ask bankstown students, most if not all enjoy UWS. i'm not sure about the parramatta, hawksbury, campbelltown or penrith campuses.

people really need to think for themselves. all these negative reviews really dont help anyone, especially a fairly new university trying to reach its full potential. i just think its HIGHLY unfair that there is so much negativity based onto UWS.

and you also need to understand that we're not all the same. we all have different preferences and likes. one uni may suit one person better than another uni. theres no law saying you cannot change universities after you enroll into them.

it almost feels like UWS is being perceived as a "death sentence" to all whom attend.


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
Well, I don't know because there is such a flurry of opinions. And it's confusing to sift through, but in a good way.

I only have one anecdote in my mind that could remotely support your opinion where a so-called 'bad' university isn't that bad. My science teacher went to Macquarie when it was the one that was ridiculed alot in the 80s or something - but he came out fine and said it wasn't that bad.

I would like to think for myself - but I can't do that if I am not actually a student there. So all I have to decide with are opinions, and sifting through them - as said before, is quite difficult.


New Member
Dec 15, 2008
There were just too many people with strong opinions and counter arguments on this site (back in its glory days) that I couldn't tell who to believe so I decided to base my opinions on open days and other event I attended.

USyd was a nice campus to walk through, but I got creeped out by some of the male population - staring, whispering to their friends. I feel like I was being visually dissected and they cared more about checking out chicks than being helpful. That said, it wasn't all guys and there were some generally nice people. No complaints about the girls, it's just a few of the guys there made me feel really uncomfortable.

UNSW has a campus that was a little more confusing and I did get a bit of that "cold vibe" it has a reputation for, until I actually talked to people and watched their demonstrations. They were generally nice and informative.

UTS I don't think I really gave a fair go because I was too distracted with all my friends running everywhere for the "Freebies". Although somehow it felt cleaner than the other unis. Don't know how to explain it - probably the design of the buildings.

The UWS reputation I do understand but don't understand. The UWS course I'm actually interested in is their law course. I attended a mooting session and although it was just a bail application I really enjoyed it. The Dean of Law spoke to us and we briefly met a student who had a job guarenteed before graduating. So I guess that's when I decided not to buy into the whole 'UWS is a shithole" thing. UWS is new, so it makes sense it would work hard at law/med first maybe? I just really like their law course but I did spend quite a lot of time looking into it first - talking to students, lecturers and sifting through the countless arguments of "UWS is shit".

I just think different universities have things they're good at and things they're not so good at.

I just don't like people who say "definitely go here" or "definitely don't go there" as much as I don't like people who say "If you don't adhere to my religious beliefs, you'll burn forever in really hot fire" blah blah blah. It might seem weird but I prefer to deal in facts, and let people come to their own conclusions on what suits them best.
Jun 7, 2009
There were just too many people with strong opinions and counter arguments on this site (back in its glory days) that I couldn't tell who to believe so I decided to base my opinions on open days and other event I attended.

USyd was a nice campus to walk through, but I got creeped out by some of the male population - staring, whispering to their friends. I feel like I was being visually dissected and they cared more about checking out chicks than being helpful. That said, it wasn't all guys and there were some generally nice people. No complaints about the girls, it's just a few of the guys there made me feel really uncomfortable.

UNSW has a campus that was a little more confusing and I did get a bit of that "cold vibe" it has a reputation for, until I actually talked to people and watched their demonstrations. They were generally nice and informative.

UTS I don't think I really gave a fair go because I was too distracted with all my friends running everywhere for the "Freebies". Although somehow it felt cleaner than the other unis. Don't know how to explain it - probably the design of the buildings.

The UWS reputation I do understand but don't understand. The UWS course I'm actually interested in is their law course. I attended a mooting session and although it was just a bail application I really enjoyed it. The Dean of Law spoke to us and we briefly met a student who had a job guarenteed before graduating. So I guess that's when I decided not to buy into the whole 'UWS is a shithole" thing. UWS is new, so it makes sense it would work hard at law/med first maybe? I just really like their law course but I did spend quite a lot of time looking into it first - talking to students, lecturers and sifting through the countless arguments of "UWS is shit".

I just think different universities have things they're good at and things they're not so good at.

I just don't like people who say "definitely go here" or "definitely don't go there" as much as I don't like people who say "If you don't adhere to my religious beliefs, you'll burn forever in really hot fire" blah blah blah. It might seem weird but I prefer to deal in facts, and let people come to their own conclusions on what suits them best.
couldn't have said it better myself =)


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
I went to a UWS campus - at Campbelltown for a Physics excursion on their Medical Nanotechnology stuff. Their facilities are quite nice, very spacious, very clean, quite open, new-ish. I will never forget the guy with the very strong Filipino accent. Highlight of the day!

I saw two hot chicks. And the lecturers were pretty engaged about their subject.


Active Member
Nov 12, 2008
Uni Grad
can ya'll stop shitting on UWS.

all you do is read reviews and what people have written. why dont you actually ASK or TALK to someone who is studying there.
Actually, last week i was chatting to a bloke at work and asked him what he was doing. Said he was studying at UWS

And then he laughed.



Sep 5, 2009
UWS the uni itself probably doesn't suck...
I think the stereotype developed towards UWS is due to the low atar cut-offs and the absurd bonus points...
So, yeah it's probably the students that sucks...


Jan 5, 2010
minority? may like it?

is it really impossible for someone to enjoy UWS? is it really impossible for someone to get a good education there? if you ask bankstown students, most if not all enjoy UWS. i'm not sure about the parramatta, hawksbury, campbelltown or penrith campuses.

people really need to think for themselves. all these negative reviews really dont help anyone, especially a fairly new university trying to reach its full potential. i just think its HIGHLY unfair that there is so much negativity based onto UWS.

and you also need to understand that we're not all the same. we all have different preferences and likes. one uni may suit one person better than another uni. theres no law saying you cannot change universities after you enroll into them.

it almost feels like UWS is being perceived as a "death sentence" to all whom attend.
i'm sure it applies to all other students from different campuses aswell.

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