I'm a Yr 10 who's going through subject selection now (yay!) My school unfortunately only offers a maximum of 13 units (for Yr 11s) and I was wondering if you guys could give me your opinion on my subjects? (particularly for VA). I'm still trying to wrap my head around the whole concept of scaling haha (I never fully understood it, even though I'm doing IPT accelerated)
What I know I want to do:
* 3 unit maths (4u in Yr 12)
* 3 unit English (3u in Yr 12)
* Chemistry (2u)
* VA (2u)
* ?? (Thinking about biology, society and culture or Italian beginners. That or physics)
* Additional unit? (Will Visual design help VA? Will studies of religion help Society and culture?)
I'm doing accelerated IPT but my teachers recommend that I don't count it towards my ATAR (as it scales very low). I'm a student who until recently, didn't express much interest in my subjects. I do well in most, but I neither particularly like, or dislike my Yr 10 subjects. I take IPT, Philosophy (which I find interesting) and Commerce as Yr 9 electives. As I don't particularly mind my subjects, I personally think that scaling may play a huge role in what I should choose. My school continually comes in the top 8 (I think that's the lowest we dropped?) in the state so I am aiming for the top (hahaha).
I've been lurking around BoS for a few days now and I saw somewhere that chemistry scales marginally lower than physics? I recently started to take a liking towards chemistry (because of the chemistry olympiad and the National chemistry quiz, both of which I find extremely capitvating) but I also would not mind dropping chemistry for physics. One of my friends told me that biology scales almost as well as physics. If so, does chemistry scale higher or lower than biology?
From what I did in VA in yr 7 and 8, I was consistently at the top of the class (My teachers occasionally told me I was at the level of a senior- in terms of practical composition and skill). I am however, self-taught and as a result, fail quite miserably in VA theory. I understand VA is also quite conceptual so there is that "added risk". I definitely do want to do VA, unless it scales so badly that it's not worth trying. I was hoping that my philosophy base (I'm at the top of the class) would help with the conceptual aspects of VA.
Regarding my last subject choice, I was wondering if everyone could offer their opinion on SoCu, Italian or Bio? (In terms of scaling, I use it as a base to see if the subject is easy or hard
) I perform very well in commerce and geography (As or full marks) and I don't mind doing Society & Culture (some people have told me that it's like Philosophy?) I was however, fluent in Italian from studying six years of Italian in primary (I have forgotten most of the stuff since I didn't use it), but I'm hoping taking it might be an easy course for me (should my memory decide to revive itself). Should I do another science? I'm not sure what I want to do in Uni yet, right now I'd rather cover myself in all bases and aim to have a high ATAR so that I can allow myself the liberty of choice when I'm older.
My school excels in languages and the social sciences if that helps. (we often get state rankings) We're very weak when it comes to science though, and rather weak in English. I also heard that EE1 scales higher than EE2?
Thank you!! <3
P.S Can anyone recommend a good way to self study for English? (particularly in writing for essays and creative. I'm pretty good with spotting techniques and coming up with conceptual statements for texts) I'm probably going to start tutoring in Yr 11 (pretty much 99% of my classmates do it already) but I want to learn ahead by myself right now.
Sorry if this
I'm a Yr 10 who's going through subject selection now (yay!) My school unfortunately only offers a maximum of 13 units (for Yr 11s) and I was wondering if you guys could give me your opinion on my subjects? (particularly for VA). I'm still trying to wrap my head around the whole concept of scaling haha (I never fully understood it, even though I'm doing IPT accelerated)
What I know I want to do:
* 3 unit maths (4u in Yr 12)
* 3 unit English (3u in Yr 12)
* Chemistry (2u)
* VA (2u)
* ?? (Thinking about biology, society and culture or Italian beginners. That or physics)
* Additional unit? (Will Visual design help VA? Will studies of religion help Society and culture?)
I'm doing accelerated IPT but my teachers recommend that I don't count it towards my ATAR (as it scales very low). I'm a student who until recently, didn't express much interest in my subjects. I do well in most, but I neither particularly like, or dislike my Yr 10 subjects. I take IPT, Philosophy (which I find interesting) and Commerce as Yr 9 electives. As I don't particularly mind my subjects, I personally think that scaling may play a huge role in what I should choose. My school continually comes in the top 8 (I think that's the lowest we dropped?) in the state so I am aiming for the top (hahaha).
I've been lurking around BoS for a few days now and I saw somewhere that chemistry scales marginally lower than physics? I recently started to take a liking towards chemistry (because of the chemistry olympiad and the National chemistry quiz, both of which I find extremely capitvating) but I also would not mind dropping chemistry for physics. One of my friends told me that biology scales almost as well as physics. If so, does chemistry scale higher or lower than biology?
From what I did in VA in yr 7 and 8, I was consistently at the top of the class (My teachers occasionally told me I was at the level of a senior- in terms of practical composition and skill). I am however, self-taught and as a result, fail quite miserably in VA theory. I understand VA is also quite conceptual so there is that "added risk". I definitely do want to do VA, unless it scales so badly that it's not worth trying. I was hoping that my philosophy base (I'm at the top of the class) would help with the conceptual aspects of VA.
Regarding my last subject choice, I was wondering if everyone could offer their opinion on SoCu, Italian or Bio? (In terms of scaling, I use it as a base to see if the subject is easy or hard
My school excels in languages and the social sciences if that helps. (we often get state rankings) We're very weak when it comes to science though, and rather weak in English. I also heard that EE1 scales higher than EE2?
Thank you!! <3
P.S Can anyone recommend a good way to self study for English? (particularly in writing for essays and creative. I'm pretty good with spotting techniques and coming up with conceptual statements for texts) I'm probably going to start tutoring in Yr 11 (pretty much 99% of my classmates do it already) but I want to learn ahead by myself right now.
Sorry if this