OMG i believe, like a lot of people, that english isn't a waste of study BUT what we did study was a waste of time.
there are way too many people out there who can't correctly use the english language. I mean how many times have you seen something written with the wrong form of 'they're/there/their', or your/you're? And the fucking apostrophes! It puts me off using apostrophes at all.......
Anyway. The only thing that's good about the current syllabus, I suppose, is that you have to read the texts or watch the movie all the way through.
I watched Blade Runner, and even though I've watched it about 5 times I still have to concentrate real hard with subtitles to get everything that goes on.
Brave New World was a good book apart from the mental image of all these horny people walking around and having sex everywhere. I actually read it all the way through (can't say the same for other books...) and managed to miss John's suicide and had to go back.
Gwen Harwood- amazing that you can get all that stuff into those poems. Old ladies aren't all that innocent, ay?
Antony and Cleopatra- drama queens. Takes a book that has half the page full of published notes, plus the rest of the white space full of pencil notes, but I actually read most of a Shakespear play! yay for me.
But the way we have to study stuff kills it. Journeys should never happen- put it into the year 11 course instead of Change.
The whole point of comparing the texts is to realise that if the authors had the same context the texts would be the same. Should we realy have to go through all that bullshit to reach that?
Critical study. Just calling it that, you know you're gonna have to put your text on that cold dissection table and cut and poke and stab at it until it becomes this ugly awful hated thing. And why should you ever study someone's personal works from some stereotypical context anyway? Who said that a Christian or a Feminist would value the same things in a text that the 'Christian' or 'feminist' reading would anyway?! Why can't a peice of work just be a piece of work, and not some text full of hidden messages and meanings?!
Okay, understanding Powerplay may come in handy sometime. But it teaches people that the way they communicate, and what they say can be taken to mean something. Doesn't that make people even more paranoid about what they say? Things could have just been simplified if they had told us the media, etc. portrays people in different ways, or something.
Also, there are some really crap teachers out there. My teacher isn't even an English teacher- she's a History teacher. There's actual english teachers there, but somehow she gets to teach extension 2 english! pretty screwed up, no? But there' also a thing, where the students known as 'good at english' are given higher marks regardless of the ones they deserve. and those nominated as 'not in the top 5 of english' get crap marks.
For example, we had to do a task that was out of 20. A friend and i went and asked the morning it was due for help, she didnt help us. We tried our best and my friend got 0. i got 1 out of 20, and we both got letters sent home. come on, at least we actually did the task! makes it not worth the effort.
Anyway, finished my whinge. Was gonna make great study guides, etc. for yr12 students and get them published to fund uni, but i decided not to make it easy for them.