Essentially, tutorials are small discussion-based groups of students enrolled in a particular unit. Tutorials provide students with the opportunity to discuss material from lectures and readings in more detail. Each group is led by a tutor. Tutorials usually take place in classrooms and are less formal than lectures. Workshops, on the other hand, appear to be a combination of teaching, discussion and practical tasks that are delivered as part of a particular unit on a regular basis. Based on this, it seems that it would probably be better to attend a tutorial prior to attending a workshop due to the fact that a tutorial allows for discussion of relevant lecture material and readings, while a workshop expands on the aspects offered by a tutorial by including practical tasks/material relevant to the unit(s) that you are taking. The suggested order of activities thus becomes:
Lecture → Tutorial → Workshop
However, since you mentioned that you will be completing both activities on the same day, this likely reduces the effect of attending a workshop prior to a tutorial, since the activities are not far from each other in terms of time, making the order in which you complete these activities less significant.
Of course, the best option would be to contact UTS as they are the ones that know your specific degree/program well, therefore making them able to assist you with your concern to a significant extent and with maximum accuracy.
I hope this helps!