Want to Master English? Want to attain 1st ranking in English Advanced? Read this. (1 Viewer)


New Member
Mar 15, 2014
Bass Hill
Dear future Academics and Successful adults of the future, :read:

I want to start of by debunking a common myth. Academic studies are not a talent. Every child has the potential to master every Academic subject to PHD level. What differentiates a high achieving student from an average student then is Zeal, Fanatic Discipline, Determination and Consistency. But of course, a Teacher is the final ingredient to the recipe.

In Year 10, my marks for English were very average. In year 11, my goal was to get into Law School. In Year 11 and 12, I climbed the ladder from ranking half way in Standard English to coming first in English Advanced and 2nd in Extension English breaking the record at my School for many years. I also attained 1st ranking in Ancient History and Legal Studies and 2nd in Biology and Modern History attaining an ATAR in the 90s.

As an average student, I was taught that the brain is a muscle. Like any muscle it required Fanatic Discipline, Empirical Creativity and Consistency to unlock the key to academic success.

I am offering a unique Tutoring Service. The essence of this tutoring service is not material, instead it is based on achieving sustaining results for your child and allowing them to unlock the keys to their potential.

The first tutoring session is free- it is a 30 minute Session where parents are strongly encouraged to come along and have some tea while we discuss the goals of your child and work together to create a sustaining plan.

Please do not hesitate to contact me on 0403 845 057 to further discuss the Masters in English Tutoring service.

Yours Sincerely,

Mohammed Algalele

Email- winspear.ma@gmail.com

Phone- 0403 845 057
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New Member
Feb 22, 2014
Re: Want to Master English? Want to attain 1st ranking in English Advanced? Read this

Hello I am really interested as I currently do Advanced English, but am just not understanding what markers "look for" enough.
My main struggle is creative writing.
I have to talk to my parents first

ATAR goal 90+
Advanced English, 2u Maths, Chemistry, Biology, PDHPE & Visual Arts


New Member
Mar 15, 2014
Bass Hill
Re: Want to Master English? Want to attain 1st ranking in English Advanced? Read this

Hello I am really interested as I currently do Advanced English, but am just not understanding what markers "look for" enough.
My main struggle is creative writing.
I have to talk to my parents first

ATAR goal 90+
Advanced English, 2u Maths, Chemistry, Biology, PDHPE & Visual Arts
Dear Neysta,

I will cover your enquiry in this post.

What Markers look for

Creative Writing-

The best way to master creative writing is to 1. Adhere to the Marking Criteria. 2. Be Creative!:sun:

But there is creative and then there is Empirical Creativity. Empirical creativity encompasses deep and thorough study. It is easy for somebody to read the question and write up a creative story. But the distinction lies in the student who finds many creative text's, analyses them and then creates their own creative text based on ideas and lessons learnt from empirical texts. In any event, the marking criteria must be closely adhered to. The Theme must be investigated, eloquence must be employed, a thorough analysis of the prescribed text needs to be outlined and a strong structure must be adhered to.

Step 1- You investigate empirical texts which are creative by their nature.

Step 2. You investigate the marking guideline.

Step 3. Create a bullet-proof plan and exceed the expectations.

Step 4. Wear some armour. Your sword is the neatness of your writing. Your shield is plenty of sleep so that you can concentrate. Your helmet is prudently planning the time allocated and allocating specific time analogous with the components of your plan. :jedi:

How to achieve the best mark-

To achieve a Distinction in Creative writing, you need to investigate the marking guideline and create a bullet-proof plan with some armour. But to attain a High-Distinction grade, you need to investigate creative texts and deeply analyse them. Use empirical creativity to your advantage and let your creativity be delivered through the Literary-Mobiles of Eloquence, Literary and poetic techniques and honest hard work.

In the Tutoring Sessions, I usually present my student with various creative texts for the student to analyse in their time. Then, we sit down and investigate the marking guideline. Once we investigate it, and divide it into segments we create a bullet-proof plan. We then tackle this plan component by component, wear some bullet-proof armour (tips on Neatness, eloquence and Time Management) and slowly aim to climb the ladder to 1st ranking.

Best of Luck, please have a look at how to Master Essays below as well!

I hope I have answered your question. Best of luck in your academic ambitions. If you or anybody have any other questions, please do not hesitate to raise them in this forum or through my contact details. My answers are also open to courteous discussion.

If you wish to try the Master English tutoring, please do not hesitate to contact me to book your first Free Introductory Lesson.

Good luck and Aim High, :smile:

Mohammed Algalele

Mobile- 0458 848 727.
Email- 20122558@my.nd.edu.au


New Member
Mar 15, 2014
Bass Hill
Re: Want to Master English? Want to attain 1st ranking in English Advanced? Read this


How to Master English Essays- What the marker is looking for.

In English subjects, there is always a marking guideline. Let's say you are given the following hypothetical Assignment.

The Journey is more important than the Destination. Discuss using (1) Prescribed Text and (2) Additional Texts.

The marker will then refer to their marking guideline in allocating marks to the student. Common triggers for marks in marking guidelines are usually-

Structure-- 20 Marks.

The structure serves as the backbone of the essay. A strong structure usually has a concise Introduction, a structured body and a nutshell conclusion. Student's are highly encouraged to write their structure in pencil before commencing their essay. The plan is then like the map that guides the writer. Without a map, the ship will get lost and not reach their destination. If the ship was the pen, and the ocean was the essay. Without a plan, the ship would visit the Island of Introduction for half the time it has and briefly visit the Island of Body and miss the conclusion. This would be disastrous!

Analysis of Theme - 20 Marks.

The eye's of the marker is constantly scanning and searching for the Theme. The theme is then like Wally from Where's Wally. Every time, the marker sees Wally a Tick is given. The most important aspect of analysing a theme is to discover the essence of the theme. For e.g the goal of a Journey is reaching a destination. The essence is then Discovery along the way, Zeal and determination required, Choices one must make and elements of Danger, Fear and Hope. To deliver the essence which is the Wally of the essay, we need a vehicle. The vehicle's to deliver the essence of the theme come in different Literary-mobiles :haha:. You can use the Latest model- Literary and Poetic Techniques vehicles boasting an eloquent method of delivering the Theme Journeys. Or you can board on the Commonalities and Similarities Literary-Mobile.

Literary and Poetic Techniques- 20 Marks.

Since we have decided to board this Literary-Mobile, we need to ensure we have enough petrol for Wally to get home. How many techniques you use then is how much petrol you are using. In year 12, my teacher once told me that student's who do not use 12 Literary and Poetic techniques will not achieve a 90 grade. I then asked him how I can achieve a 100 grade and he replied break my expectations, so I delivered 15 literary techniques. These techniques must be delivered using a method relevent to the theme.

Eloquence- 20 Marks.

If an essay is eloquent, it can undoubtedly hide the faults of your essay. For many Literary enthusiasts, an eloquent text is more entertaining than music. The melodies of this symphony can then achieve tranquillity if all the key components are fulfilled. The components (i.e. Literary and poetic Techniques, Eloquence and Structure) if fulfilled correctly will then create a harmonious piece leaving the teacher eager to award a high mark.

Analysis of Prescribed Texts and Additional Material- 20 Marks.

Usually, a marker can tell if a student has read their text or has simply visited spark notes and studied the summary. A deep and thorough analysis of the prescribed text and additional material will uncover unique investigations about the text. Although empirical creativity will constitute the majority of the mark, an element of creativity attained through deep and sincere investigation of the texts will yield the highest result. The essence of the question is nevertheless attached to the Theme. Therefore, the student need's to constantly present the "Wally's" to the marker (i.e Journey, Discovery, Choices, Destination).

How to Achieve the Best Mark-

As human beings, we are naturally inclined towards structure and symmetry. Ideally, to Build the best Home, you need the best material (Additional material relevant to Theme). Using this material, you then create a plan which complements elements of structure and symmetry. If you miss the roof of the home (Literary techniques), the home will not be complete. Similarly, if the interior design (Eloquence) is not pleasing to the eyes, then the home will not be enjoyable. If the architect employed does not follow a structured building project (plan), then the home will crumble.

Therefore, to achieve the best possible mark, you need to cover all the elements in the marking guideline. Find out what the expectations of the marker is for each component and then exceed it.

Before you enter the war-zone, make sure you wear some bullet-proof armour. Your sword is the neatness of your writing. Your shield is plenty of sleep so that you can concentrate. Your helmet is prudently planning the time allocated and allocating specific time analogous with the components of your plan. :jedi:

I hope I have answered your question. Best of luck in your academic ambitions. If you or anybody have any other questions, please do not hesitate to raise them in this forum or through my contact details. My answers are also open to courteous discussion.

If you wish to try the Master English tutoring, please do not hesitate to contact me to book your first Free Introductory Lesson.

Good luck and Aim High, :smile:

Mohammed Algalele

Mobile- 0458 848 727.
Email- 20122558@my.nd.edu.au


New Member
Mar 15, 2014
Bass Hill
Want to Master Essays? Climb the Ladder to top 3 ranking using these techniques.


Want to Master English essays? In English subjects, there is always a marking guideline. A hypothetical example will be used to illustrate a great way to tackle essays. Let's say you are given the following Assignment.

The Journey is more important than the Destination. Discuss using (1) Prescribed Text and (2) Additional Texts.

The marker will then refer to their marking guideline in allocating marks to the student. Common triggers for marks in marking guidelines are usually-

Structure-- 20 Marks.

The structure serves as the backbone of the essay. A strong structure usually has a concise Introduction, a structured body and a nutshell conclusion. Student's are highly encouraged to write their structure in pencil before commencing their essay. The plan is then like the map that guides the writer. Without a map, the ship will get lost and not reach their destination. If the ship was the pen, and the ocean was the essay. Without a plan, the ship would visit the Island of Introduction for half the time it has and briefly visit the Island of Body and miss the conclusion. This would be disastrous!

Analysis of Theme - 20 Marks.

The eye's of the marker is constantly scanning and searching for the Theme. The theme is then like Wally from Where's Wally. Every time, the marker sees Wally a Tick is given. The most important aspect of analysing a theme is to discover the essence of the theme. For e.g the goal of a Journey is reaching a destination. The essence is then Discovery along the way, Zeal and determination required, Choices one must make and elements of Danger, Fear and Hope. To deliver the essence which is the Wally of the essay, we need a vehicle. The vehicle's to deliver the essence of the theme come in different Literary-mobiles :haha:. You can use the Latest model- Literary and Poetic Techniques vehicles boasting an eloquent method of delivering the Theme Journeys. Or you can board on the Commonalities and Similarities Literary-Mobile.

Literary and Poetic Techniques- 20 Marks.

Since we have decided to board this Literary-Mobile, we need to ensure we have enough petrol for Wally to get home. How many techniques you use then is how much petrol you are using. In year 12, my teacher once told me that student's who do not use 12 Literary and Poetic techniques will not achieve a 90 grade. I then asked him how I can achieve a 100 grade and he replied break my expectations, so I delivered 15 literary techniques. These techniques must be delivered using a method relevent to the theme.

Eloquence- 20 Marks.

If an essay is eloquent, it can undoubtedly hide the faults of your essay. For many Literary enthusiasts, an eloquent text is more entertaining than music. The melodies of this symphony can then achieve tranquillity if all the key components are fulfilled. The components (i.e. Literary and poetic Techniques, Eloquence and Structure) if fulfilled correctly will then create a harmonious piece leaving the teacher eager to award a high mark.

Analysis of Prescribed Texts and Additional Material- 20 Marks.

Usually, a marker can tell if a student has read their text or has simply visited spark notes and studied the summary. A deep and thorough analysis of the prescribed text and additional material will uncover unique investigations about the text. Although empirical creativity will constitute the majority of the mark, an element of creativity attained through deep and sincere investigation of the texts will yield the highest result. The essence of the question is nevertheless attached to the Theme. Therefore, the student need's to constantly present the "Wally's" to the marker (i.e Journey, Discovery, Choices, Destination).

How to Achieve the Best Mark-

As human beings, we are naturally inclined towards structure and symmetry. Ideally, to Build the best Home, you need the best material (Additional material relevant to Theme). Using this material, you then create a plan which complements elements of structure and symmetry. If you miss the roof of the home (Literary techniques), the home will not be complete. Similarly, if the interior design (Eloquence) is not pleasing to the eyes, then the home will not be enjoyable. If the architect employed does not follow a structured building project (plan), then the home will crumble.

Therefore, to achieve the best possible mark, you need to cover all the elements in the marking guideline. Find out what the expectations of the marker is for each component and then exceed it.

Before you enter the war-zone, make sure you wear some bullet-proof armour. Your sword is the neatness of your writing. Your shield is plenty of sleep so that you can concentrate. Your helmet is prudently planning the time allocated and allocating specific time analogous with the components of your plan. :jedi:

Best of luck in your academic ambitions. If anybody has any questions, please do not hesitate to raise them in this forum or through my contact details. My answers are also open to courteous discussion.

If you wish to try the Master English tutoring service, please do not hesitate to contact me to book your first Free Introductory Lesson.

Good luck and Aim High, :smile:

Mohammed Algalele

Mobile- 0403 845 057.
Email- winspear.ma@gmail.com

Master English Tutoring Program-

Disciplines- English, English Advanced, English Extension 1, English Extension 2, Legal Studies, Ancient History, Modern History, Extension History.
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New Member
Mar 15, 2014
Bass Hill
Re: Want to Master English? Want to attain 1st ranking in English Advanced? Read this

If anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to post them up here.
Feb 16, 2014
Re: Want to Master English? Want to attain 1st ranking in English Advanced? Read this

How did you go from standard to extension 1 english lol?

Provide a screenshot or something of your marks?


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2013
Uni Grad
Re: Want to Master English? Want to attain 1st ranking in English Advanced? Read this

Is memorizing essay is sufficient ?


(╯°□°)╯━︵ ┻━┻ - - - -
Apr 7, 2012
Sydney Girls
Uni Grad
Re: Want to Master English? Want to attain 1st ranking in English Advanced? Read this

Memorise or get left behind

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