What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry? (2 Viewers)


Active Member
Oct 27, 2011
There are an infinite list of examples of these kind of people, but to name a few examples which actually do piss people off:

1. There's this girl in my grade who goes to the same tutoring as this other person, but when the other person missed tutoring lessons due to illness, she wouldn't lend that person her tutoring notes. Whereas for people in other schools who attend that tutoring centre, when they miss a lesson, she will kindly and generously lend them her notes.

2. People start to distant themselves from you when you get good marks
3. People lie and pretend that they got 17/20 in an assessment, but in reality they got 20/20 and came first. They even pretended that they were upset when they saw their rankings in their reports(without showing others), as if they didn't come first, and they start to ask the person who came 2nd or 3rd, " probably it's either you two who came first"

4. People only sharing notes amongst their friendship groups, and it sucks when half the class are dominated by people in these groups.

5. People hide their exam papers and cover their marks immediately upon receiving their assessments back, in fear of their 'opponents' knowing their marks and trying to beat them in the next assessment.

6. People telling you politely but in a fearful manner in front of you(when they see that you're progressing), "please do not overtake my rank in this subject"

There are still plenty of slack examples, and the list goes on...but just to name a few that really pisses people off.


Mar 30, 2013
Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry

someone sabotaged my english mark, saying i cheated and i got a 0 -.-


Jul 29, 2009
A, A
Uni Grad
Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry

someone sabotaged my english mark, saying i cheated and i got a 0 -.-
Jesus........ OUCH! Did you try appeal it?


ON is my homeboy
Mar 4, 2012
Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry

someone sabotaged my english mark, saying i cheated and i got a 0 -.-

Was there any 'proof'? Seems really dodgy...


Should i change my DP?
Mar 14, 2012
Point Piper
Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry

There are an infinite list of examples of these kind of people, but to name a few examples which actually do piss people off:

1. There's this girl in my grade who goes to the same tutoring as this other person, but when the other person missed tutoring lessons due to illness, she wouldn't lend that person her tutoring notes. Whereas for people in other schools who attend that tutoring centre, when they miss a lesson, she will kindly and generously lend them her notes.

2. People start to distant themselves from you when you get good marks
3. People lie and pretend that they got 17/20 in an assessment, but in reality they got 20/20 and came first. They even pretended that they were upset when they saw their rankings in their reports(without showing others), as if they didn't come first, and they start to ask the person who came 2nd or 3rd, " probably it's either you two who came first"

4. People only sharing notes amongst their friendship groups, and it sucks when half the class are dominated by people in these groups.

5. People hide their exam papers and cover their marks immediately upon receiving their assessments back, in fear of their 'opponents' knowing their marks and trying to beat them in the next assessment.

6. People telling you politely but in a fearful manner in front of you(when they see that you're progressing), "please do not overtake my rank in this subject"

There are still plenty of slack examples, and the list goes on...but just to name a few that really pisses people off.
I don't see what is bad with that? I wouldn't spending so much effort and time my own notes and then give it to someone who only ever talks to you when they want something, its obviously they're using you. I'm more than welcome to help my friends when it comes to exams and assignments, but not to people who say "i want to beat you" and nek minnit ask me for my help (true story).


Mar 30, 2013
Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry

No proof, just two students went to the teacher even though i sat in the front and said i cheated, i offered to resit it and everything but they just gave me 0...

20% assessment task


Jan 30, 2013
Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry

No proof, just two students went to the teacher even though i sat in the front and said i cheated, i offered to resit it and everything but they just gave me 0...

20% assessment task
How long ago was this? I would contest it if it was recently. It seems that the school took the approach that 'well there is no evidence to disprove it....' rather than 'well there is no evidence to prove it...'

Spiritual Being

Jan 10, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad
Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry

No proof, just two students went to the teacher even though i sat in the front and said i cheated, i offered to resit it and everything but they just gave me 0...

20% assessment task
If there was absolutely no proof that you cheated, argue with the head teacher. When I say argue, I mean ARGUE, but be respectfully aggressive.

It is almost inconceivable that you could be automatically treated as a 'cheater' when there is no verifiable evidence to prove it. Sure, if a few kids are saying that you cheated, you should definitely be talked to, but not presumed guilty of cheating.

I can almost guarantee that you're a student who was doing extremely well and a few jealous people wanted to bring you down; it's a more common occurrence than you think.


Feb 11, 2011
Mare Crisium
Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry

It is almost inconceivable that you could be automatically treated as a 'cheater' when there is no verifiable evidence to prove it. Sure, if a few kids are saying that you cheated, you should definitely be talked to, but not presumed guilty of cheating.
I've seen it happen at my HS before - a teacher gave most of our Year 9 science class a zero because he believed that we cheated in an assessment. Basically, the assessment involved using data to pin point the centre of an earthquake (the data helped you draw three circles and basically the city on the map where they intersected was the location of the earthquake). What ended up happening was most people's circles werent perfect, but you could easily deduce where it occured - because the city where it was located was the only one close by. He turned around and said that all those who didnt have perfect circles, but guessed the location correct must have copied from each other - so he gave most of us a zero.

It's save to say, he was one of the worst teachers I encountered (he was alright in the years before, but he was going through a messy divorce and he took it out on us, which wasnt right).

Spiritual Being

Jan 10, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad
Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry

Come to think of it, I actually don't know why I go to school.

I am much more efficient at home, travel is long and I don't benefit from in class explanation relative to personal research and study.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2013
Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry

Come to think of it, I actually don't know why I go to school.

I am much more efficient at home, travel is long and I don't benefit from in class explanation relative to personal research and study.
same, it's useless, but it's good being with friends. and we dont exactly have much choice, do we?

Spiritual Being

Jan 10, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad
Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry

I've seen it happen at my HS before - a teacher gave most of our Year 9 science class a zero because he believed that we cheated in an assessment. Basically, the assessment involved using data to pin point the centre of an earthquake (the data helped you draw three circles and basically the city on the map where they intersected was the location of the earthquake). What ended up happening was most people's circles werent perfect, but you could easily deduce where it occured - because the city where it was located was the only one close by. He turned around and said that all those who didnt have perfect circles, but guessed the location correct must have copied from each other - so he gave most of us a zero.

It's safe to say, he was one of the worst teachers I encountered (he was alright in the years before, but he was going through a messy divorce and he took it out on us, which wasnt right).
Why am I not surprised...

Actually, this causes me to wonder whether troubles in teachers lives are exerted onto us as students.

The HSC itself can be consuming, especially with the unnecessary overhype. Sure, a good HSC student will divorce themselves from the hype and look at the HSC objectively, but what is the HSC when it's not marked fairly? What is the ATAR when it's not an accurate comparison of the student compared to the rest of the state?

If someone is entitled to a certain mark, they are to get that certain mark. If not, it's a continuing chain reaction (false mark, false rank, false ATAR) which defeats the accuracy of the ATAR in its entirety.

If someone is rightly entitled to have ranks that correlate into a 95 ATAR, but due to bias or unproven 'cheating', ended up with a 70, that is completely unreasonable and quite frankly, utter bullshit.

I think there should be a more accessible education board that can monitor issues of bias and unreasonable wrongdoing on the part of the teachers. I can guarantee you that students all around the state feel powerless when they are bias marked or unfairly treated as a conclusive cheater. Students like this become 'accepting' of the reality that they are marked unfairly and will never get above 70 in an exam, even if the work they produced should rightly correlate into a 90. This decides students lives. I'm not saying that the ATAR is the determinant of intelligence or future earning capacity, but the mark that you get in year 12 decides your pathway the next year. Therefore, in essence, it does dictate the operation of one's life beyond year 12, it is just not the defining point of future/intelligence.

Needless to say, a teacher who would believe someone is a cheater without any evidence doesn't like the student. You just don't give someone a zero because of two people claiming something. It's just like the legal system. If someone is found 'not guilty' of a crime, that doesn't mean 'innocent', just that there isn't sufficient evidence to hold him accountable for a crime, and therefore he shouldn't be treated like a 'criminal'.
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Mar 30, 2013
Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry

Well i had meetings with teachers over 3weeks, i explained that there was no evidence, the two people even had different stories, one said i used a phone the other one said i smugled papers in, yet the senior headmaster stated to me that "different accounts make there statements more reliable"

I tried everything, every single teacher i spoke to denied my request, my rank dropped significantly for english its unfair but i cannot do anything


Jul 29, 2009
A, A
Uni Grad
Well i had meetings with teachers over 3weeks, i explained that there was no evidence, the two people even had different stories, one said i used a phone the other one said i smugled papers in, yet the senior headmaster stated to me that "different accounts make there statements more reliable"

I tried everything, every single teacher i spoke to denied my request, my rank dropped significantly for english its unfair but i cannot do anything
What, that is an outrage!! Karma will do its job my friend.


Meow meow meow meow meow?
Oct 10, 2012
Uni Grad
Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry

Wayyy back in year 11 I got pneumonia and ended up missing about a month of school (because I was really sick, duh).

Anyway when I returned I had a few assessments to catch up on and the teachers were fairly lenient on when I completed them because of the circumstances. There was a test for Ancient History (where I was ranked first anyway), that I did maybe two weeks after everybody else? None of my friends were in the class and nobody told me what was in the exam.

Anyway, I did really well in the test (it was my favorite topic we studies and I had a bit of background knowledge before we started it) and I did really well, much better than anybody else.

Half the class accused me of cheating saying that I'd obviously been studying during my month off. I hadn't touched a book once, I did study a day or two before the test but nothing insane. I lost ~15kg in a month because I basically didn't eat, I had a cough that could have been 5 great danes barking, and It was so very obvious I'd been really ill. Apparently that wasn't good enough for them. (I also missed out on our first camp since year 7 & I had to give up a few sports/my position in a state team which I had just earned for one of them too...)

In the rest of my classes I did quite poorly in my assessments I caught up on. I had a speech for Othello which I'd written maybe a day or two before I was diagnosed/was very ill, which literally made no sense when I read it. Thankfully my teacher spared me the humiliation of reading it in front of anybody but her, but it was missing half of sentences, repeating words etc.

One guy actually made a 'joke' in chemistry to do with pneumonia about a month or two after I was back. Needless to say it wasn't funny and I was really hurt. (I'd stood up for him for a few years after he had some personal issues, and for him to say something so horrible was really upsetting.)

I did well in one assessment (out of 5 or so I had to catch up on), so they instantly assumed that I was a lair, a cheater and wanted to blame their own failings on me.

Needless to say, when I was better and my grades improved, I didn't share anything with those people who had accused me of cheating and decided my month of school was nothing but lies. In year 12 when they were struggling for whatever reason I didn't share a single thing with them. If they asked me things directly, I'd say I didn't know. When they complained about assessments/deadlines clashing or being to hard etc, I always made sure to complain the opposite argument to the teacher. Thinking about it, our assessments were never unfair and we always had a lot of notice, they just liked to complain about everything.

Several years later quite a few of them are still horrible people I don't talk to; But post HSC I've noticed most of their lives have been pretty crappy...(Can't find jobs, those who got into uni dropped out or are failing miserably etc) so I haven't been as bothered by their comments.

The ones who stood by me, the people who defended me and cared for my health are still some of my closest friends now, and seem to be doing a lot better for themselves than those who were against me. True friends are hard to come by, and I appreciate them everyday :)

Sorry for ranting, but I don't tell this story often :lol:


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2011
Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry

Wayyy back in year 11 I got pneumonia and ended up missing about a month of school (because I was really sick, duh).

Anyway when I returned I had a few assessments to catch up on and the teachers were fairly lenient on when I completed them because of the circumstances. There was a test for Ancient History (where I was ranked first anyway), that I did maybe two weeks after everybody else? None of my friends were in the class and nobody told me what was in the exam.

Anyway, I did really well in the test (it was my favorite topic we studies and I had a bit of background knowledge before we started it) and I did really well, much better than anybody else.

Half the class accused me of cheating saying that I'd obviously been studying during my month off. I hadn't touched a book once, I did study a day or two before the test but nothing insane. I lost ~15kg in a month because I basically didn't eat, I had a cough that could have been 5 great danes barking, and It was so very obvious I'd been really ill. Apparently that wasn't good enough for them. (I also missed out on our first camp since year 7 & I had to give up a few sports/my position in a state team which I had just earned for one of them too...)

In the rest of my classes I did quite poorly in my assessments I caught up on. I had a speech for Othello which I'd written maybe a day or two before I was diagnosed/was very ill, which literally made no sense when I read it. Thankfully my teacher spared me the humiliation of reading it in front of anybody but her, but it was missing half of sentences, repeating words etc.

One guy actually made a 'joke' in chemistry to do with pneumonia about a month or two after I was back. Needless to say it wasn't funny and I was really hurt. (I'd stood up for him for a few years after he had some personal issues, and for him to say something so horrible was really upsetting.)

I did well in one assessment (out of 5 or so I had to catch up on), so they instantly assumed that I was a lair, a cheater and wanted to blame their own failings on me.

Needless to say, when I was better and my grades improved, I didn't share anything with those people who had accused me of cheating and decided my month of school was nothing but lies. In year 12 when they were struggling for whatever reason I didn't share a single thing with them. If they asked me things directly, I'd say I didn't know. When they complained about assessments/deadlines clashing or being to hard etc, I always made sure to complain the opposite argument to the teacher. Thinking about it, our assessments were never unfair and we always had a lot of notice, they just liked to complain about everything.

Several years later quite a few of them are still horrible people I don't talk to; But post HSC I've noticed most of their lives have been pretty crappy...(Can't find jobs, those who got into uni dropped out or are failing miserably etc) so I haven't been as bothered by their comments.

The ones who stood by me, the people who defended me and cared for my health are still some of my closest friends now, and seem to be doing a lot better for themselves than those who were against me. True friends are hard to come by, and I appreciate them everyday :)

Sorry for ranting, but I don't tell this story often :lol:
Happened in my case too haha One was struggling so bad that he had to call me up for help with uni work although he attends a different university (but same course). Its sort of natural - most people get irritated when others who started from the same place (or 'level') end up much better off.
At the end of the day - just focus on yourself and try improve yourself in the ways you want to!


Mar 30, 2013
Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry

yeah not really sure what to do, before this incident i was getting 13-15's out of 15's for my essays, ever since this "incident" i got a 0, ,and no matter how great my work was, never achieved 50%+ unless it was marked by my own teacher who marks sections in the half yearlys.

Really, i had a really great speech, 8 drafts, checked with all the english teachers at school it was great, and it was below the average, i'm not sure how i can go appealing this whole english muddle up and try appeal my whole Year 12 english mark?

I mean i go to a private school, pay 35k+ per year, doing very well in all my other subjects, topping them actually, and then theres english where i can't even get a fair go.

Spiritual Being

Jan 10, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad
Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry

yeah not really sure what to do, before this incident i was getting 13-15's out of 15's for my essays, ever since this "incident" i got a 0, ,and no matter how great my work was, never achieved 50%+ unless it was marked by my own teacher who marks sections in the half yearlys.

Really, i had a really great speech, 8 drafts, checked with all the english teachers at school it was great, and it was below the average, i'm not sure how i can go appealing this whole english muddle up and try appeal my whole Year 12 english mark?

I mean i go to a private school, pay 35k+ per year, doing very well in all my other subjects, topping them actually, and then theres english where i can't even get a fair go.
Pretty much said many peoples HSC lives in a paragraph.

I'm guessing your teacher said "these marks are final, and if you try to appeal it, you won't get an extra mark" just like the entire English department at my school. Excuse me for my language but I deem it necessary to exude my frustration, that's fucking ridiculous. The appeal is purposed for review and possible alteration of mark if necessary, and is therefore an important part of the HSC process to ensure that the rankings are authentically reflective of the students, not reflective of the undisclosed bias the teacher places on certain students. Mind you, these students churn out essays and speeches that are barely flowing, let alone sophisticated and concise and get higher than those who do it correctly.

Sometimes when I read essays from students who get 15, and I may get 12 or 13, I am utterly and completely shocked at the simplicity, lack of a sustained thesis, and the analysis, or should I say, waffling description of the texts. Of course, due to the aforementioned, my shock is intensified to confusion and the realization that unfairness and bias is inherent in the HSC.
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Mar 30, 2013
Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry

THe problem that english is subjective, a 15 to one teacher might be a 20 to another, hence why english should NOT be a compulsory subject if marked like this, u cant be consistent , its impossible

that too my schools apeal process is horrible!


New Member
Jun 7, 2013
Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry

nah, at a lot of schools saying that someone is really dedicated is like an insult, because it implies that they spend all their time working while the other person is naturally gifted... and that can be pretty offensive. i hate when people say i'm really dedicated, just because they're pretending they never have to study

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