MOSSAD Deputy Director
Wow...theres more of us than i thort lol...the reasons why I'd prefer not to go to UWS has nothing to do with 'OMG ITS UWS!" or "UWS HAS SUCH LOW CUT OFF FOR LAW THEREFORE IT MUST BE BAD!". I've heard some good stuff about the law school at UWS however many people hiring new lawyers (such as those in top tier firms) claim to consider the university in their decision (based on the Law FAQs book i have). So simply: UWS law school doesnt have the reputation that USYD and UNSW have and thus may affect us when dealing with an old fashioned employer. Secondly, I'm not a fan of the UWS campuses...they seem a bit bare and dont have hte life that USYD has...
Anyway...theres always first year transfer to another uni
Anyway...theres always first year transfer to another uni