Fyodor Dostoevsky-The Brothers Karamazov.
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[Alyosha] having lost his mother when he was in his fourth year, he remembered her all the rest of his life, her face, her caresses, 'every bit as though she stood before me in real life'. Images of this kind may be recalled (and this is no secret) from a yet earlier age, as far back as the age of two, but in such a manner that they emerge all one's life only as bright points in the dark, like a tiny corner torn from an enormous picture which has all faded and disappeared, apart from that one little corner. Exactly so it was with him: he remembered a certain morning, aestival, calm, an open window, the oblique rays of the setting sun (those oblique rays were what he remembered most of all), in a corner of a room an icon, before it a lighted lamp, and in front of the icon on her knees, sobbing as in a fit of hysterics, with screechings and shriekings, his mother, gripping him with both hands, embracing him tightly to the point of pain and supplicating for him to the Mother of God, stretching him forth out of her embraces with both hands towards the icon as though into the protection of the Mother... [pp.16-17]