UWS: Flying to hell or heaven???? (2 Viewers)

UWs or Macquarie Uni?

  • University of Western Sydney

    Votes: 24 43.6%
  • Macquarie University

    Votes: 31 56.4%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Nov 12, 2009
1. I said that, well, apparently there is one in the course.
2. There is nothing wrong with going to TAFE then to university, heck one of my best friends is transferring from TAFE to UWS to do Graphic Design. But did I ever say anything wrong about that? No, you're imagining things. I'm saying the university should be a bit more stringent with its admission procedures because if someone can just go to TAFE, get a piece of paper and then march into a Law degree - I don't think that's very fair. Now if someone could perhaps give me some info about TAFE courses that can get you into Law and show me the relevancy and all that, then I'll gladly change my opinion. But as I see it, a guy can just get 52 ATAR, go into TAFE, get a qualification from there and then march into Law when there are others who won't get that opportunity.
3. Why don't you re-read the entire thread without your little Shadowdude hate filter?
shadowdude hate filter? youd be surprised how much i used to love reading your posts..before you became a pretentious dickhead. In the entire thread...you were going on about fully sik lebos..how uws is shit..and that OP should avoid going there. You go on about how great GUG is...and then when everyone bags you out for that..you go on about how its ironic that GUG rated UWS higher than USYD...please....
you keep on contradicting yourself. Stand on one side of the fence..you cant stand in between. Just because you go to a prestigious university, doesnt mean youre better than everyone else. Youre making us feel like idiots..Im not an idiot.


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
Like every other thing written in this thread? Not surprised, kid.
Answer this, what traumatic experience have you faced, that has resulted in your current state?

Thrown against a wall by a parent during infancy?
or were you forced to play 'hide the sausage' with Uncle Badtouch?

I'm guessing both.

In conclusion, go fuck yourself.
cool story bro

Well, that's internal transfer. That's a different story. I'm talking about: School -> TAFE -> Law.

shadowdude hate filter? youd be surprised how much i used to love reading your posts..before you became a pretentious dickhead. In the entire thread...you were going on about fully sik lebos..how uws is shit..and that OP should avoid going there. You go on about how great GUG is...and then when everyone bags you out for that..you go on about how its ironic that GUG rated UWS higher than USYD...please....
you keep on contradicting yourself. Stand on one side of the fence..you cant stand in between. Just because you go to a prestigious university, doesnt mean youre better than everyone else. Youre making us feel like idiots..Im not an idiot.
I've always been a 'pretentious dickhead', though I prefer the term: elitist.

My point, which I made in the second post in this thread, is that there are much better universities - in my belief - that are around. Now everyone here says how the GUG is apparently some sort of plague to be avoided because apparently it's biased and all that stuff, but what else is there? Really? Seriously? No one's been able to answer that. Apparently government information about universities and graduate surveys is not good enough - but no one can give any better alternative. The sample size may be small, I'm not sure about these surveys, but to my belief - it's perhaps the best thing we have.

And I'm purporting myself to be better than everyone else so I can feel better about not having a purpose in life. =)


Active Member
Nov 12, 2009
I've always been a 'pretentious dickhead', though I prefer the term: elitist.

My point, which I made in the second post in this thread, is that there are much better universities - in my belief - that are around. Now everyone here says how the GUG is apparently some sort of plague to be avoided because apparently it's biased and all that stuff, but what else is there? Really? Seriously? No one's been able to answer that. Apparently government information about universities and graduate surveys is not good enough - but no one can give any better alternative. The sample size may be small, I'm not sure about these surveys, but to my belief - it's perhaps the best thing we have.

And I'm purporting myself to be better than everyone else so I can feel better about not having a purpose in life. =)
You dont have to make it so fucking blatantly obvious that you feel how did you put it??? "ellite" compared to the rest of us..youre an idiot who obviously knows jack shit about uws...
No one cares whether you have a purpose or not in life...its not our problem..its yours. You obviously have issues so my advice to you is to go and fix your personal problems before going and putting shit on other people and their universities.


Jun 30, 2010
1. That's true, you could see it that way and in the end - we're going to have to agree to disagree.
2. As I said, I'm not hating on the guy - I'm questioning the university. Then again, we're probably going to end up agreeing to disagree - and I can take home the solace that if he truly is as acdemically unfit as he seems to be with his 65-75 ATAR, he won't survive and will probably be kicked out of the degree stream anyway.
You kind of were hating on him- I mean, you did insult him (and other Lebs) with those stereotypical, disparaging comments. There was absolutely no need for that.
Dude, that could happen to anyone. People with an ATAR of 99+ are by no means immune to being deemed 'academically unfit' with regards to whatever degree they have chosen to study. The almighty ATAR is not a precise measurement of intelligence and capability.
3. I was saying that if you're going to take the "You hate everyone at UWS and everything at UWS", you can't - because my school friends go there.
No, that isn't where I was going with my posts.

4. Still doesn't explain why the other guy who voiced the same views wasn't flamed to oblivion in the other thread. I still maintain several people on this forum filter my posts through some sort of hate filter.
Perhaps he offered a slightly more accepted/ valid reason for his beliefs? I don't know what else to say to that since I don't remember reading that particular post. I also don't have time to look for it.
i can't speak for anyone else, but i don't hate you nor do i have this 'hate filter' you speak of. you just so happened to touch on a subject i feel rather strongly about.
just thought i'd make that clear.
Education is education, sure. I'll agree with that. Yes, I'll agree that it's great that that guy who got 75 ATAR got into his dream course and yada yada yada. But I just think that UWS is really shooting itself in the foot if they're being so lax to their admission procedures - especially in degrees like Law where prestige is apparently a big factor.
What do you know about the quality of the Law degree/s offered at UWS? Or are you just assuming it's shit because of the university?

I just think that if UWS was a bit more stringent in its admissions, we'd stop mocking it so much. Right now, UWS has this stereotype which isn't helping its reputation among students... there was a reason why last year, there were threads and posts about why we should work hard in the HSC or else we'd get into UWS.
Hmm, yes, a stereotype which is being fueled by people like you. Thanks for that.

m8, i'm regurgitating the info i got and if its wrong - then blame the source and not me
No no no no no no no, that's not how it works. You will be held accountable for what you say. It's your own fault for not putting in the effort to research this a little more to gain a better understanding. It's quite clear to see that you have chosen to remain ignorant.

Also, the situation involved a person who got like 65 to 75 ATAR who went to TAFE and got some law-related qualification and then got into UWS. So don't give me that "lol u so stupid shadow, 65 + 15 bonus points = 80 < 91!!!!!" because that's not my point. Please re-read my post before you start going off on tangents and pushing my post through the hate filter you have there.
Please provide the link to this person's 'fully sik' Facebook post. I would very much like to see it.

posted this b4 but ill post it again,

you can find your cons for going to uws here.

Oh, but of course there's absolutely no chance that these stories may have been slightly exaggerated for entertainment purposes. Nope. Not at all.
People complaining about petty things proves nothing.
Also, since when has Facebook been a reliable source for anything?

who said theyre superficial?


kill all boomers
Dec 4, 2009
Forever UNSW
Shadow..you said....the law degree has like lebos who are 'fully sik' and are able to get into a law degree with 65 for their ATARs...CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG.
nothing wrong with going to TAFE and then going to university. He's a champ for following his dream and working hard for it. Screw you and your GUG.
Why dont you re read the entire thread? because obviously you have no fucking idea what you are on about. Youve dissed so many people and honestly, a lot of us studied really hard for the HSC but unfortunately were not able to get our 90 somethings...I got an 85.05...im not some fully sik lebo cunt. I try hard at university and im able to maintain a distinction in my subjects, please stop being a fag.
hey, you did better than me
shadowdude hate filter? youd be surprised how much i used to love reading your posts..before you became a pretentious dickhead. In the entire thread...you were going on about fully sik lebos..how uws is shit..and that OP should avoid going there. You go on about how great GUG is...and then when everyone bags you out for that..you go on about how its ironic that GUG rated UWS higher than USYD...please....
you keep on contradicting yourself. Stand on one side of the fence..you cant stand in between. Just because you go to a prestigious university, doesnt mean youre better than everyone else. Youre making us feel like idiots..Im not an idiot.

As for the "shit people go to uws" line of argument going on here, there are plenty of terrible *terrible* people at UNSW. Both have their good kids and both have their bad. One consists of a lower amount of intelligent people, but that's not the point.

As for OP's question, I would try to go to the University of Sydney, the University of New South Wales or Macquarie University (they have a strong international community) before UWS, but that's merely my opinion.


kill all boomers
Dec 4, 2009
Forever UNSW
also Facebook is a reasonable enough source that men can get sent to gaol over it


kill all boomers
Dec 4, 2009
Forever UNSW
I also agree with Shadowdude's post about having more rigid entrance conditions

10 bonus points come on


Dec 15, 2010
London, England
Uni Grad
LOL at Shadowdude's posts, you truly are a cunt. Do us a favor don't... don't have kids the world is bad enough as it is. You actually think people just go to TAFE and automatically get into Uni? No lmao, there are factors to consider like oh I don't know GRADES. It's also funny how you seem to think ATAR is an indication of intelligence, what are you gonna hold onto your ATAR for the rest of you life? Pathetic.
Last edited:


Dec 12, 2008
Have you any idea about UWS? Probably not. Nor do you appear to understand that the ATAR score is the mark of the last person to get into a particular degree.
This means that there are many students at UWS who have very high ATARs and have decided to study at UWS because they know it is a good university. You probably went to UNSW because you heard it had a better reputation. That reputation is based on research NOT teaching. Not real smart.


Active Member
Mar 16, 2011
the hyperplane
but really, i think its generally agreed upon that macquarie is better uws. uws may not be shit uni, but it cant be considered good either


Active Member
Jan 30, 2011
whats with the quality of teaching argument? A lot of the UWS teachers are of high quality, coming from the most well regarded of Uni's - having left those Uni's due to dissatisfaction of the place


Sep 18, 2009
whats with the quality of teaching argument? A lot of the UWS teachers are of high quality, coming from the most well regarded of Uni's - having left those Uni's due to dissatisfaction of the place

exactly. My m8's dad is good friends with a usyd professor who told him a lot of his colleagues are moving to uws due to the fact usyd treats them like shit. an ew uni like uws is therefore more than happy to take them.

furthermore, being a newer uni its getting a lot more government funding so its facilities will probably be top notch in a few years

sure it doesn't have the "prestige" so to speak of other unis, but if a person is really, sincerely detrmined to do their degree this is not even a concern worth mentioning. For example, I'm happy to do medicine at uws (if i don't get into unsw) as long as I am doing medicine. Just because you preference other unis over it, doesn't mean its bad.

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