VA scaling (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
Based on the 2011 statistics, you needed an aggregate of 456/500 to get an ATAR of 99.5.
This aggregate is the sum of your best 10 units AFTER scaling. Since the top-band results that are published in the newspapers are not based on these scaled marks, you cannot use them to judge the level of scaling in subject for the purpose of calculating an ATAR (in fact no students sees their scaled marks).
From the 2011 stats, the PERCENTILES that you needed in each subject to score a scaled mark of 45.6/50 in 2011 were as follows:

General Maths - No-one
100 IPT
100 SDD
100 English Standard
100 Music 1
99 Ancient History
99 Biology
99 Visual Arts
99 Society & Culture
99 Studies of Religion 1 unit
99 Business Studies
99 Legal Studies
99 Engineering Studies
99 Geography
99 PD/H/PE
98 Chemistry
98 Modern History
98 History Extension
98 Drama
97 Economics
97 2 unit Maths
96 Adv English
96 Physics
95 Ext 1 English
92 Ext 2 English
92 Music 2
83 Ext 1 Maths
67 Ext 2 Maths

Of course, the higher the percentile required, the more difficult it is to score that result. As these numbers are rounded, the subjects stating the 100th percentile had a cutoff for 45.6 somewhere in the top 0.5% of the candidature. In Ext 2 Maths, you needed only score amongst the top one-third of the state to score 45.6 (and hence be on target for 456 and thus an ATAR of 99.5)

(BTW, I hope you realise how few people score 99.95 - only about 50 in the state.)


Jul 11, 2013
Based on the 2011 statistics, you needed an aggregate of 456/500 to get an ATAR of 99.5.
This aggregate is the sum of your best 10 units AFTER scaling. Since the top-band results that are published in the newspapers are not based on these scaled marks, you cannot use them to judge the level of scaling in subject for the purpose of calculating an ATAR (in fact no students sees their scaled marks).
From the 2011 stats, the PERCENTILES that you needed in each subject to score a scaled mark of 45.6/50 in 2011 were as follows:

99 Biology
99 Visual Arts
98 Chemistry
97 Economics
96 Physics
95 Ext 1 English
92 Ext 2 English
83 Ext 1 Maths
67 Ext 2 Maths

(BTW, I hope you realise how few people score 99.95 - only about 50 in the state.)
First of all, thank you so much for replying! Secondly, do you know where I can find the statistics for the 2012 aggregate? Thirdly, I was always under the impression that chemistry scaled higher than physics; and that the three sciences scaled much much better than VA and finally, I realise that approximately 50 people get 99.95 but I do go to a school which consistently places in the top ten of the state so I stand a pretty good chance (if I put the sweat, blood and tears in) :) Plus, I enjoy pushing myself, haha I'm also a person who likes to do her research before putting in the effort so thank you very much!


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
First of all, thank you so much for replying! Secondly, do you know where I can find the statistics for the 2012 aggregate? Thirdly, I was always under the impression that chemistry scaled higher than physics; and that the three sciences scaled much much better than VA and finally, I realise that approximately 50 people get 99.95 but I do go to a school which consistently places in the top ten of the state so I stand a pretty good chance (if I put the sweat, blood and tears in) :) Plus, I enjoy pushing myself, haha I'm also a person who likes to do her research before putting in the effort so thank you very much!
I spent some time preparing those stats last year based on a number of tables released by the Board of Studies. I haven't had the time to synthesise last year's results yet. But some stats that pop out immediately from the 2012 tables:

Aggregates required for various ATARS:
99.95 475
99.50 454
99.00 444
98.00 430
95.00 402

Scaled Mark for 99th percentile / Scaled Mark for 90th percentile / My very hasty estimate at the percentile required for 45.4 (the aggregate for 99.50 being 454):

Biology 45.4 / 39.4 / 99
Visual Arts 45.6 / 38.1 / 99
Chemistry 46.9 / 42.8 / 96
Economics 46.9 / 42.6 / 96
Physics 46.5 / 41.7 / 97
Adv English 46.1 / 41.8 / 98
X1 English 46.6 / 42.9 / 97
X2 English 47.6 / 43.3 / 94
2 unit Maths 46.9 / 42.5 / 97
X1 Maths 48.9 / 46.4 / 84
X2 Maths 48.7 / 47.0 / 70

Also, it is meaningless to say that one subject scales higher than another. That depends on the quality of the candidature in that subject in any year. There is nothing intrinsic to a subject that makes it scale better than another. For example, although Ext 2 maths is said to scale very well, the magnitude of that scaling is falling every year. This is because more and more students who are incapable of doing the subject are attracted by the myth that your mark will scale well simply by doing the subject, thus bringing down the average quality of the candidature. However, the whole idea of scaling is that it doesn't matter what the quality of the rest of the state is, you will still get the mark you deserve based on your own ability.
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Survivor of the HSC
Nov 30, 2011
I suspect you go to my school...hahaha!

Don't take up that extra unit. I tried doing Visual Design and immediately dropped out because I didn't like the course, don't feel as though you need to do that 13th unit because it's an option.

I had a freak out at the start of the year that my subjects were too low scaling, but honestly, I don't care. Because I like them a lot and I seem to be acing them, so it doesn't really matter, as a 95 in Visual Arts is much better than a 80 in chemistry (as an example haha!) Don't base your subjects on scaling, do the ones you enjoy. I think the subjects you enjoy more will trump whether or not the subject is higher scaling because you're going to want to do it, not see it as a chore.

If you're like some of my friends and don't really care about whatever you do, then yeah, go ahead with the scaling. I, personally, don't recommend.

I think scaling for the three sciences goes something like this: (correct me if I'm wrong)
Chemistry > Physics > Biology (by far)

Chem and phys scale almost the same, but bio scales relatively "worse" than the other two sciences.

If you want to do art, DO IT! I do it, and even though it had its stressful moments in Year 11, it is so satisfying completing it. Also, your teacher (whoever it is) will really drill the theory aspects into you (if they're good...I really think you go to my school rn, haha!!! PM me?? I can probably give you better and less generalised advice if you do go to the same school)

SoCu - scales averagely, lots of analysis involved! Some of my friends really hated it at the start, but I think they grew to like it :)
Italian Beginners - no idea, my year didn't get offered it because only 2 people put their name down for it. If you really want to do it, go through open high?
Biology - my friends with dodgy teachers hate it, my friends with good teachers love it. It's a iffy situation, but go for it if you're interested. The prelim course is very....dry in comparison to the HSC course, so if you're not sure about it, you should probably try another subject. Maybe history because you should as if you are good at it?

EE1 > EE2 (in more ways than scaling!!) EE2 is largely subjective and a trialling experience, from what I've heard.

English study techniques - just work on developing essays and understanding your texts. If you're getting tutoring, I recommend a strong private tutor because you will get more out of 1-1 than in a classroom situation.

P.S. curious as to why you didn't choose art for Year 9-10 if you topped it in Y7-8?

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