Guys you need to CHILL-AX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stop stressing about time, your concept and what not...just go with the flow and it will come to you...well thats what i think through experience anyway...i rattled my brains out trying to figure out what to do so kno planned the whole damn thing but in the end i ditched it all and i just work purely by instict
and it works!! I really hate to sit there with my VAPD and do little sketches of what i want my painting to look like...if i do that i just blank out...i feel better just chucking the paint straight onto the canvas and working by intuition b'coz sometimes if you think about, say a concept or idea, TOO much it can fudge you up and just make things more confusing...
And another thing my VAPD seriously only has about 10 pages of drawings in it!!! Meaning ABSOUTLY NOOOTTTHHHiiiiNNGG, but at the same time ive nearly finished my whole series ( lol, and its damn good too!) don't waste time drawing sh*t in your VAPD, just GET STRAIGHT INTO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!