English was no waste of time.
That is, for those who really opened their mind to the subject and the texts. People who memorised, were spoon fed and didnt care to learn from these texts didnt learn a thing. And thus, it was a waste of time for them. But, for those who really analysed these texts and the ideas they evoked, not only learnt more vocab and ways fo thinking, but also grew as a person and are now better able to understand and comprehend the world around them.
EXAMPLE: When we did the module on the comparative texts, (for those that did advanced) we were able to see the impact that context has on an individual and how they percieve the world around them through their text. I think most of us never paid attention to the immense impact that a context has on how texts are written, and what ideas they portray to viewers/readers.
See? It opens your mind, if you were one that opened your mind a little to it and allowed it to do so completely.