#welcome #general-chat (1 Viewer)


Jun 21, 2019
It is precisely "Modelling the Australian Wildfires’ influx in CO2 and soil runoffs and its impact on the shell formation in marine organisms". I have linked it below. (it is ok but not the best) [edit: just noticed Etho_x ur doing science extension. That is nice... good to see more people not shitting on this beautiful subject... u must have a topic by now right?]
I do have a topic however currently it's quite broad and my plan this holidays is to ensure it's as concise as possible through a bit more researching and finalization of my topic. I'm more so researching in the field of Mathematical Biology and mathematical modelling of diseases (kinda cliche but eh it's just for a high school research project...) and just gotta work on what disease ~ don't want to do corona as it's still happening around the world


Active Member
Aug 1, 2020
I do have a topic however currently it's quite broad and my plan this holidays is to ensure it's as concise as possible through a bit more researching and finalization of my topic. I'm more so researching in the field of Mathematical Biology and mathematical modelling of diseases (kinda cliche but eh it's just for a high school research project...) and just gotta work on what disease ~ don't want to do corona as it's still happening around the world
That is a good topic with lots of recent accessible papers. Maybe look at modelling factors for diseases like malaria in developing countries (first thoughts but would be an interesting suggestion.. might be too difficult) - also I am willing to help if u need to.


Jun 21, 2019
That is a good topic with lots of recent accessible papers. Maybe look at modelling factors for diseases like malaria in developing countries (first thoughts but would be an interesting suggestion.. might be too difficult) - also I am willing to help if u need to.
Ah thanks so much, I suppose just a couple of quick questions I'd have then is how would you go about finalizing your inquiry question? What research do you ideally have to do before diving straight in? That's probably my main questions regarding the research project for now since I'm in that stage.

Also in terms of the general coursework would you know of any good websites to base notes off? I am struggling to write half decent notes due to the lack of syllabus-focused things online for Ext Science, all we've been given by my school is a booklet which only consists of a bunch of articles of which some are too philosophical and hard to understand and decipher.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2020
Ah thanks so much, I suppose just a couple of quick questions I'd have then is how would you go about finalizing your inquiry question? What research do you ideally have to do before diving straight in? That's probably my main questions regarding the research project for now since I'm in that stage.

Also in terms of the general coursework would you know of any good websites to base notes off? I am struggling to write half decent notes due to the lack of syllabus-focused things online for Ext Science, all we've been given by my school is a booklet which only consists of a bunch of articles of which some are too philosophical and hard to understand and decipher.
Assuming u have finished a scientific research proposal, the next stage for me in finalising the experiment involved answering a few key questions:
1) Did I understand what the literature is telling me and can I make a decent question out of it?
2) Can I add or verify anything in the existing literature and develop a coherent method from the literature - including ethical concerns and the gaps in understanding of the issue being dealt with?
3) Will I be able to collect the required data and have enough resources withing the time given to be able to give a good answer to the null hypothesis (and I am assuming u know what this is)
4) How am I going to analyse the data [primarily the statistical tests] and how will I establish causation (which is the most strenuous portion in my opinion)

The most important research u must do at this stage before it is too late is to absorb as much literature as u can on epidemiology, mathematical modelling and disease transmission factors. Since u are on holidays (this is what I did before becoming the lazy ass bcs of covid), spend 3 full solid days (like 15 hrs per day). In fact, I suggest u create a list of 20-30 search strings to use in google scholar, scihub (the god's encyclopedia for scientific papers) and other open access sources (for which there will be many). Doc link below to help a bit with it.

For notes, I struggled a lot and frankly, that was my undoing in the hsc. I have really use most of everything my teacher has given me which is the raw nesa education docs for the course given to teachers as teaching material and frankly finishing that is a hassle in itself. I will upload all these docs an my own notes within the next month on bos and a whole bunch of resources (give some time pls) but really, I cannot help u more than this at this point. I would also add that the best preparation for science extension is to look at the hsc papers and this applies more to this subject than any other subject, trust. U can legit fail the paper if u haven't done any hsc papers before the actual hsc. Give a first attempt and then play very close attention to the marking guidelines and sample answers and make notes for them specifically (absolutely essential). Borrow the NESA 2019 Sci X book from ur local library (there is one in parra) and go thru the student answers and redo the papers again and again.

That is all for now.



Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
Subject - HSC mark - Rank
Eng std - 88 - 1
Mx1 - 96 - 2
Mx2 - 93 - 1
Phy - 95 - 1
Chem - 95 - 1
Sci x - 41 - 1
wtf your big ass chunky report is a 41/50? @Etho_x/@username_2 how much is the report worth for your 1 unit of study? this seems like too much work lol. what is the assessment schedule like? how many exams?
Last edited:


Active Member
Aug 1, 2020
wtf your big ass chunky report is a 41/50? @Etho_x/@username_2 how much is the report worth for your 1 unit of study? this seems like too much work lol. what is the assessment schedule like? how many exams?
@username_2 is ur bell jar thing how u got the results for your model? how long did prac experimenting take?
So, sadly ur not assessed on ur report... I just went a bit ham with it which in hindsight is way too much but I was having some real fun with it (specially when asking some other people in the field about their thoughts)... enjoyed it too much thas all. The bell har thing is the model and it took me a term and half worth of time but in hrs is prolly 2 and a half hrs per week and that is where I got the results... yes.


Jun 21, 2019
Assuming u have finished a scientific research proposal, the next stage for me in finalising the experiment involved answering a few key questions:
1) Did I understand what the literature is telling me and can I make a decent question out of it?
2) Can I add or verify anything in the existing literature and develop a coherent method from the literature - including ethical concerns and the gaps in understanding of the issue being dealt with?
3) Will I be able to collect the required data and have enough resources withing the time given to be able to give a good answer to the null hypothesis (and I am assuming u know what this is)
4) How am I going to analyse the data [primarily the statistical tests] and how will I establish causation (which is the most strenuous portion in my opinion)

The most important research u must do at this stage before it is too late is to absorb as much literature as u can on epidemiology, mathematical modelling and disease transmission factors. Since u are on holidays (this is what I did before becoming the lazy ass bcs of covid), spend 3 full solid days (like 15 hrs per day). In fact, I suggest u create a list of 20-30 search strings to use in google scholar, scihub (the god's encyclopedia for scientific papers) and other open access sources (for which there will be many). Doc link below to help a bit with it.

For notes, I struggled a lot and frankly, that was my undoing in the hsc. I have really use most of everything my teacher has given me which is the raw nesa education docs for the course given to teachers as teaching material and frankly finishing that is a hassle in itself. I will upload all these docs an my own notes within the next month on bos and a whole bunch of resources (give some time pls) but really, I cannot help u more than this at this point. I would also add that the best preparation for science extension is to look at the hsc papers and this applies more to this subject than any other subject, trust. U can legit fail the paper if u haven't done any hsc papers before the actual hsc. Give a first attempt and then play very close attention to the marking guidelines and sample answers and make notes for them specifically (absolutely essential). Borrow the NESA 2019 Sci X book from ur local library (there is one in parra) and go thru the student answers and redo the papers again and again.

That is all for now.
No worries, thank you for the help. 15 hours a day though hahahahah, and I thought my study habits were bad enough. There's also another website I found called arxiv idk if you've heard of it, if you have any thoughts? Otherwise I could see myself utilizing google scholar and sci-hub for those pesky profit literature websites. Since a while ago I have been learning the basic maths to assist me with this (e.g. 2U, 3U integration as we haven't been taught in class yet, and currently learning Differential Equations...) so in terms of the maths I should be fine, but have to do more research on as you suggested and look at some data sets on ABS to analyse. Also have a mentor (yes I'm fortunate) to kinda help out in the process since she specializes in this field at university so she's given me a good rundown on what I should be doing as well - have to somehow learn Python for ODE's ;-; Unfortunately I'm way too far from Parramatta (Like a 40 minute train ride via 2 trains...) so I'll have to just do with what I've got hahaha. I'm sure I can get that Science Extension book online somewhere if I wanted to as long as it isn't too expensive.

Oh also when did you actually start writing your report? Currently I don't have the statistics knowledge to carry out all aspects of the stats side of my project, and although there's probably many websites demonstrating how to do the things from the syllabus I'd rather learn from my teacher first and not blindly jump ahead too much.


Jun 21, 2019
wtf your big ass chunky report is a 41/50? @Etho_x/@username_2 how much is the report worth for your 1 unit of study? this seems like too much work lol. what is the assessment schedule like? how many exams?
There's only 3 assessments in Extension Science, a literature review (for me it's a presentation up to 15 minutes to the class of my ideas for my report), a stats exam which has nothing to do with the report, and then the actual report. There's also no trials and only a HSC computerized exam for sci extension.

I'm only really doing this subject for fun and also because my deputy was quite stern with those taking 10 units and Math Extension 2 regardless of Year 11 marks. So I had to pick up sci extension more or less. Not fussed on the marks for the research report as science extension probably won't end up counting for me as there's higher scaling subjects in my pattern of study (unless I flunk something like bio and do well in ext sci), and also it's good prep for uni as most of what I learn will be transferable should I choose to do something in this field again. So I suppose it's quite a bit of work but somewhat worth it for what it is


Active Member
Aug 1, 2020
No worries, thank you for the help. 15 hours a day though hahahahah, and I thought my study habits were bad enough. There's also another website I found called arxiv idk if you've heard of it, if you have any thoughts? Otherwise I could see myself utilizing google scholar and sci-hub for those pesky profit literature websites. Since a while ago I have been learning the basic maths to assist me with this (e.g. 2U, 3U integration as we haven't been taught in class yet, and currently learning Differential Equations...) so in terms of the maths I should be fine, but have to do more research on as you suggested and look at some data sets on ABS to analyse. Also have a mentor (yes I'm fortunate) to kinda help out in the process since she specializes in this field at university so she's given me a good rundown on what I should be doing as well - have to somehow learn Python for ODE's ;-; Unfortunately I'm way too far from Parramatta (Like a 40 minute train ride via 2 trains...) so I'll have to just do with what I've got hahaha. I'm sure I can get that Science Extension book online somewhere if I wanted to as long as it isn't too expensive.

Oh also when did you actually start writing your report? Currently I don't have the statistics knowledge to carry out all aspects of the stats side of my project, and although there's probably many websites demonstrating how to do the things from the syllabus I'd rather learn from my teacher first and not blindly jump ahead too much.
Yep. Bad study habits (Got a bit carried away). Anyways - the best thing for the report is to start it as soon as possible which is as soon as you have the data. Also I strongly, strongly suggest u finish everything by the end of term 1 so that u have enough time to actually study for the HSC becoz it really matters a lot more than this report and use ur mentor as much as possible. I do know arxiv and it is good as a start to literature (as in broadly) but as u progress u will begin to need much more precise to really get what u want (a good theoretical basis for ur analysis). If u take membership in the state library, u get access to the library's repositories of papers but that is like if u really need to find something very specific without paying. Statistical tests - I suggest u consult ur mentor on this matter as they are better than me at this but having a rough idea of what it is always good (Crash Course stats youtube - good start). Other than that, good luck and don't go overboard and enjoy the python stuff ur gonna use for the modelling..


Nov 5, 2019
Anyone who's doing their HSC in 2021, let's chat down here bout subjects and stuff :)

Some suggested questions
  • What year you are graduating?
  • What subjects you are studying?
  • What do you hope to do after HSC?
  • Good study tips / study break ideas??
All the best for the next 12 months !
Hi! So I run a small YouTube channel QingClear and I'm going to do a video interviewing some university students and experienced teachers on the university experience. As 2021 and 2020 has been a year of uncertainty, I would love for you guys to comment any questions here about entering university and beyond that you would love to have answered in the video <3. Much love!

President KK

Sep 20, 2017
New south wales
Anyone that does 4U English how you going so far with your projects?
As of now Just started draft (of draft of draft....) intro and continuing research!


Active Member
Sep 28, 2019
Ok sis, I tend to stay off of drama which arises on this forum but I think its worth pointing out that you probably don't really know these people well enough to be considering them friends let alone mindlessly bashing someone for attacking them.

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