wrong bro...its the other way aroundusing an eriochrome black-T indicator that turns from red to blue with purple as the end pt
same thing wilson, it depends on what u put in the burette and what in the beaker.... lolOriginally posted by inasero
wrong bro...its the other way around
no one is the titrate, the other is the indicatorOriginally posted by toknblackguy
wait a sec...so is EDTA erichromeblack-T?
Yeh that's why i said you'd have to mask or remove one, cos you won't know how much is Ca and how much Mg.Originally posted by Constip8edSkunk
i thought it binds to both Mg and Ca, holdon...lemme check...
edit: Yeah according to Macmillan pathways, it measures both, though it didnt account for Mg in its caluclations....wierd (see Page 279-80)
Yeh you could do that (i think the Mg precipitates out as something with ammonia and phosphate in it, i don't remember...).Originally posted by loser
I thought for hardness, you precpitate the Mg and Ca ions, and use gravimetric analysis.