The issue with the national curriculum is that they're trying to bring every other state up to NSW standards. (So I've been told) At the same time, they're pulling the NSW curriculum down to match theirs. Those of us in NSW are doing just friggin' fine without a "national curriculum". We're also fine without national tests that will lead to kids only learning how to do tests in school, instead of actually learning about anything valuable. They'll be completely fucked up for university. The only thing NSW needs to fix is the way the School Certificate and the ATAR are determined. Just give kids the fucking marks they get, none of this ridiculous scaling-based-on-cohort bullshit.
And not everyone posting are liberal supporters. I'm certainly not. It's just the utter, downright CRAP that Rudd's government has been putting out recently definitely warrants criticism.
I don't agree with every one of Rudd's policies. But I think that we need an education and health reform, all the same. I know you're not all liberal supporters, but looking at the pathetic claims of "Howard glory days" and "I love you Howard"

ect. ect. (on the first post) ... I come to a conclusion that this thread is all about tearing down Rudd. Give him a break, as I said he is trying to give good education and healthcare to a majority of Australians. Howard did not act effectively in those areas, with all due respect. You can give me all this crap about saying 'dont fix whats not broken' ect. but the reality is that healthcare and education in australia have massive holes and inconsistancies in them that need to be addressed asap. Rudd is attempting to address them, theres ups and downs to his policies but at least he is doing something. Full stop.
To an extent I agree with you on the national curriculum. My view would be different if I actually had to learn it. But since I finish as one of the last NSW curriculum cohorts I think it deserves a chance be trialed in various schools. I also strongly agree with you about the School Certificate. For example, because the SC Maths test paper only tests up to 5.1 content, schools (including mine) tend to dumb down year 10 maths and waste time on 5.1 content that could be spent on 5.2 and 5.3 for better preparation. English, Maths and Science are largely skills tests and History/Geography is a little content plus general knowledge.
I just don't get it... NSW structures the curriculum in such a way that isnt really necessary. Year 9 and 10 could offer more choice instead of just a couple of electives. Year 7,8,9 could be the junior years where students meet all mandatory outcomes and senior years could start in year 10 as students choose what they do and span this out for year 11 and 12. Thats just a suggestion i thought of... probaly models the American system...? but there are alternative structures that could work well, which is the point im making.
And i agree there are holes in the ATAR calculation system. There should be a better link between universities and the ATAR.
I've heard 2 stories with the national curriculum. Go on wikipedia and search for Australia's national curriculum and you will see that it says there are plans for a national "HSC" called the Australian Certificate of Education (ACE). The other story contradicts this and is that the states continue with their leaving tests but base it on national content where appropriate. I think the second is what will happen. The new curriculum will not bring out a new structure, which could make it look really strange compared the some states and their other subjects and structure.
Anyways feel free to comment on what ive said about these issues, but please leave Rudd/Howard/any politician out of this. I always conflict with some, but im sure people would agree with me about some things in NSW like the SC, ATAR ect. that are a pain.